gigya_flutter_plugin 1.0.6 copy "gigya_flutter_plugin: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
gigya_flutter_plugin: ^1.0.6 copied to clipboard

SAP Gigya Flutter plugin

1.0.6 #


  • Added "getAuthCode" interface used to obtain a session exchange code with WebSDK.

1.0.5 #


  • Updated Podspec file to apply minimum SDK 1.0.6 (privacy manifest support).
  • Updated Android core gradle implementation.

1.0.4 #


  • Removed timeout for SSO channel call.
  • Fixed Android "rp_context" parameters not passing correctly to native platform.

1.0.3 #


  • Update Android core SDK.
  • Added support for biometric session lock.

1.0.2 #


  • Updated plugin to support Android core version 7+
  • Conformed to Android v7 external social providers implementation.
  • Added support for Kakao social providers.
  • Added missing support for cname in Android (due to Android core v7).
  • Added option to hide screenset programmatically via "dismissScreenSet" interface.
  • Fixed nullable "apiVersion" bug on Android wrapper.
  • Introduced Android proguard file.

1.0.1 #


  • Fixed session not retaining after SdkInit.
  • Fix GigyaError with null values.
  • Fix ClassCastException with setSession() - Android.

1.0.0 #

1.0.0 - Federated Plugin Rework

  • Raised the minimum Flutter version to 3.3.0 and minimum Dart version to 2.18.0.
  • Removed the duplicate Apache license. To view the license, see the ‘LICENSE’ file.
  • Added ‘publish_to: none’ to the example app pubspec.
  • Added the analysis_options.yaml lint config.
  • Updated the internal method & event channel names to use reverse domain notation and a suffix for the type of channel.
  • Fixed the ‘logout()’ method so that it no longer fails if the user is not logged in.


  • Updated Gradle to 7.4
  • Updated the Kotlin version to 1.7.21
  • Updated the Android Gradle Plugin to 7.3.1
  • Bumped the Android compile SDK version to 33
  • Specified the Java version in the compile options
  • Removed the unused ‘getPlatformVersion()’ method call
  • Removed the usage of the deprecated ‘PackageManager.getPackageInfo()’ on API 33 and higher
  • The ‘onHide’ screen set event now includes the ‘reason’ in its event data, rather than in a separate field.


  • Raised the minimum iOS version to 13.0
  • Renamed the ‘GigyaMethods’ enum to ‘GigyaSdkMethods’

Breaking Changes

  • The package no longer imports ‘dart:io’ directly.
  • The publication date of a publication is now a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
  • The issue date of a patent is now a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
  • Latitude and longitude of coordinates is now required in the location schema object.
  • Company size of the ‘Work’ model class is now ‘int?’ instead of ‘double?’.
  • Start and End date of the ‘Work’ model class are now ‘DateTime?’ instead of ‘String?’.
  • ‘updatedAt’ of the ‘OidcData’ model class has been changed to a ‘DateTime?’ instead of a ‘String?’.
  • ‘zoneinfo’ of the ‘OidcData’ model class has been renamed to ‘zoneInfo’.
  • The ‘initSdk()’ method now returns a ‘Future
  • The ‘showScreenSet()’ method now returns a ‘Stream
  • The ‘expiresIn’ field in ‘SessionInfo’ is now an ‘int’ instead of a ‘double’.
  • The ‘photoURL’, ‘profileURL’ and ‘thumbnailURL’ model properties of the ‘Profile’ class have been renamed to ‘photoUrl’, ‘profileUrl’ and ‘thumbnailUrl’.
  • The ‘favorites’ field of the ‘Profile’ class has been changed from ‘List
  • The ‘interestedIn’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been replaced with the ‘interests’ field.
  • The ‘followersCounts’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been renamed to ‘followers’, and its type has been changed to ‘int?’.
  • The ‘followingCount’ field in the ‘Profile’ class has been renamed to ‘following’ and its type has been changed to ‘int?’.
  • The ‘lastLogin’, ‘lastUpdated’ and ‘oldestDataUpdated’ fields from the ‘Account’ class have been removed. Use the timestamp fields instead.
  • The ‘GigyaResponse’ class has been refactored to ‘GigyaError’, which now implements the ‘Exception’ class. The function ‘getErrorDetails()’ has been removed.
  • The ‘timeoutError()’ function has been refactored to a new ‘GigyaTimeoutError’ class that implements ‘Exception’.
  • ‘ResolverFactory’ has been renamed to ‘InterruptionResolverFactory’, and it now has a single method to create a resolver from an error code.
  • Refactored the ‘getTimeout(Methods method)’ to a getter method on the ‘Methods’ enum.
  • The methods in the ‘WebAuthnService’ class no longer have the ‘webAuthn’ prefix.
  • The ‘PendingOtpVerification’ class now uses a ‘String’ for the ‘code’ field in the ‘verify()’ method. The unused ‘response’ field has been removed as well.
  • The platform interface has been cleaned up, and it now uses ‘required’ parameters when needed.
  • The ‘WebAuthnService’ has been renamed to ‘WebAuthenticationService’, and now uses an interface to abstract away the method channel.
  • The ‘InterruptionResolver’ and ‘OtpService’ classes now use an interface to abstract away the method channel.

0.2.2 #

Developer Preview 0.2.2

Updated Android Core SDK v6.2.1. Updated Swift Core SDK v1.5.1.

0.2.1 #

Developer Preview 0.2.1

  • Added support for phone number authentication (OTP).

0.2.0 #

Developer Preview 0.2.0

  • Updated Android Core SDK v6.1.0 containing various security updates.
  • Bug fix - Fixed account schema parsing.
  • Added getSession method.
  • Added support for FIDO authentication.

0.1.7 #

Developer Preview 0.1.7

  • Updated Android Core SDK v5.2.0 containing various security updates.

0.1.6 #

Developer Preview 0.1.6

  • Bug fix - Android setSession. Wrong SessionInfo propagation.

0.1.5 #

Developer Preview 0.1.5

  • Added mobile SSO support using CLP.

0.1.4 #

Developer Preview 0.1.4

  • Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.6
  • Added setSession interface.
  • Android initialization update (custom schema)
  • Migrated to Flutter 2 and Null-safety.
  • Added Forgot password feature (including example application implementation).
  • Added Google sign-in integration to the example application.

0.1.3 #

Developer Preview 0.1.3

  • iOS: Fixed crash in forgotPassword.
  • iOS: Fixed bug in link account.

0.1.2 #

Developer Preview 0.1.2

  • Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.4
  • Forgot password bug fix.
  • Added manual initSDK interface.

0.1.1 #

Android core SDK update.

  • Updated Android Core SDK v5.1.3

0.1.0 #

0.0.6 #

Account Model Patch

  • Fix to main account model (sessionInfo type).

0.0.5 #

Core SDKS update

  • Updated Android SDK 5.1.1 (security).

0.0.4 #

Core SDKS updates

  • Updated Swift SDK 1.2.0.
  • Updated Android SDK 5.1.0.

0.0.3 #

Platform alignments

  • Fixed Android error not mapped correctly.
  • Added dynamic "mapped" field to base GigyaResponse.

0.0.2 #

Example & documentation.

  • Example application updates.
  • Documentation updates.

0.0.1 #

Initial release.

  • Business APIs.
  • Social login (View documentation for supported providers).
  • Web Screen-Sets.
  • Interruption handling.