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Segmented State Pattern for GetX

getx_triple #

Implementation of the Segmented State Pattern, nicknamed Triple.

State Segmentation #

The SSP segments the state into 3 reactive parts, the state value (state), the error object (error), and the state loading action (loading).



These segments are observed in a listener or separate listeners. They can also be combined to obtain a new segment, always starting from the 3 main segments.

The Package #

This package introduces Stores in the pre-implemented segment pattern using GetX**(GetXStore)**).

Stores already offer by default an observer ( and store.update()(Update state), store.setLoading()(Change loading), store.setError()(Change Error). It also has the mixin MementoMixin that uses the pattern design Memento to undo or redo the state value, therefore, store.undo() and store.redo() are also added to Store by this mixin.

The Package also has Builder Widgets to observe changes in the state in the Flutter widget tree.

Maintaining the State with GetXStore #

A Store based on GetX its called GetXStore:

class Counter extends GetXStore<int, Exception> {

    Counter() : super(0);

    Future<void> increment() async {

        await Future.delayer(Duration(seconds: 1));

        int value = state + 1;
        if(value < 5) {
        } else {
            setError(Exception('Error: state not can be > 4'))

For more information about the extension read the documentation for flutter_GetX

IMPORTANT: You can also continue to use the Triple (observer, ScopedBuilder and TripleBuilder);

observer #

We can observe the segments separately or together by using;
    onState: (state) => print(state),
    onError: (error) => print(error),
    onLoading: (loading) => print(loading),

On Widgets we can observe on a Builder with ScopedBuilder or observe all changes with TripleBuilder.

ScopedBuilder #

Use ScopedBuilder to listen the segments, likewise the method;

    store: counter,
    onState: (context, state) => Text('$state'),
    onError: (context, error) => Text(error.toString()),
    onLoading: (context, loading) => CircularProgressIndicator(),

NOTE: On ScopedBuilder the onLoading is only called when "true". This means that if the state is modified or an error is added, the widget to be built will be the onState or onError. However, it is very important to change Loading to "false" when the loading action is completed. observers of Triple DO NOT PROPAGATE REPEATED OBJECTS (more on this in the section on distinct). This is a behavior exclusive to ScopedBuilder.

TripleBuilder #

Use TripleBuilder to listen all segment modifications and reflect them in the Widgets tree.

    store: counter,
    builder: (context, triple) => Text('${triple.state}'),

NOTE: The TripleBuilder builder is called when there is any change in the segments. Its use is recommended only if you are interested in listening to all segments at the same time.

Distinct #

By default, the Store's observer does not react to repeated objects. This behavior is beneficial as it avoids state reconstructions and notifications if the segment has not been changed.

It is good practice to overwrite the operation== of the state value and error. A good tip is also to use the package equatable to simplify this type of comparison.

Using the Memento Pattern with MementoMixin #

You can add, undo or redo a state using the Memento Pattern. This means that you can return to the previous state using the method undo() and also advance with the method redo().

class Counter extends GetXStore<int, Exception> with MementoMixin {}

Questions and Problems #

The issues channel is open for questions, to report problems and suggestions, do not hesitate to use this communication channel.