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GetX Translation code generator from CSV.

GetX Translation code generator from CSV.

Install #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml:

  getx_csv_translation: <latest>

  build_runner: <latest>
  getx_csv_translation_generator: <latest>

Usage #

  1. Create translations.csv (example)
key en_US th_TH <locale>
test test ทดสอบ <translation>
param test @name ทดสอบ @name ...
  1. Create lib/translations.dart
import 'package:getx_csv_translation/getx_csv_translation.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';

part 'translations.g.dart';

class GetXCSVTranslations extends Translations {
  Map<String, Map<String, String>> get keys => $keys;
  1. Generate translations

    3.1 with build_runner

flutter packages pub run build_runner build

3.2 with CLI

flutter pub run getx_csv_translation_generator build --csvPath <path to translation(optional)> --targetPath <path to translations.dart(optional)>
flutter pub run getx_csv_translation_generator watch --csvPath <path to translation(optional)> --targetPath <path to translations.dart(optional)>
  1. Configure GetX app
return GetMaterialApp(
    translations: GetXCSVTranslations(), // your translations

How to use AppLocalization class #

The AppLocalization class provides static getter methods for accessing the translations. For example, AppLocalization.test returns the translation for the key 'test'. Similarly, AppLocalization.test2 returns the translation for the key 'test2'. The class also includes a static method named test4DialogDescription that takes two required parameters (value and coins) and returns a translation based on those parameters.

Overall, this code represents a localization mechanism where translations for different languages are stored in a map, and the AppLocalization class provides convenient methods to access those translations.

const $keys = {
  'en': {
    'test': 'Te\nst',
    'test2': 'Te,nst',
    'test3': '"Tenst"',
    'test4.dialog.title.makeText': '"Test Text, "',
    'test4.dialog.description': '"(@value) make more money @coins "',
    'test5.title': '"Head @value is @value "'
  'th': {
    'test': 'ทด\nสอบ',
    'test2': 'ทด,สอบ',
    'test3': '"ทดสอบ"',
    'test4.dialog.title.makeText': '"ทดสอบ ข้อความ, "',
    'test4.dialog.description': '"(@value) ทำเงินเพิ่มขึ้น @coins "',
    'test5.title': '"หัวข้อ @value เป็น @value "'

class AppLocalization {
  static String get test => 'test'.tr;
  static String get test2 => 'test2'.tr;
  static String get test3 => 'test3'.tr;
  static String get test4DialogTitleMakeText =>
  static String test4DialogDescription({
    required String value,
    required String coins,
  }) =>
        'value': value,
        'coins': coins,
  static String test5Title({
    required String value,
  }) =>
        'value': value,

Example use class AppLocalization #

  1. Import the AppLocalization class in the file where you want to use it:
import 'path_to_your_file/translations.dart';
  1. Use the static getters of the AppLocalization class to get the translated strings:
String testTranslation = AppLocalization.test;
String test2Translation = AppLocalization.test2;
  1. If you have dynamic translations that require parameters, you can pass them as arguments:
String dialogDescription = AppLocalization.test4DialogDescription(
  value: '100',
  coins: '50',

This will return the translation for 'test4.dialog.description' with 'value' and 'coins' replaced by '100' and '50', respectively.

Build Configuraion #

Aside from setting arguments on the associated annotation classes, you can also configure code generation by setting values in build.yaml.

          # The default value for each is listed.
          csv_path: ./translation.csv
          single_quote: true
          localization_name: AppLocalization


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GetX Translation code generator from CSV.

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MIT (license)


analyzer, args, build, csv, dart_style, flutter, getx_csv_translation, path, source_gen, watcher


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