getworld 1.1.0 copy "getworld: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
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A dart package to get countries, languages and currencies data.

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getworld 1.1.0 #

Simple package for getting countries, currenices and languages information.

Table of Contents #

nstallation #

Run this command: With Dart:

 $ dart pub add getworld

With Flutter:

 $ flutter pub add getworld

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):

  getworld: ^1.1.0

Alternatively, your editor might support dart pub get or flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:getworld/getworld.dart';

Country Object #

The countries data based on ISO_3166 countries codes.

Object Type Description Name detrmine the offical and common name of country.
Country.natives Map<Language, Name> set of all available native names.
Country.translations Map<Language, Name> set of all available translation names.
Country.demonym String set of all available translation names.
Country.demonym String name of residents. String capital city name.
Country.iso_3166_1_alpha2 String code ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
Country.iso_3166_1_alpha3 String code ISO 3166-1 alpha-3.
Country.iso_3166_1_numeric String code ISO 3166-1 numeric.
Country.languages Language list of official languages.
Country.currencies Currency list of official currencies.
Country.tld List<String> country code top-level domains.
Country.alt_spellings List<String> alternative spellings of country name.
Country.provinces List<Province> list of States/Provinces and it's cities.
Country.geographical Geographical describe all Geographical information.
Country.dialling Dialling dialing information.
Country.extra Extra some extra data of country.
Country.population Population population count and country population of world population percentage.
Country.wikiLink String relative link to country wikipedia page.

Language Object #

The Languages data based on ISO 639-3 languages codes.

Object Type Description
Language.iso_639_1_alpha2 String code iso_639_1 alpha-2.
Language.iso_639_2_alpha3 String code iso_639_2 alpha-3. String language name. String language family.
Language.native String set of all available native names.
Language.wikiUrl String relative link to language wikipedia page.
Language.name_in Map<Language, List<String>> set of all available translation names.

Currency Object #

The Currencies data based on ISO 4217 languages codes.

Object Type Description
Currency.iso_4217_code String code iso_4217 alpha3.
Currency.iso_4217_numeric String code iso_4217_numeric.
Currency.iso_4217_name String code iso_4217_numeric.
Currency.iso_4217_minor_unit String the smallest unit of a currency, depending on the number of decimals.
Currency.full_name String english full name.
Currency.symbol String currency symbol.
Currency.symbol_native String currency native symbol.
Currency.decimal_digits String decimal_digits.
Currency.rounding String Currency Rounding.
Currency.name_plural String currency plural name.
Currency.withdrawal_date String date of withdrawal.

Name Object #

Object Type Description
Name.common String common name in english.
Name.official String official name in english.

Dialing Object #

Object Type Description
Dialing.calling_code String calling code.
Dialing.national_number_lengths int national number lengths.

LatLng Object #

Object Type Description
LatLng.latitude String latitude coordinate point.
LatLng.longitude String longitude coordinate point.

Province Object #

Object Type Description int . String Described longitude coordinate point.
Province.state_code String State/Province code.
Province.latLng LatLng coordinate point in decimal form.
Province.type String State/Province type.
Province.cities List<City> List of cities in State/Province.

City Object #

Object Type Description int . String name of city.
City.latLng LatLng coordinate point in decimal form.

Geographical Object #

Object Type Description
Geographical.Continents Continents continents that country lies in.
Geographical.postal_code String area postal code.
Geographical.latLng_dms LatLng coordinate point in degrees minutes seconds form.
Geographical.latLng_dec LatLng coordinate point in decimal form.
Geographical.latLng_min LatLng minmum coordinate point in decimal form.
Geographical.latLng_max LatLng maximum coordinate point in decimal form.
Geographical.area double land area in km².
Geographical.region String geographical region.
Geographical.subregion String geographical sub-region.
Geographical.world_region int geographical world region.
Geographical.region_code String geographical sub-region numeric code.
Geographical.subregion_code LatLng geographical sub-region numeric code.
Geographical.landlocked bool landlocked status.
Geographical.borders Country land borders.
Geographical.independent String independent status.

Extra Object #

Object Type Description
Extra.geonameid String Geoname ID.
Extra.edgar String Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system.
Extra.itu String Codes assigned by the International Telecommunications Union.
Extra.marc String MAchine-Readable Cataloging codes from the Library of Congress.
Extra.wmo String Country abbreviations by the World Meteorological Organization.
Extra.ds String Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic.
Extra.fifa String Codes assigned by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association.
Extra.fips String Codes from the U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard.
Extra.gaul String Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Extra.ioc String Codes assigned by the International Olympics Committee.
Extra.cowc String Correlates of War character.
Extra.cown String Correlates of War numeric.
Extra.fao String Food and Agriculture Organization.
Extra.imf String International Monetary Fund.
Extra.ar5 String Fifth Assessment Report (AR5).
Extra.address_format String Address format.
Extra.eu_member String European Union Member.

Population Object #

Object Type Description
Population.count int population number.
Population.worldPercentage double country population of world population percentage.

Demonym Object #

Object Type Description
Demonym.male Map<Language, String> Name of males residents.
Demonym.female Map<Language, String> Name of females residents.

TimeZone Object #

Object Type Description
TimeZone.zoneName Map<Language, String> Zone name.
TimeZone.gmtOffset Map<Language, String> The time differs from Greenwich Mean Time.
TimeZone.gmtOffsetName Map<Language, String> Greenwich Mean Time name.
TimeZone.abbreviation Map<Language, String> Time zone abbreviation.
TimeZone.tzName Map<Language, String> Time zone name.

VATRate Object #

Object Type Description
VATRate.standard double Standard VAT.
VATRate.reduced List<double> Reduced rates.
VATRate.super_reduced double Super reduced rates.
VATRate.parking double VAT rate for parking.

Usage #

getworld must be intiialized with intitailze function and use it once over all the project. intitailze retrive data to three List Countries, Currencies and Languages. You can use all list/map properties over them like map, forEach, forEach, where and ...

import  'package:getworld/getworld.dart';
void  main() async {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();


  print('GetWorld.intitialize executed in ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds} Milliseconds\n');

  //Find by common/offical name
  print(Countries.where((country) =>"Egypt".toLowerCase()) ||"Egypt".toLowerCase())).map((e) =>;
  print('Countries.where executed  in ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds} Milliseconds\n');

  //Find by calling_code
  print(Countries.where((country) => country.dialling!.calling_code.contains("+1")).map((e) =>;
  print('Countries.where executed  in ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds} Milliseconds\n');

  //Find by Currency object
          (country) => country.currencies!.contains(Currencies.firstWhere((cur) => cur.iso_4217_code == "USD")))
      .map((e) =>;
  print('Countries.where executed  in ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds} Milliseconds\n');

  //Find by Currency code
  print(Countries.where((country) => country.currencies!.any((currency) => currency.iso_4217_code == "USD"))
      .map((e) =>;
  print('Countries.where executed  in ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds} Milliseconds\n');

Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the [issue tracker][tracker]. issue tracker

References #

  1. Countries ISO 3166 code
  2. Languages ISO 639
  3. Currencies ISO_4217
  4. arash16/countries-languages
  5. ksafranski/Common-Currency.json
  6. CryceTruly/currencies.json
  7. dr5hn/countries-states-cities-database


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A dart package to get countries, languages and currencies data.

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MIT (license)




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