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Get Storage with some extended functionalities

get_storage_pro #

A Flutter package dependent on get_storage for extending functionalities of get_storage.

Overview #

get_storage_pro simplifies the process of storing and retrieving objects directly to/from storage, eliminating the need to manually convert objects to maps and vice versa. It provides functionalities to store objects, lists of objects, and fetch single or multiple objects from storage.

Usage #

  1. Define your model classes by extending CommonDataClass and implementing required functions. Ensure your model class includes an id attribute of type String.
import 'package:get_storage_pro/src/abstract_data_class.dart';

class YourModel extends CommonDataClass<YourModel> {
  final String id;
  final String name;

  YourModel({required, required});

  YourModel fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
    return YourModel(
      id: map['id'] as String,
      name: map['name'] as String,

  Map<String, dynamic> get map => {'id': id, 'name': name};

Use GetStoragePro to store and fetch data: #

import 'package:get_storage_pro/get_storage_pro.dart';

void main() {
  // Save a single object
  YourModel model = YourModel(id: '1', name: 'John');

  // Save a list of objects
  List<YourModel> models = [
    YourModel(id: '2', name: 'Alice'),
    YourModel(id: '3', name: 'Bob'),

  // Get a single object by ID
  YourModel? retrievedModel = GetStoragePro.getById<YourModel>('1');
  print(retrievedModel?.name); // Output: John

  // Get all saved objects
  List<YourModel> allModels = GetStoragePro.getAllSaved<YourModel>();
  print(allModels.length); // Output: 3 (including the previously saved objects)


GetStoragePro #

static T? getById<T extends CommonDataClass<T>>(String id)

  • Retrieves an object of type T by its ID from storage.
  • Returns null if no object with the specified ID is found. static void saveListToGetStorage<T extends CommonDataClass<T>>(List<CommonDataClass<T>> data)
  • Saves a list of objects of type T to storage. static void addToGetStorage<T extends CommonDataClass<T>>(CommonDataClass<T> data)
  • Saves a single object of type T to storage. static List<T> getAllSaved<T extends CommonDataClass<T>>()
  • Retrieves all saved objects of type T from storage.

CommonDataClass #

  • A base class for model classes.
  • Provides functions fromMap and map which need to be implemented by subclassing model classes.
abstract class CommonDataClass<T extends CommonDataClass<T>> {
String get id;
Map<String, dynamic> get map;

T fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map);

// Other abstract methods and properties...

Note #

Ensure your model classes must extend CommonDataClass and implement the required functions. This package relies on the get_storage package for storage functionality.


Additional Notes #

  • This is a basic implementation. In the future, more features will be added and existing ones will be improved.
  • Contributions are welcome! This package is open-source, and anyone can fork and contribute to it to make it more powerful and easy to use.
  • Pull requests will be actively reviewed and accepted after verification.
pub points



Get Storage with some extended functionalities

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flutter, get_storage


Packages that depend on get_storage_pro