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A plugin to show free, used, and total internal and external storage space.

get_storage_info #

A Flutter plugin to get information about storage on Android. Get free, used, and total internal and external (SD card) storage space, and more.

This is a friendly fork of storage_info, with additional methods.

Installing #

Add get_storage_info to your pubspec.yaml:

  get_storage_info: ^0.2.2

Usage #

Importing #

import 'package:get_storage_info/get_storage_info.dart';

Using the methods #

All methods can be statically accessed via the GetStorageInfo class.

Get internal storage info

// Get internal storage total space in bytes, MB and GB
await StorageInfo.getStorageTotalSpace; // return int
await StorageInfo.getStorageTotalSpaceInMB; // return double
await StorageInfo.getStorageTotalSpaceInGB; // return double

// Get internal storage free space in bytes, MB and GB
await StorageInfo.getStorageFreeSpace; // return int
await StorageInfo.getStorageFreeSpaceInMB; // return double
await StorageInfo.getStorageFreeSpaceInGB; // return double

// Get internal storage used space in bytes, MB and GB
await StorageInfo.getStorageUsedSpace; // return int
await StorageInfo.getStorageUsedSpaceInMB; // return double
await StorageInfo.getStorageUsedSpaceInGB; // return double

Get external (SD card) storage info

// Get external storage total space in bytes, MB, and GB
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpace; // return int
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpaceInMB; // return double
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpaceInGB; // return double

// Get external storage free space in bytes, MB, and GB
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageFreeSpace; // return int
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageFreeSpaceInMB; // return double
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageFreeSpaceInGB; // return double

// Get external storage used space in bytes, MB, and GB
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpace; // return int
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpaceInMB; // return double
return await StorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpaceInGB; // return double

Get the size of a given directory in MB

String directoryPath = '/storage/emulated/0/Movies/MyFolder/';
double directorySize = await GetStorageInfo.getSizeOfDirectoryInMB(directoryPath);
>> 12.98790

Get storage type from path

String path = '/storage/emulated/0/Android';
DeviceStorageType storageType = GetStorageInfo.getStorageTypeFromPath(path);
>> DeviceStorageType.internal

Get storage usage value

Get a value from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the storage usage. Useful for storage indicators.

double storageTotal = await GetStorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpaceInGB;
double storageUsed = await GetStorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpaceInGB;

double storageUsageValue = GetStorageInfo.getStorageUsageValue(storageUsed, storageTotal);
>> 0.95

Get whether the storage type is low on storage

This method calls the above methods internally to get the storage info, so if you already get the info in your code it may be more optimized to use getIsStorageBelowThreshold instead.

DeviceStorageType storageType = DeviceStorageType.internal;

// Optionally set the threshold. The default is 500MB.
double threshold = 600.0;

bool isLowOnStorage = await GetStorageInfo.getIsLowOnStorage(storageType, threshold);
>> false

Get whether the storage is below the low storage threshold

double threshold = 600.0; // in MB
double storageFree = await GetStorageInfo.getExternalStorageFreeSpaceInMB;

bool isBelowThreshold = GetStorageInfo.getIsStorageBelowThreshold(storageFree, threshold);
>> true
pub points



A plugin to show free, used, and total internal and external storage space.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on get_storage_info