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Localize your app easily entirely in flutter using dart getters. No need for code generation.


Localize your app easily entirely in flutter using dart getters. No need for code generation.

English | Português

Get started #

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml:

  get_localization: 2.0.0

And run flutter pub get in the terminal

Create your BaseLocalization class and the translation getters #

Don't forget to make it abstract, otherwise dart-analyzer won't tell you if a translation is missing.

abstract class BaseLocalization extends Localization {
    @required String code,
    @required String name,
    String country,
  }) : super(
          code: code,
          name: name,
          country: country,

  // Add your getters down here:

  String get appName;
  String age(int age);

class EnglishLocalization extends BaseLocalization {
  EnglishLocalization() : super(code: 'en', name: 'English');

  String get appName => 'Example App';
  String age(int age) => 'Your age is $age';

class PortugueseLocalization extends BaseLocalization {
  PortugueseLocalization() : super(code: 'pt', name: 'Português');

  String get appName => 'App de Exemplo';
  String age(int age) => 'Sua idade é de $age';

Dart-analyzer will tell you when a getter implementation is missing.
See example to a full example

Initialize the package #

void main() {
  // Initialize the localization system. It's not necessary, but
  // if you want to get notified about the system language as soon
  // as it changes, you need to call this method
  // Add your localizations. You can add them at runtime, but it's
  // recommended to add it here, since it'll be called only once

If you're using MaterialApp (or WidgetsApp, CupertinoApps and related), you need to set the supportedLocales:

return MaterialApp(
  /// Add this line so the platform knows the supported languages
  supportedLocales: Localization.localizations.toLocaleList(),
  home: Home(),

Make sure to use Localization in the main thread/isolator (main()).

Get and set the current localization #

// Get the localization. Make sure to cast it to BaseLocalization
// or whatever your class name is
BaseLocalization localization = Localization.currentLocalization;
// Set the localization
Localization.currentLocalization = <localization-class here>;

Listen to events #

You can listen to when the localization change using Localization.onLocaleChanged. It's usually used to update the app when the localization changes:

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  void initState() {
    /// Listen to the change events and update the whole app.
    /// You can use something like SharedPreferences to save the current language
    /// and set it on initialization
    Localization.onLocaleChanged.listen((event) => setState(() {}));

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    BaseLocalization loc = Localization.currentLocalization;
    return MaterialApp(
      title: loc.appName,
      /// Add this line so the platform knows the supported languages
      supportedLocales: Localization.localizations.toLocaleList(),
      home: Home(),

You can see a full-working app at example

Using Intl #

Intl is a package that provides internationalization and localization facilities, including message translation, plurals and genders, date/number formatting and parsing, and bidirectional text.

Install and import the package #

In your pubspec.yaml, add intl to the dependencies:

  get_localization: <latest-version>
  intl: <latest-version>

And import it:

import 'package:intl/intl.dart';

Using in BaseLocalization #

class EnglishLocalization extends BaseLocalization {
  EnglishLocalization() : super(code: 'en', name: 'English');

  String coins(int amount) {
    /// Get the current language code. You can use this in almost all
    /// the methods in Intl
    final f = NumberFormat('###.0#', Localization.fullCode);
    return Intl.plural(
      zero: 'You have no coins',
      one: 'You have 1 coin',
      other: 'You have ${f.format(amount)} coins',

Learn more:

Using LocalizationProviderMixin #

You can use the localization provider mixin on your classes to access Localization methods right in.

Add to a class #

class Home extends StatelessWidget with LocalizationProviderMixin {
  const Home({Key key}) : super(key: key);


Use the methods #

Includes all the common methods:

  • currentLocalization (getter and setter)
  • localizations
  • onLocaleChanged

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    BaseLocalization loc = currentLocalization;
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text(loc.appName)),
      body: Column(
        children: List.generate(localizations.length, (index) {
          final localization = localizations[index];
          return CheckboxListTile(
            /// Update the current localization
            onChanged: (_) => currentLocalization = localization,
            value: loc == localization,
            title: Text(,
            subtitle: Text(localization.code),


Folder structure #

When your localization gets bigger, you may want to split them into different files. Usually:

lib (folder that contains all the files)
  lang (folder that contains all the language files)
    lang.dart (Where your BaseLocalization will be at)
    langs (folder that contains all the translations)
      en.dart (code_COUNTRY.dart)
pub points



Localize your app easily entirely in flutter using dart getters. No need for code generation.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on get_localization