get_help 0.0.1 copy "get_help: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
get_help: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A set of helper widgets to clean up your project using GetX State management.

GetHelp! #

GetHelp! is a set of helper widgets and classes which make using get and get_cli easier.

GetHelp! is also a great package for users of get which have experience using the stacked architecture but want something lighter. GetHelp!'s emphasis on the use of GetBuilderViews means that a stacked persons MVVM with update() functions will be satisfied.

If you are using vscode, I have also included a handy snippets file.

GetBuilderView #

GetBuilderView is a great way to create a view with GetBuilder for get's simple state management system.

class MyView extends GetBuilderView<MyController> {
  const MyView({super.key});

  Widget builder(context, controller) {
    return const Scaffold();

IMPORTANT: This widget expects that you have already initialised your controller using a binding. If you are not using bindings or you don't need global controller creation, add the init method to your [GetBuilderView].

You can also define the get builder to initialise local controllers by setting the [global] property to false, just the same as the [GetBuilder] widget.

class MyView extends GetBuilderView<MyController> {
  const MyView({super.key});

  /// Add the init method for initialising a Controller.
  /// By default, init is set to null.
  MyController? get init => MyController();

  /// Add the [global] method to turn off global controller creation.
  /// [global] defaults to true
  bool get global => false;

  Widget builder(context, controller) {
    return const Scaffold();

Basically, GetBuilderView acts as a shorthand for this:

class MyView extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyView({super.key});

  Widget build(context) {
    return GetBuilder<MyController>(
      init: MyController(),
      builder: (controller) {
        return const Scaffold();

Instead of this nested code, all you need to write is this:

GetxFutureController #

GetxFutureController (named with the x to match GetxController) is a new controller type which adds a default implementation of awaiting futures based on stacked's FutureViewModel.

pub points



A set of helper widgets to clean up your project using GetX State management.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, get


Packages that depend on get_help