geometric_dart 0.0.2
geometric_dart: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
Simple geometric for dart and flutter. Inspired by a javascript package.
Geometric Dart 📐
Dart package that provide you some geometrics which are useful and with the best performance execution.
Operations 📏 #
lineAngle(List line)
Calculate the angle of a line, in degrees. -
lineLength(List line)
Calculate the distance between the endpoints of a line segment. -
lineMidpoint(List line)
Calculate the midpoint of a line segment.
find angle of reflection using incident angle and surface -
Convert angle to degree -
Convert angle to radian
pointTranslate(List point, angle, distance)
Translate a point by an angle in degrees and distance -
pointRotate(List point, angle, [List origin])
Rotate a point by an angle in degrees around an origin.
As soon as possible, more features will be available.
Contribution 🤓 #
Happy 😍 to recieve or provide contributions related to this package.
Contact 📡 #
if you have any questions , feel free to wite us on
Features and bugs 🐛 #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.