geojson 1.0.0
geojson: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
Utilities to work with geojson data. Parser with a reactive api, search and geofencing
Geojson #
Utilities to work with geojson data in Dart. Features:
- Parser with a reactive api: streams are available to retrieve the geojson features as soon as they are parsed
- Search: search for properties
- Geofencing: geofence points in a polygon or from a distance
Note: the data is parsed in an isolate to avoid slowing down the main thread
Simple functions #
featuresFromGeoJson: get a FeaturesCollection from geojson string data. Parameters:
: a string with the geojson data, requirednameProperty
: the property used for the geoserie name, automaticaly set if nullverbose
: print the parsed data if true
featuresFromGeoJsonFile: get a FeaturesCollection from a geojson file. Parameters:
: the file to load, requirednameProperty
: the property used for the geoserie name, automaticaly set if nullverbose
: print the parsed data if true
These functions are suitable for small data. Example:
final features = await featuresFromGeoJson(data);
Web support #
featuresFromGeoJsonMainThread: as the web do not support isolates use this function to parse in the main thread. Parameters:
: a string with the geojson data, requirednameProperty
: the property used for the geoserie name, automaticaly set if nullverbose
: print the parsed data if true
Reactive api #
Parse and listen #
Typed streams are available to retrieve the features as soon as they are parsed. This is useful when the data is big.
: the parsed features: all the geometriesprocessedPoints
: the parsed pointsprocessedMultipoints
: the parsed multipointsprocessedLines
: the parsed linesprocessedMultilines
: the parsed multilinesprocessedPolygons
: the parsed polygonsprocessedMultipolygons
: the parsed multipolygonsendSignal
: parsing is finished indicator
Example: add assets on a Flutter map:
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'package:geojson/geojson.dart';
import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart';
/// Data for the Flutter map polylines layer
final lines = <Polyline>[];
Future<void> parseAndDrawAssetsOnMap() async {
final geo = GeoJson();
geo.processedLines.listen((GeoJsonLine line) {
/// when a line is parsed add it to the map right away
setState(() => lines.add(Polyline(
strokeWidth: 2.0, color:, points: line.geoSerie.toLatLng())));
geo.endSignal.listen((_) => geo.dispose());
final data = await rootBundle
await geo.parse(data, verbose: true);
Data properties #
After the data is parsed the GeoJson
instance has properties to access the data:
List<GeoJsonFeature> features;
List<GeoJsonPoint> points;
List<GeoJsonMultiPoint> multipoints;
List<GeoJsonLine> lines;
List<GeoJsonMultiLine> multilines;
List<GeoJsonPolygon> polygons;
List<GeoJsonMultiPolygon> multipolygons;
final List<GeoJsonLine> lines = geo.lines;
Search #
Search in a geojson file:
final geo = GeoJson();
await geo.searchInFile("countries.geojson",
query: GeoJsonQuery(
geometryType: GeoJsonFeatureType.multipolygon,
matchCase: false,
property: "name",
value: "Zimbabwe"),
verbose: true);
List<GeoJsonMultiPolygon> result = geo.multipolygons;
A search
method is also available, taking string data in parameter instead of a file path. The streams are available to retrieve the data as soon as it is found
Geofencing #
Geofence points within a distance of a given point:
final geo = GeoJson();
/// `point` is the [GeoJsonPoint] to search from
/// `points` is the list of [GeoJsonPoint] to search in
/// `distance` is the distance to search in meters
await geo.geofenceDistance(
point: point, points: points, distance: distance);
List<GeoPoint> foundPoints = geo.points;
Geofence points in a polygon:
final geo = GeoJson();
/// `polygon` is the [GeoJsonPolygon] to check
/// `points` is the list of [GeoJsonPoint] to search in
await geo.geofencePolygon(polygon: polygon, points: points);
List<GeoPoint> foundPoints = geo.points;
Note: the processedPoints
stream is available to retrieve geofenced points as soon as they are found
Maps #
To draw geojson data on a map check the Map controller package
Supported geojson features #
All the data structures use GeoPoint and GeoSerie from the GeoPoint package to store the geometry data. Data structures used:
type: types -
Map<String, dynamic>
properties: the json properties of the feature -
geometry: the geometry data, depends on the feature type, see below
geoPoint: the geometry data
geoSerie: the geometry data: this will produce a geoSerie of
geoSerie: the geometry data: this will produce a geoSerie of typeGeoSerieType.line
geoSeries: the geometry data: this will produce a list of geoSerie of typeGeoSerieType.polygon
Note: none of the parameters is final for all of these data structures