geodart 0.0.1 copy "geodart: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
geodart: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


A geospatial toolkit written in dart

Geodart #

A geospatial library for Dart. Designed primarily around vector features, this library provides a simple interface for working with geographic data.

It's based heavily on the geojson specification, but has been extended to add functionality directly to the feature types.

Getting started #

Add it to your dependencies:

  geodart: '^0.0.1'

OR run this command to install it:

flutter pub add geodart

Then import it:

import 'package:geodart/features.dart';
import 'package:geodart/measure.dart';

Features #

The following features are included in this library:

The package also provides a Feature class, which is a abstract class that can be extended to create new feature types.

Positions are stored using Coordinate objects, which has a variety of convenience methods for working with coordinates.

Feature Collection #

A FeatureCollection is a collection of Feature objects.

It functions very similarly to a List of Feature objects, but might extended to include additional properties in the future.


  • FeatureCollection.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a FeatureCollection from a JSON object. Automatically converts features from GeoJSON to their respective types.


  • toJson() - Returns a JSON object representing the FeatureCollection. Automatically converts features to GeoJSON.


Point #

A Point is a single position. It is represented by a Coordinate object.


  • Point.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a Point from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • Point.fromLngLat(num lng, num lat) - Creates a Point from a num longitude and latitude.
  • Point.fromWKT(String wkt) - Creates a Point from a Well-Known Text string.


  • explode() - Returns a List of itself.
  • toJson() - Returns a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • toWKT() - Returns a Well-Known Text string representing the Point.


  • coordinates - The Coordinate of the Point.
  • type - The type of the Point. Always "Point".
  • properties - A Map of properties.

Multi Point #

A MultiPoint is a collection of Coordinate objects, represented by individual and non-connected points.


  • MultiPoint.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a MultiPoint from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • MultiPoint.fromWKT(String wkt) - Creates a MultiPoint from a Well-Known Text string.


  • explode() - Returns a List of Point objects.
  • toJson() - Returns a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • toWKT() - Returns a Well-Known Text string representing the MultiPoint.
  • union(MultiPoint other) - Merges the MultiPoint with another MultiPoint.
  • flatten() - Returns a List of Point objects.


  • coordinates - A List of Coordinate objects.
  • type - The type of the MultiPoint. Always "MultiPoint".
  • properties - A Map of properties.

Line String #

A LineString is a collection of Coordinate objects that form a line.


  • LineString.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a LineString from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • LineString.fromWkt(String wkt) - Creates a LineString from a Well-Known Text string.


  • along(distance) - Returns a Point at the specified distance along the line.
  • explode() - Returns a List of Point objects that make up the LineString.
  • midpoint() - Returns a Point at the midpoint of the LineString.
  • toJson() - Returns a GeoJSON Map of the LineString.
  • toPolygon() - Returns a Polygon that is the same as the LineString. LineString must be closed, or an exception will be thrown.
  • toWKT() - Returns a String of the LineString in WKT format.


  • coordinates - A List of Coordinate objects that make up the LineString.
  • type - The type of the LineString. Always "LineString".
  • isClosedRing - A boolean indicating whether the LineString is a closed ring.
  • length - The length (in meters) of the LineString.
  • properties - A Map of properties.

Multi Line String #

A MultiLineString is a collection of Coordinate objects that form multiple separate LineStrings with one set of shared properties.


  • MultiLineString.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a MultiLineString from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • MultiLineString.fromWkt(String wkt) - Creates a MultiLineString from a Well-Known Text string.



Polygon #

A Polygon is a collection of [LinearRing](#Linear Ring) objects that form a closed ring. The first LinearRing in the list is the outer ring, and any subsequent LinearRings are holes. Holes should be contained within the outer ring - if they are not, some algorithms may not work correctly. A Polygon should also not intersect itself - again, some algorithms may not work correctly if this is not the case.


  • Polygon.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a Polygon from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • Polygon.fromWkt(String wkt) - Creates a Polygon from a Well-Known Text string.


  • explode() - Returns a List of Point objects.
  • toJson() - Returns a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • toWKT() - Returns a Well-Known Text string representing the Polygon.
  • toLineString() - Returns a LineString that is the same geometry as the Polygon.


  • coordinates - A List of [LinearRing](#Linear Ring) objects.
  • type - The type of the Polygon. Always "Polygon".
  • area - The are (in square meters) of the Polygon.
  • properties - A Map of properties.

Multi Polygon #

A MultiPolygon is a collection of Polygon geometries forming one MultiPolygon with shared properties.


  • MultiPolygon.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a MultiPolygon from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • MultiPolygon.fromWkt(String wkt) - Creates a MultiPolygon from a Well-Known Text string.



  • coordinates - A List of Polygon objects.
  • type - The type of the MultiPolygon. Always "MultiPolygon".
  • properties - A Map of properties.
  • area - The are (in square meters) of the MultiPolygon.

Coordinate #

A Coordinate is a point in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.


  • Coordinate.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) - Creates a Coordinate from a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • Coordinate.fromWkt(String wkt) - Creates a Coordinate from a Well-Known Text string.


  • toJson() - Returns a Map of GeoJSON data.
  • toWKT() - Returns a Well-Known Text string representing the Coordinate.
  • distanceTo(Coordinate other) - Returns the distance (in meters) between the Coordinate and another Coordinate.
  • bearingTo(Coordinate other) - Returns the bearing (in degrees) between the Coordinate and another Coordinate.
  • destination(num distance, num bearing) - Returns a Coordinate that is the same geometry as the Coordinate but moved a given distance and bearing.
  • interpolate(Coordinate other, num fraction) - Returns a Coordinate that is the same geometry as the Coordinate but moved a given fraction of the distance and bearing to another Coordinate.


Usage #

Measure the distance between two points.

import 'package:geodart/measure.dart';
import 'package:geodart/features.dart';

double distanceBetween = distance(
    Point.fromLngLat(1.0, 1.0),
    Point.fromLngLat(2.0, 2.0),

Under the hood, this uses the coordinate distanceTo() function, and could be very easily replaced with a different algorithm. I prefer the distanceTo() function because it is more explicit and easier to read.

import 'package:geodart/features.dart';

double distanceBetween = Coordinate(1.0, 1.0).distanceTo(Coordinate(2.0, 2.0));

Measure the area of a polygon.

import 'package:geodart/features.dart';

Polygon polygon = Polygon.fromJson(
      'type': 'Polygon',
      'coordinates': [
          [1.0, 1.0],
          [2.0, 1.0],
          [2.0, 2.0],
          [1.0, 1.0],

Measure the length of a LineString.

LineString length is calculated on the fly.

import 'package:geodart/features.dart';

LineString lineString = LineString.fromJson(
      'type': 'LineString',
      'coordinates': [
        [1.0, 1.0],
        [2.0, 2.0],

Additional information #

License #

This library is free software under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Contributing #

If you have any questions or comments, please open an issue on the Github repository.

If you want to make a pull request, please open a pull request on the Github repository. Please make sure to include a test suite. I make no promises that I will accept pull requests, but I will try my best to keep the code up to date.




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A geospatial toolkit written in dart

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