geobase 1.4.0-dev.0 copy "geobase: ^1.4.0-dev.0" to clipboard
geobase: ^1.4.0-dev.0 copied to clipboard

Geospatial data, geometry, geodesy, projections, tiling schemes, and vector formats (GeoJSON, WKT, WKB).

1.4.0 #

1.3.0 #

✨ New (2024-07-26): The stable version 1.3.0 with centroid, polylabel, point-in-polygon and other cartesian 2D calculations enhanced - read more!

geobase release 1.3.0

🧩 Features:

🛠 Maintenance:

1.2.0 #

geobase release 1.2.0

✨ New (2024-05-26): The new documentation website ( for the geobase package documentation published along with the stable version 1.2.0.

🛠 Refactoring:

No functional changes on classes and functions, but major changes on documentation with the publication of the new docs website.

1.1.0 #

1.0.2 #

🧩 Features:

  • Add Extended WKB or EWKB support #224
    • Support decoding also EWKB data (no support for accessing an optional srid).
    • These changes on WKB decoder internal logic without any library API changes.
    • Quite extensive tests.
    • Encoding EWKB data not yet implemented (see #165, coming in future version).

1.0.1 #

🐛 Bugs fixed:

🛠 Maintenance:

  • Adding trailing commas to avoid "Missing a required trailing comma" message.
  • Small documentation fixes.

1.0.0 #

0.6.0 #

0.5.1 #

Small document fixes (readme links to assets), no code changes.

0.5.0 #

geobase version 0.5.0 #161

✨ New (2023-07): spherical geodesy functions (distance, bearing, destination point, etc.) for great circle and rhumb line paths.

⚠️ Breaking changes:

🧩 Features:

🛠 Refactoring:

🐛 Bugs fixed:

🛠 Maintenance:

  • Removed extra internal export files and made internal imports more excplicit.

✍️ In-progress:

0.4.2 #

📚 Documentation updates:

  • Readme enhanced with multiple class diagrams.

0.4.1 #

📚 Documentation updates

  • An introduction chapter for the readme.

🛠 Maintenance:

  • The SDK constraint updated from '>=2.17.0 <3.0.0' to '>=2.17.0 <4.0.0'.

0.4.0 #

0.3.2 #

📚 Documentation updates.

🛠 Refactoring:

0.3.1 #

📚 Small documentation updates. Also a link to the Geospatial demos for Dart repository.

0.3.0 #

✨ New: Data structures for simple geometries, features and feature collections. ✨ New: Support for Well-known binary (WKB). Text and binary data formats, encodings and content interfaces also redesigned.

⚠️ Breaking changes:

🧩 Features:

🛠 Refactoring:

🛠 Maintenance:

📚 Documentation

0.2.1 #

0.2.0 #

0.1.1 #

0.1.0 #

Initial version with some code originating from geocore package:

  • 🔢 enums for geospatial coordinate and geometry types
  • 🌐 geographic positions and bounding boxes (longitude-latitude-elevation)
  • 🗺️ projected positions and bounding boxes (cartesian XYZ)
  • 🏗️ coordinate transformations and projections (initial support)
  • 📅 temporal data structures (instant, interval)
  • 📃 geospatial data writers for features, geometries, coordinates, properties:
  • 📃 geospatial data writers for geometries and coordinates:
    • 🪧 supported formats: WKT

🧩 Features:

🛠 Maintenance:




Weekly Downloads

Geospatial data, geometry, geodesy, projections, tiling schemes, and vector formats (GeoJSON, WKT, WKB).

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


collection, equatable, meta, proj4dart


Packages that depend on geobase