geobase 1.4.0+1
geobase: ^1.4.0+1 copied to clipboard
Geospatial data, geometry, geodesy, projections, tiling schemes, and vector formats (GeoJSON, WKT, WKB).
// Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Navibyte ( All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a “BSD-3-Clause”-style license that is
// specified in the LICENSE file.
// Docs:
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print, prefer_const_constructors, prefer_const_literals_to_create_immutables, cascade_invocations, lines_longer_than_80_chars, avoid_redundant_argument_values, omit_local_variable_types, unused_local_variable
import 'package:geobase/geobase.dart';
To test run this from command line:
dart example/geobase_example.dart
void main() {
// introduction
// coordinates
// geodesy
// geometric
// geometries
// geospatial features
// meta
// vector data
// projections
// see also separate file "geobase_with_proj4d_example.dart"
// tiling schemes
void _intro() {
// General purpose positions, series of positions and bounding boxes.
// A position as a view on a coordinate array containing x and y.
Position.view([708221.0, 5707225.0]);
// The sample above shorted.
[708221.0, 5707225.0].xy;
// A bounding box.
Box.view([70800.0, 5707200.0, 70900.0, 5707300.0]);
// A series of positions from an array of position objects.
[70800.0, 5707200.0].xy, // position 0 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70850.0, 5707250.0].xy, // position 1 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70900.0, 5707300.0].xy, // position 2 with (x, y) coordinate values
type: Coords.xy,
// -------
// *Geographic* and *projected* positions and bounding boxes.
// A geographic position without and with an elevation.
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0);
// A projected position without and with z.
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0);
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0);
// Geographic and projected bounding boxes.
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, east: 20, north: 60);
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, minElev: 100, east: 20, north: 60, maxElev: 200);
ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20);
// Positions and bounding boxes can be also built from an array or parsed.[-0.0014, 51.4778]);
Geographic.parse('-0.0014 51.4778', delimiter: ' ');
Geographic.parseDms(lon: '0° 00′ 05″ W', lat: '51° 28′ 40″');[-20, 50, 100, 20, 60, 200]);
GeoBox.parseDms(west: '20°W', south: '50°N', east: '20°E', north: '60°N');
// -------
// Coordinates for *pixels* and *tiles* in tiling schemes.
// Projected coordinates to represent *pixels* or *tiles* in tiling schemes.
Scalable2i(zoom: 9, x: 23, y: 10);
// -------
// Ellipsoidal and spherical geodesy functions to calculate distances etc.
final greenwich = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51°28′40″ N', lon: '0°00′05″ W');
final sydney = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '33.8688° S', lon: '151.2093° E');
// How to calculate distances using ellipsoidal Vincenty, spherical
// great-circle and spherical rhumb line methods is shown first.
// The distance along a geodesic on the ellipsoid surface (16983.3 km).
// By default the WGS84 reference ellipsoid is used but this can be changed.
greenwich.vincenty(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid.GRS80).distanceTo(sydney);
// The distance along a spherical great-circle path (16987.9 km).
// The distance along a spherical rhumb line path (17669.8 km).
// Also bearings, destination points and mid points (or intermediate points)
// are provided for all methods, but below shown only for great-circle paths.
// Destination point (10 km to bearing 61°): 51° 31.3′ N, 0° 07.5′ E
// Destination point: 51° 31.3′ N, 0° 07.5′ E
greenwich.spherical.destinationPoint(distance: 10000, bearing: 61.0);
// Midpoint: 28° 34.0′ N, 104° 41.6′ E
// Vincenty ellipsoidal geodesy functions provide also `inverse` and `direct`
// methods to calculate shortest arcs along a geodesic on the ellipsoid. The
// returned arc object contains origin and destination points, initial and
// final bearings, and distance between points.
greenwich.vincenty().direct(distance: 10000, bearing: 61.0);
// -------
// Geometry primitive and multi geometry objects.
// A point with a 2D position.[30.0, 10.0]);
// A line string (polyline) with three 2D positions.[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]);
// A polygon with an exterior ring (and without any holes).[
[30, 10, 40, 40, 20, 40, 10, 20, 30, 10],
// A polygon with an exterior ring and an interior ring as a hole.[
[35, 10, 45, 45, 15, 40, 10, 20, 35, 10],
[20, 30, 35, 35, 30, 20, 20, 30],
// A multi point with four points:[
[10, 40],
[40, 30],
[20, 20],
[30, 10],
// A multi line string with two line strings (polylines):[
[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40],
[40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 30, 10],
// A multi polygon with two polygons both with an outer ring (without holes).[
[30, 20, 45, 40, 10, 40, 30, 20],
[15, 5, 40, 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 15, 5],
// A geometry collection with a point, a line string and a polygon.
GeometryCollection([[30.0, 10.0]),[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40]),[
[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40],
// -------
// To distinguish between arrays of different spatial dimensions you can use
// `Coords` enum.[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]); // default type == Coords.xy[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40], type: Coords.xy);[30, 10, 5.5, 10, 30, 5.5, 40, 40, 5.5], type:;
// -------
// GeoJSON, WKT and WKB formats are supported as input and output.
// Parse a geometry from GeoJSON text.
final geometry = LineString.parse(
'{"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[30,10],[10,30],[40,40]]}',
format: GeoJSON.geometry,
// Encode a geometry as GeoJSON text.
print(geometry.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry));
// Encode a geometry as WKT text.
print(geometry.toText(format: WKT.geometry));
// Encode a geometry as WKB bytes.
final bytes = geometry.toBytes(format: WKB.geometry);
// Decode a geometry from WKB bytes.
LineString.decode(bytes, format: WKB.geometry);
// -------
// Features represent geospatial entities with properies and geometries.
id: 'ROG',
// a point geometry with a position (lon, lat, elev)
geometry:[-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]),
properties: {
'title': 'Royal Observatory',
// The GeoJSON format is supported as text input and output for features.
final feature = Feature.parse(
"type": "Feature",
"id": "ROG",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]
"properties": {
"title": "Royal Observatory"
format: GeoJSON.feature,
print(feature.toText(format: GeoJSON.feature));
void _positionData() {
// A position as a view on a coordinate array containing x and y.
Position.view([708221.0, 5707225.0]);
// A position as a view on a coordinate array containing x, y and z.
Position.view([708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0]);
// A position as a view on a coordinate array containing x, y, z and m.
Position.view([708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0, 123.0]);
// The samples above can be shorted using extension methods on `List<double>`.
[708221.0, 5707225.0].xy;
[708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0].xyz;
[708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0, 123.0].xyzm;
// There are also some other factory methods.
Position.create(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0, m: 123.0);
Position.parse('708221.0 5707225.0 45.0 123.0', delimiter: ' ');
// -------
// The same bounding box (limits on x and y) created with different factories.
Box.view([70800.0, 5707200.0, 70900.0, 5707300.0]);
Box.create(minX: 70800.0, minY: 5707200.0, maxX: 70900.0, maxY: 5707300.0);
Box.parse('70800.0 5707200.0 70900.0 5707300.0', delimiter: ' ');
// The same box using extension methods on `List<double>`.
[70800.0, 5707200.0, 70900.0, 5707300.0].box;
void _positionSeries() {
// A position series from a flat coordinate value array.
70800.0, 5707200.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 0
70850.0, 5707250.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 1
70900.0, 5707300.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 2
type: Coords.xy,
// A position series from an array of position objects.
[70800.0, 5707200.0].xy, // position 0 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70850.0, 5707250.0].xy, // position 1 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70900.0, 5707300.0].xy, // position 2 with (x, y) coordinate values
type: Coords.xy,
// -------
// A position series from a flat coordinate value array (2D positions).
70800.0, 5707200.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 0
70850.0, 5707250.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 1
70900.0, 5707300.0, // (x, y) coordinate values for position 2
// A position series from a flat coordinate value array (3D positions).
70800.0, 5707200.0, 40.0, // (x, y, z) coordinate values for position 0
70850.0, 5707250.0, 45.0, // (x, y, z) coordinate values for position 1
70900.0, 5707300.0, 50.0, // (x, y, z) coordinate values for position 2
// -------
// A position series with three positions each with x and y coordinates.
10.0, 11.0, // (x, y) for position 0
20.0, 21.0, // (x, y) for position 1
30.0, 31.0, // (x, y) for position 2
type: Coords.xy,
// A shortcut to create a position series with three positions (with x and y).
10.0, 11.0, // (x, y) for position 0
20.0, 21.0, // (x, y) for position 1
30.0, 31.0, // (x, y) for position 2
// A position series with three positions each with x, y and z coordinates.
10.0, 11.0, 12.0, // (x, y, z) for position 0
20.0, 21.0, 22.0, // (x, y, z) for position 1
30.0, 31.0, 32.0, // (x, y, z) for position 2
void _positionManipulation() {
// a position containing x, y and z
final pos = [708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0].xyz;
// multiplication operator - prints "708.221,5707.225,0.045" (values in km)
// (the operand is a factor value applied to all coordinate values)
print(pos * 0.001);
// negate operator - prints "-708221.0,-5707225.0,-45.0"
// following operators expect an operand to be another position object
// add operator - prints "708231.0,5707245.0,50.0"
print(pos + [10.0, 20.0, 5.0].xyz);
// subtraction operator - prints "708211.0,5707205.0,40.0"
print(pos - [10.0, 20.0, 5.0].xyz);
// division operator - prints "708.221,5707.225,45.0" (x and y values in km)
print(pos / [1000.0, 1000.0, 1.0].xyz);
// modulo operator - prints "221.0,225.0,45.0"
print(pos % [1000.0, 1000.0, 1000.0].xyz);
// there is support also for basic calculations in cartesian coordinates
// other point 1000.0 meters to the direction of 45° (north-east)
final other = pos.destinationPoint2D(distance: 1000.0, bearing: 45.0);
// distance between points - prints "1000.0"
// bearing from point to another - prints "45.0"
// midpoint between two points - prints "708574.6,5707578.6"
print(pos.midPointTo(other).toText(decimals: 1));
// intermediate point between two point (fraction range: 0.0 to 1.0)
// prints "708397.8,5707401.8"
print(pos.intermediatePointTo(other, fraction: 0.25).toText(decimals: 1));
void _positionSeriesManipulation() {
// a closed linear ring with positions in the counterclockwise (CCW) order
final polygon = [
[1.0, 6.0].xy,
[3.0, 1.0].xy,
[7.0, 2.0].xy,
[4.0, 4.0].xy,
[8.0, 5.0].xy,
[1.0, 6.0].xy,
// the area of a polygon formed by the linear ring - prints "16.5"
// the perimeter of a polygon - prints "24.3"
// the centroid position of a polygon - prints "3.9,3.7"
print(polygon.centroid2D()!.toText(decimals: 1));
// point in polygon - prints "true" (in this case the centroid is also inside)
print(polygon.isPointInPolygon2D([3.9, 3.7].xy));
// a closed linear ring with positions in the clockwise (CW) order
final reversed = polygon.reversed();
// a line string omitting the last position of `reversed`
final line = reversed.range(0, reversed.positionCount - 1);
// the length of a line string - prints "18.9"
// the line string modified by replacing positions at indexes 1 ja 2
final lineModified = line.rangeReplaced(1, 3, [
[3.5, 1.5].xy,
[7.5, 2.5].xy,
// coordinate values of a line string multiplied by 100.0
final lineModified2 = lineModified * 100.0;
// get position count and a position by index - prints "5" and "350.0,150.0"
void _geographicCoordinates() {
// A geographic position with longitude and latitude.
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
// A geographic position with longitude, latitude and elevation.
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0);
// A geographic position with longitude, latitude, elevation and measure.
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0, m: 123.0);
// The last sample also from a double list or text (order: lon, lat, elev, m).[-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0, 123.0]);
Geographic.parse('-0.0014 51.4778 45.0 123.0', delimiter: ' ');
// -------
// A geographic bbox (-20 .. 20 in longitude, 50 .. 60 in latitude).
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, east: 20, north: 60);
// A geographic bbox with limits (100 .. 200) on the elevation coordinate too.
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, minElev: 100, east: 20, north: 60, maxElev: 200);
// The last sample also from a double list or text.[-20, 50, 100, 20, 60, 200]);
void _geographicCoordinatesDMS() {
// A geographic position can also be parsed from sexagesimal degrees (latitude
// and longitude subdivided to degrees, minutes and seconds).
// Decimal degrees (DD) with signed numeric degree values.
Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51.4778', lon: '-0.0014');
// Decimal degrees (DD) with degree and cardinal direction symbols (N/E/S/W).
Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51.4778°N', lon: '0.0014°W');
// Degrees and minutes (DM).
Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51°28.668′N', lon: '0°00.084′W');
// Degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS).
Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51° 28′ 40″ N', lon: '0° 00′ 05″ W');
// -------
// Format geographic coordinates as string representations (DD, DM, DMS).
const p = Geographic(lat: 51.4778, lon: -0.0014);
// all three samples print decimal degrees: 51.4778°N 0.0014°W
print(p.latLonDms(separator: ' '));
print('${p.latDms()} ${p.lonDms()}');
print('${Dms().lat(51.4778)} ${Dms().lon(-0.0014)}');
// prints degrees and minutes: 51°28.668′N, 0°00.084′W
const dm = Dms(type: DmsType.degMin, decimals: 3);
print(p.latLonDms(format: dm));
// prints degrees, minutes and seconds: 51° 28′ 40″ N, 0° 00′ 05″ W
const dms = Dms.narrowSpace(type: DmsType.degMinSec);
print(p.latLonDms(format: dms));
// 51 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds to N, 0 degrees 0 minutes 5 seconds to W
const dmsTextual = Dms(
type: DmsType.degMinSec,
separator: ' ',
decimals: 0,
zeroPadMinSec: false,
degree: ' degrees',
prime: ' minutes',
doublePrime: ' seconds to',
print(p.latLonDms(format: dmsTextual));
// -------
// Parsing and formatting is supported also for geographic bounding boxes.
// Parses box from decimal degrees (DD) with cardinal direction symbols.
final box =
GeoBox.parseDms(west: '20°W', south: '50°N', east: '20°E', north: '60°N');
// prints degrees and minutes: 20°0′W 50°0′N, 20°0′E 60°0′N
const dm0 = Dms(type: DmsType.degMin, decimals: 0, zeroPadMinSec: false);
print('${box.westDms(dm0)} ${box.southDms(dm0)}'
' ${box.eastDms(dm0)} ${box.northDms(dm0)}');
void _projectedCoordinates() {
// A projected position with x and y.
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0);
// A projected position with x, y and z.
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0);
// A projected position with x, y, z and m.
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0, m: 123.0);
// The last sample also from a double list or text (order: x, y, z, m).[708221.0, 5707225.0, 45.0, 123.0]);
Projected.parse('708221.0 5707225.0 45.0 123.0', delimiter: ' ');
// -------
// A projected bbox with limits on x and y.
ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20);
// A projected bbox with limits on x, y and z.
ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, minZ: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20, maxZ: 20);
// The last sample also from a double list or text.[10, 10, 10, 20, 20, 20]);
void _scalableCoordinates() {
// A pixel with a zoom level (or LOD = level of detail) coordinates.
const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 9, x: 23, y: 10);
// Such coordinates can be scaled to other zoom levels.
pixel.zoomIn(); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 10, x: 46, y: 20);
pixel.zoomOut(); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 8, x: 11, y: 5);
pixel.zoomTo(13); // => Scalable2i(zoom: 13, x: 368, y: 160));
void _ellipsoidalGeodesy() {
// a sample geographic position with geodetic latitude and longitude
const geographic1 = Geographic(lat: 51.4778, lon: -0.0014, elev: 45.0);
// same as ECEF (earth-centric earth-fixed) geocentric cartesian coordinates
final geocentric1 = geographic1.toGeocentricCartesian();
// returned object is of type `Position` with x, y and z cartesian coordinates
// prints (X, Y, Z): 3980609.2373, -97.2646, 4966859.7285
print(geocentric1.toText(decimals: 4, delimiter: ', '));
// let's try inverse, first create a geocentric cartesian position (ECEF)
final geocentric2 =
Position.create(x: 3980609.2373, y: -97.2646, z: 4966859.7285);
// convert this to a geographic position with geodetic latitude and longitude
final geographic2 = EllipsoidalExtension.fromGeocentricCartesian(geocentric1);
// returned object is of the type `Geographic`
// prints (longitude, latitude, elevation): -0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0000
print(geographic2.toText(decimals: 4, delimiter: ', ', compactNums: false));
// -------
// Samples above used the WGS84 reference ellipsoid for ellipsoidal
// calculations. You can also use other ellipsoids on `toGeocentricCartesian`
// and `fromGeocentricCartesian` methods.
// create a geocentric cartesian coordinates based on the GRS80 ellipsoid from
// the same geodetic coordinate values as specified on `geographic1`
final geocentricGRS80 =
geographic1.toGeocentricCartesian(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid.GRS80);
// prints (X, Y, Z): 3980609.2373, -97.2646, 4966859.7284
print(geocentricGRS80.toText(decimals: 4, delimiter: ', '));
// As WGS84 and GRS80 ellipsoids are very close to each other you may notice
// only a small difference compared to values printed from `geocentric1`.
// If needed it's also possible to define other ellipsoid parametrs, like:
id: 'airy',
name: 'Airy 1830',
a: 6377563.396,
b: 6356256.909,
f: 1.0 / 299.3249646,
void _ellipsoidalGeodesyVincenty() {
// Distances & bearings between points, and destination points calculated on
// an ellipsoidal earth model, along geodesics on the surface of a reference
// ellipsoid selected.
// Calculations are based on ‘direct and inverse solutions of geodesics on the
// ellipsoid’ devised by Thaddeus Vincenty.
// Calculations are accurate to within 0.5mm in distances and 0.000015″ in
// bearings.
// sample geographic positions
final greenwich = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51°28′40″ N', lon: '0°00′05″ W');
final sydney = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '33.8688° S', lon: '151.2093° E');
// decimal degrees (DD) and degrees-minutes (DM) formats
const dd = Dms(decimals: 2);
const dm = Dms.narrowSpace(type: DmsType.degMin, decimals: 2);
// the shortest arc along the geodesic on the ellipsoid surface between points
final arc1 = greenwich.vincenty().inverse(sydney);
// prints (distance of the geodesic): 16983.3 km
final distanceKm = arc1.distance / 1000.0;
print('${distanceKm.toStringAsFixed(1)} km');
// prints (bearing varies along the geodesic): 60.59° -> 139.15°
final initialBearing = arc1.bearing;
final finalBearing = arc1.finalBearing;
print('${dd.bearing(initialBearing)} -> ${dd.bearing(finalBearing)}');
// the shortest arc along the geodesic from greenwich to the initial direction
// defined by `bearing` and the length by `distance`
// prints: 51° 31.28′ N, 0° 07.48′ E - bearing: 61.10°
final arc2 = greenwich.vincenty().direct(distance: 10000, bearing: 61.0);
final dest = arc2.destination;
final destBrng = arc2.finalBearing;
print('${dest.latLonDms(format: dm)} - bearing: ${dd.bearing(destBrng)}');
// mid point, prints: 28° 52.77′ N, 104° 48.82′ E
final midPoint = greenwich.vincenty().midPointTo(sydney);
print(midPoint.latLonDms(format: dm));
// intermediate points along the geodesic between Greenwich and Sydney
// prints 10 points with bearings on intermediate geographic positions:
// 0.0: 51° 28.67′ N, 0° 00.08′ W - bearing: 60.59°
// 0.1: 56° 39.07′ N, 24° 34.88′ E - bearing: 80.62°
// 0.2: 56° 03.20′ N, 52° 13.09′ E - bearing: 103.76°
// 0.3: 49° 56.60′ N, 75° 34.27′ E - bearing: 122.53°
// 0.4: 40° 19.81′ N, 92° 27.98′ E - bearing: 134.59°
// 0.5: 28° 52.77′ N, 104° 48.82′ E - bearing: 141.66°
// 0.6: 16° 30.55′ N, 114° 36.83′ E - bearing: 145.47°
// 0.7: 3° 43.29′ N, 123° 12.60′ E - bearing: 146.99°
// 0.8: 9° 09.07′ S, 131° 33.47′ E - bearing: 146.59°
// 0.9: 21° 48.54′ S, 140° 31.88′ E - bearing: 144.18°
// 1.0: 33° 52.13′ S, 151° 12.56′ E - bearing: 139.15°
for (var fr = 0.0; fr < 1.0; fr += 0.1) {
final ip = greenwich.vincenty().intermediatePointTo(sydney, fraction: fr);
final point = ip.origin;
final pointBrng = ip.bearing;
print('${fr.toStringAsFixed(1)}: ${point.latLonDms(format: dm)}'
' - bearing: ${dd.bearing(pointBrng)}');
// to use alternative ellipsoids set an optional argument on `vincenty` method
final distanceGRS80 =
greenwich.vincenty(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid.GRS80).distanceTo(sydney);
// custom ellipsoids can be used also
final airy = Ellipsoid(
id: 'airy',
name: 'Airy 1830',
a: 6377563.396,
b: 6356256.909,
f: 1.0 / 299.3249646,
final distanceAiry = greenwich.vincenty(ellipsoid: airy).distanceTo(sydney);
// Distances printed: 16983280.66025 m, 16983280.66013 m, 16981837.55212 m
// (Note only very small difference between WGS84 and GRS80 ellipsoids,
// however this level of "accuracy" is out of nominal accuracy of measured
// points and Vincenty calculations with 0.5 mm expected accuracy)
print('Distance WGS84: ${(distanceKm * 1000.0).toStringAsFixed(5)} m');
print('Distance GRS80: ${distanceGRS80.toStringAsFixed(5)} m');
print('Distance Airy1830: ${distanceAiry.toStringAsFixed(5)} m');
void _sphericalGeodesyGreatCircle() {
// Distances & bearings between points, and destination points calculated on
// a spherical earth model, along (orthodromic) great-circle paths.
// This is faster than using ellipsoidal geodesy with Vincenty methods, but
// not as accurate (however the accuracy may be enough for many use cases).
// sample geographic positions
final greenwich = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51°28′40″ N', lon: '0°00′05″ W');
final sydney = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '33.8688° S', lon: '151.2093° E');
// decimal degrees (DD) and degrees-minutes (DM) formats
const dd = Dms(decimals: 2);
const dm = Dms.narrowSpace(type: DmsType.degMin, decimals: 2);
// prints: 16987.9 km
final distanceKm = greenwich.spherical.distanceTo(sydney) / 1000.0;
print('${distanceKm.toStringAsFixed(1)} km');
// prints (bearing varies along the great circle path): 60.94° -> 139.03°
final initialBearing = greenwich.spherical.initialBearingTo(sydney);
final finalBearing = greenwich.spherical.finalBearingTo(sydney);
print('${dd.bearing(initialBearing)} -> ${dd.bearing(finalBearing)}');
// prints: 51° 31.28′ N, 0° 07.50′ E
final destPoint =
greenwich.spherical.destinationPoint(distance: 10000, bearing: 61.0);
print(destPoint.latLonDms(format: dm));
// prints: 28° 33.97′ N, 104° 41.62′ E
final midPoint = greenwich.spherical.midPointTo(sydney);
print(midPoint.latLonDms(format: dm));
// intermediate points along the great circle between Greenwich and Sydney
// prints 10 intermediate geographic positions:
// 0.0: 51° 28.67′ N, 0° 00.08′ W
// 0.1: 56° 33.44′ N, 24° 42.13′ E
// 0.2: 55° 50.76′ N, 52° 19.42′ E
// 0.3: 49° 39.17′ N, 75° 34.08′ E
// 0.4: 40° 00.39′ N, 92° 22.91′ E
// 0.5: 28° 33.97′ N, 104° 41.62′ E
// 0.6: 16° 14.46′ N, 114° 29.30′ E
// 0.7: 3° 31.26′ N, 123° 05.85′ E
// 0.8: 9° 16.56′ S, 131° 28.24′ E
// 0.9: 21° 51.83′ S, 140° 28.86′ E
// 1.0: 33° 52.13′ S, 151° 12.56′ E
for (var fr = 0.0; fr < 1.0; fr += 0.1) {
final ip = greenwich.spherical.intermediatePointTo(sydney, fraction: fr);
print('${fr.toStringAsFixed(1)}: ${ip.latLonDms(format: dm)}');
// prints: 0° 00.00′ N, 125° 18.98′ E
final intersection = greenwich.spherical.intersectionWith(
bearing: 61.0,
other: const Geographic(lat: 0.0, lon: 179.0),
otherBearing: 270.0,
if (intersection != null) {
print(intersection.latLonDms(format: dm));
void _sphericalGeodesyRhumbLine() {
// Distances & bearings between points, and destination points calculated on
// a spherical earth model, along (loxodromic) rhumb lines.
// sample geographic positions
final greenwich = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51°28′40″ N', lon: '0°00′05″ W');
final sydney = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '33.8688° S', lon: '151.2093° E');
// decimal degrees (DD) and degrees-minutes (DM) formats
const dd = Dms(decimals: 2);
const dm = Dms.narrowSpace(type: DmsType.degMin, decimals: 2);
// prints: 17669.8 km
final distanceKm = greenwich.rhumb.distanceTo(sydney) / 1000.0;
print('${distanceKm.toStringAsFixed(1)} km');
// prints (bearing remains the same along the rhumb line): 122.49° -> 122.49°
final initialBearing = greenwich.rhumb.initialBearingTo(sydney);
final finalBearing = greenwich.rhumb.finalBearingTo(sydney);
print('${dd.bearing(initialBearing)} -> ${dd.bearing(finalBearing)}');
// prints: 51° 25.80′ N, 0° 07.26′ E
final destPoint =
greenwich.spherical.destinationPoint(distance: 10000, bearing: 122.0);
print(destPoint.latLonDms(format: dm));
// prints: 8° 48.27′ N, 80° 43.98′ E
final midPoint = greenwich.rhumb.midPointTo(sydney);
print(midPoint.latLonDms(format: dm));
void _geometricCartesianPolygon() {
// Polygon data (with an exterior ring and one interior ring as a hole) as an
// `Iterable<PositionSeries>`. Each ring is represented by an instance of
// `PositionSeries` constructed by `positions()` method.
final polygon = [
[35.0, 10.0, 45.0, 45.0, 15.0, 40.0, 10.0, 20.0, 35.0, 10.0].positions(),
[20.0, 30.0, 35.0, 35.0, 30.0, 20.0, 20.0, 30.0].positions(),
// Prints: "Centroid pos: 27.407,28.765"
final centroid = polygon.centroid2D();
print('Centroid pos: ${centroid?.toText(decimals: 3)}');
// Prints: "Polylabel pos: 17.3828125,23.9453125 dist: 6.131941618102092"
final p = polygon.polylabel2D(precision: 0.5);
print('Polylabel pos: ${p.position} dist: ${p.distance}');
// prints: "(20,20) => true, (10,10) => false"
final inside = polygon.isPointInPolygon2D([20.0, 20.0].xy);
final outside = polygon.isPointInPolygon2D([10.0, 10.0].xy);
print('(20,20) => $inside, (10,10) => $outside');
// prints: "(20,20) => 3.7139067635410368, (10,10) => 9.284766908852593"
final dist1 = polygon.distanceTo2D([20.0, 20.0].xy);
final dist2 = polygon.distanceTo2D([10.0, 10.0].xy);
print('(20,20) => $dist1, (10,10) => $dist2');
void _geometricCartesianPolygonFromGeometry() {
// A polygon geometry (with an exterior ring and one interior ring as a hole).
final polygon =[
[35.0, 10.0, 45.0, 45.0, 15.0, 40.0, 10.0, 20.0, 35.0, 10.0],
[20.0, 30.0, 35.0, 35.0, 30.0, 20.0, 20.0, 30.0],
// Prints: "Bounding box: 10.0,10.0,45.0,45.0"
// Values contained in the bbox in this case: min-x, min-y, max-x, max-y
final bbox = polygon.calculateBounds();
print('Bounding box: ${bbox?.toText(decimals: 1, compactNums: false)}');
// Bbox center, prints: "Bbox center: 27.5,27.5"
final center = bbox?.aligned2D();
print('Bbox center: ${center?.toText(decimals: 1)}');
// It's also possible to calculate aligned points inside a bounding box.
// X = The horizontal distance fraction.
// The value -1.0 represents the west side edge of the box.
// The value 0.0 represents the center horizontally.
// The value 1.0 represents the east side edge of the box.
// Y = The vertical distance fraction.
// The value -1.0 represents the south side edge of the box.
// The value 0.0 represents the center vertically.
// The value 1.0 represents the north side edge of the box.
// Bbox aligned, prints: "Bbox aligned: 36.250,36.250"
final aligned = bbox?.aligned2D(Aligned(x: 0.5, y: 0.5));
print('Bbox aligned: ${aligned?.toText(decimals: 3)}');
// Prints: "Centroid pos: 27.407,28.765"
final centroid = polygon.centroid2D();
print('Centroid pos: ${centroid?.toText(decimals: 3)}');
// Prints: "Polylabel pos: 17.65625,24.21875 dist: 5.745242597140699"
final p = polygon.polylabel2D(precision: 2.0);
print('Polylabel pos: ${p.position} dist: ${p.distance}');
// prints: "(20,20) => true, (10,10) => false"
final inside = polygon.isPointInPolygon2D([20.0, 20.0].xy);
final outside = polygon.isPointInPolygon2D([10.0, 10.0].xy);
print('(20,20) => $inside, (10,10) => $outside');
// prints: "(20,20) => 3.7139067635410368, (10,10) => 9.284766908852593"
final dist1 = polygon.distanceTo2D([20.0, 20.0].xy);
final dist2 = polygon.distanceTo2D([10.0, 10.0].xy);
print('(20,20) => $dist1, (10,10) => $dist2');
// Polygon outer ring length, inner ring length and total outline length.
// "Outer 114.35571426165451 + inner 45.76491222541475 = 160.12062648706927"
final outerLength = polygon.exterior?.length2D();
final innerLength = polygon.interior.first.length2D();
final totalLength = polygon.length2D();
print('Outer $outerLength + inner $innerLength = $totalLength');
// Polygon outer ring area, inner ring area and total outline area.
// Prints: "Outer 775.0 - inner 100.0 = 675.0"
final outerArea = polygon.exterior?.signedArea2D().abs();
final innerArea = polygon.interior.first.signedArea2D().abs();
final totalArea = polygon.area2D();
print('Outer $outerArea - inner $innerArea = $totalArea');
void _geometricCartesianPolygonFromGeometryManipulation() {
// Polygon linear rings each an `PositionSeries` instance constructed by
// `positions()` method.
final exteriorRing =
[35.0, 10.0, 45.0, 45.0, 15.0, 40.0, 10.0, 20.0, 35.0, 10.0].positions();
final interiorRing =
[20.0, 30.0, 35.0, 35.0, 30.0, 20.0, 20.0, 30.0].positions();
// Polygon data as `Iterable<PositionSeries>`.
final polygonData = [exteriorRing, interiorRing];
// A polygon geometry (with an exterior ring and one interior ring as a hole).
final polygon = Polygon(polygonData);
// `PositionSeries` objects can be modified and used to construct new polygons
final exteriorRingEnlargenedBy10percent = exteriorRing * 1.1;
final interiorRingPositionsChanged = interiorRing.rangeReplaced(1, 3, [
[35.5, 35.5].xy,
[30.5, 20.5].xy,
final modifiedPolygon = Polygon(
[exteriorRingEnlargenedBy10percent, interiorRingPositionsChanged],
// Accessing coordinate value data in PositionSeries object.
print('Position count: ${exteriorRing.positionCount}'); // 5
print('Value count: ${exteriorRing.valueCount}'); // 10
print('Is closed: ${exteriorRing.isClosed}'); // true
print('Is 3D: ${exteriorRing.is3D}'); // false
print('Is measured: ${exteriorRing.isMeasured}'); // false
print('Coordinate dimension: ${exteriorRing.coordinateDimension}'); // 2
print('Spatial dimension: ${exteriorRing.spatialDimension}'); // 2
print('Coordinate type: ${exteriorRing.coordType}'); // Coords.xy
print('First position: ${exteriorRing.firstOrNull}'); // 35.0,10.0
print('Last position: ${exteriorRing.lastOrNull}'); // 35.0,10.0
print('X coordinate at position 1: ${exteriorRing.x(1)}'); // 45.0
print('Y coordinate at position 3: ${exteriorRing.y(3)}'); // 20.0
// Looping positions by accessing coordinate values (best to use this option
// when a position series is constructed from a double coordinate value array)
for (int i = 0, len = exteriorRing.positionCount; i < len; i++) {
print('X: ${exteriorRing.x(i)} Y: ${exteriorRing.y(i)} (at $i)');
// Looping positions by accessing `Position` objects (best to use this option
// when a position series is constructed from `Position` instances)
for (final pos in exteriorRing.positions) {
print('X: ${pos.x} Y: ${pos.y}');
void _geometryTypes2D() {
// point (with a position)[30.0, 10.0]);
// line string (with a chain)[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]);
// polygon (with an exterior ring)[
[30, 10, 40, 40, 20, 40, 10, 20, 30, 10],
// polygon (with an exterior ring and one interior ring as a hole)
[35, 10, 45, 45, 15, 40, 10, 20, 35, 10],
[20, 30, 35, 35, 30, 20, 20, 30],
// multi point (with four points)
[10, 40],
[40, 30],
[20, 20],
[30, 10],
// multi line string (with two line strings)
[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40],
[40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 30, 10],
// multi polygon (with two polygons)
[30, 20, 45, 40, 10, 40, 30, 20],
[15, 5, 40, 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 15, 5],
// multi polygon (with one polygon without a hole, and another with a hole)
[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40],
[20, 35, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 5, 45, 20, 20, 35],
[30, 20, 20, 15, 20, 25, 30, 20],
// geometry collection (with point, line string and polygon geometries)
GeometryCollection([[30.0, 10.0]),[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40]),[
[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40],
void _geometryTypesOneliners() {
// same samples as in "_geometryTypes" but formatted to fit README table
// point (with a position)[30.0, 10.0]);
// line string (with a chain)[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]);
// polygon (with an exterior ring)[[30, 10, 40, 40, 20, 40, 10, 20, 30, 10]]);
// polygon (with an exterior ring and one interior ring as a hole)[[35, 10, 45, 45, 15, 40, 10, 20, 35, 10], [20, 30, 35, 35, 30, 20, 20, 30]]);
// multi point (with four points)[[10, 40], [40, 30], [20, 20], [30, 10]]);
// multi line string (with two line strings)[[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40], [40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 30, 10]]);
// multi polygon (with two polygons)[[[30, 20, 45, 40, 10, 40, 30, 20]], [[15, 5, 40, 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 15, 5]]]);
// multi polygon (with one polygon without a hole, and another with a hole)[[[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40]], [[20, 35, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 5, 45, 20, 20, 35], [30, 20, 20, 15, 20, 25, 30, 20]]]);
// geometry collection (with point, line string and polygon geometries)
GeometryCollection([[30.0, 10.0]),[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40], type: Coords.xy),[[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40]])]);
void _point() {}
void _lineString() {
// A line string with 3 points (2D coordinates with x and y).
[30.0, 10.0].xy, // xy => Position.view()
[10.0, 30.0].xy,
[40.0, 40.0].xy,
// A line string with 3 points (3D coordinates with x, y and z).
Geographic(lon: 30, lat: 10, elev: 5.5), // x = lon, y = lat, z = elev
Geographic(lon: 10, lat: 30, elev: 5.5),
Geographic(lon: 40, lat: 40, elev: 5.5),
// A line string with 3 points (3D and measured coordinates: x, y, z and m).
Projected(x: 30, y: 10, z: 5.5, m: 3.1),
Projected(x: 10, y: 30, z: 5.5, m: 3.2),
Projected(x: 40, y: 40, z: 5.5, m: 3.3),
void _polygon() {}
void _multiPoint() {}
void _multiLineString() {}
void _multiPolygon() {}
void _geometryCollection() {}
void _feature() {
// A geospatial feature with id, a point geometry and properties.
id: 'ROG',
// a point geometry with a position (lon, lat, elev)
geometry:[-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]),
properties: {
'title': 'Royal Observatory',
'place': 'Greenwich',
'city': 'London',
'isMuseum': true,
'measure': 5.79,
void _featureCollection() {
// A geospatial feature collection (with two features):
id: 'ROG',
// a point geometry with a position (lon, lat, elev)
geometry:[-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]),
properties: {
'title': 'Royal Observatory',
'place': 'Greenwich',
'city': 'London',
'isMuseum': true,
'measure': 5.79,
id: 'TB',
// a point geometry with a position (lon, lat)
geometry:[-0.075406, 51.5055]),
properties: {
'title': 'Tower Bridge',
'city': 'London',
'built': 1886,
void _geoJsonWithDefaultCRS() {
// build a LineString sample geometry
final lineString =
[-1.1, -1.1, 2.1, -2.5, 3.5, -3.49],
type: Coords.xy,
bounds: [-1.1, -3.49, 3.5, -1.1].box,
// ... and print it as GeoJSON text:
// {
// "type":"LineString",
// "bbox":[-1.1,-3.49,3.5,-1.1],
// "coordinates":[[-1.1,-1.1],[2.1,-2.5],[3.5,-3.49]]
// }
print(lineString.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry));
// GeoJSON representation for other geometries, features and feature
// collections can be produced with `toText` methdod also.
// here a Feature is printed as GeoJSON text (with 3 decimals on doubles):
// {
// "type":"Feature",
// "id":"TB",
// "geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.075,51.505]},
// "properties":{"title":"Tower Bridge","city":"London","built":1886}
// }
final feature = Feature(
id: 'TB',
geometry:[-0.075406, 51.5055]),
properties: {
'title': 'Tower Bridge',
'city': 'London',
'built': 1886,
print(feature.toText(format: GeoJSON.feature, decimals: 3));
// -------
// sample GeoJSON text representation (a feature collection with two features)
const sample = '''
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"id": "ROG",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]
"properties": {
"title": "Royal Observatory",
"place": "Greenwich"
"type": "Feature",
"id": "TB",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.075406, 51.5055]
"properties": {
"title": "Tower Bridge",
"built": 1886
// parse a FeatureCollection object using the decoder of the GeoJSON format
final collection = FeatureCollection.parse(sample, format: GeoJSON.feature);
// loop through features and print id, geometry and properties for each
for (final feature in collection.features) {
print('Feature with id: ${}');
print(' geometry: ${feature.geometry}');
print(' properties:');
for (final key in {
print(' $key: ${[key]}');
void _geoJsonNewLineDelimited() {
/// a feature collection encoded as GeoJSONL and containing two features that
/// are delimited by the newline character \n
const sample = '''
{"type":"Feature","id":"ROG","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.0014,51.4778,45]},"properties":{"title":"Royal Observatory","place":"Greenwich"}}
{"type":"Feature","id":"TB","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.075406,51.5055]},"properties":{"title":"Tower Bridge","built":1886}}
// parse a FeatureCollection object using the decoder for the GeoJSONL format
final collection = FeatureCollection.parse(sample, format: GeoJSONL.feature);
// ... use features read and returned in a feature collection object ...
// encode back to GeoJSONL data
print(collection.toText(format: GeoJSONL.feature, decimals: 5));
void _geoJsonWithAlternativeCRS() {
// CRS for geographic coordinates with latitude before longitude in GeoJSON.
const epsg4326 = CoordRefSys.EPSG_4326;
// Read GeoJSON content with coordinate order: longitude, latitude, elevation.
final point1 = Point.parse(
'{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]}',
// no CRS must be specified for the default coordinate reference system:
// `CoordRefSys.CRS84` or ``
final pos1 = Geographic.from(point1.position);
// prints: Point1: lon: 0.0014°W lat: 51.4778°N
print('Point1: lon: ${pos1.lonDms()} lat: ${pos1.latDms()}');
// Read GeoJSON content with coordinate order: latitude, longitude, elevation.
final point2 = Point.parse(
'{"type": "Point", "coordinates": [51.4778, -0.0014, 45.0]}',
crs: epsg4326, // CRS must be explicitely specified
final pos2 = Geographic.from(point2.position);
// prints: Point2: lon: 0.0014°W lat: 51.4778°N
print('Point2: lon: ${pos2.lonDms()} lat: ${pos2.latDms()}');
// Both `point1` and `point2` store coordinates internally in this order:
// longitude, latitude, elevation.
// Writing GeoJSON without crs information expects longitude-latitude order.
// Prints: {"type":"Point","coordinates":[-0.0014,51.4778,45]}
print(point2.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry));
// Writing with crs (EPSG:4326) results in latitude-longitude order.
// Prints: {"type":"Point","coordinates":[51.4778,-0.0014,45]}
print(point2.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry, crs: epsg4326));
void _wkt() {
// parse a Point geometry from WKT text
final point = Point.parse(
'POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)',
format: WKT.geometry,
// format it (back) as WKT text that is printed:
// POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)
print(point.toText(format: WKT.geometry));
// -------
// if geometry type is not known when parsing text from external datasources,
// you can use `GeometryBuilder` to parse geometries of any type
const geometriesWkt = [
'POINT Z(10.123 20.25 -30.95)',
'LINESTRING(-1.1 -1.1, 2.1 -2.5, 3.5 -3.49)',
for (final geomWkt in geometriesWkt) {
// parse geometry (Point and LineString inherits from Geometry)
final Geometry geom = GeometryBuilder.parse(geomWkt, format: WKT.geometry);
if (geom is Point) {
// do something with point geometry
} else if (geom is LineString) {
// do something with line string geometry
// -------
// It's possible to encode geometry data as WKT text also without creating
// geometry objects first. However this requires accessing an encoder instance
// from the WKT format, and then writing content to that encoder.
// geometry text format encoder for WKT
const format = WKT.geometry;
final encoder = format.encoder();
// prints:
// POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)
[10.123, 20.25, -30.95, -1.999].xyzm,
void _ewkt() {
const wktPoints = [
/// A 2D point represented as WKT text.
'POINT(-0.0014 51.4778)',
/// A 3D point represented as WKT text.
'POINT Z(-0.0014 51.4778 45)',
/// A 3D point with SRID represented as EWKT text.
'SRID=4326;POINT(-0.0014 51.4778 45)',
/// A measured point represented as EWKT text.
'POINTM(-0.0014 51.4778 100.0)',
// decode SRID, s coordType and a point geometry (with a position) from input
for (final p in wktPoints) {
final srid = WKT.decodeSRID(p);
final coordType = WKT.decodeCoordType(p);
final pos = Point.parse(p, format: WKT.geometry).position;
print('$srid $coordType ${pos.x} ${pos.y} ${pos.optZ} ${pos.optM}');
// the previous sample prints:
// null Coords.xy -0.0014 51.4778 null null
// null -0.0014 51.4778 45.0 null
// 4326 -0.0014 51.4778 45.0 null
// null Coords.xym -0.0014 51.4778 null 100.0
void _wkbSample1() {
// geometry binary format encoder for WKB
const format = WKB.geometry;
final encoder = format.encoder();
// write geometries (here only point) to content writer of the encoder
[10.123, 20.25, -30.95, -1.999].xyzm,
// get encoded bytes (Uint8List) and Base64 encoded text (String)
final wkbBytes = encoder.toBytes();
final wkbBytesAsBase64 = encoder.toText();
// prints (point encoded to WKB binary data, formatted as Base64 text):
// AAAAC7lAJD752yLQ5UA0QAAAAAAAwD7zMzMzMzO///vnbItDlg==
// next decode this WKB binary data and use WKT text format encoder as target
// geometry text format encoder for WKT
final wktEncoder = WKT.geometry.encoder();
// geometry binary format decoder for WKB
// (with content writer of the WKT encoder set as a target for decoding)
final decoder = WKB.geometry.decoder(wktEncoder.writer);
// now decode those WKB bytes (Uint8List) created already at the start
// finally print WKT text:
// POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)
/// The previous sample ("_wkbSample1") using geometry model objects.
void _wkbSample2() {
// create a Point object
final point =[10.123, 20.25, -30.95, -1.999]);
// get encoded bytes (Uint8List)
final wkbBytes = point.toBytes(format: WKB.geometry);
// at this point our WKB bytes could be sent to another system...
// then create a Point object, but now decoding it from WKB bytes
final pointDecoded = Point.decode(wkbBytes, format: WKB.geometry);
// finally print WKT text:
// POINT ZM(10.123 20.25 -30.95 -1.999)
print(pointDecoded.toText(format: WKT.geometry));
// -------
// or as a bonus of this solution it's as easy to print it as GeoJSON text too
// {"type":"Point","coordinates":[10.123,20.25,-30.95,-1.999]}
print(pointDecoded.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry));
// great, but, we just forgot that GeoJSON should not contain m coordinates...
// {"type":"Point","coordinates":[10.123,20.25,-30.95]}
format: GeoJSON.geometryFormat(conf: GeoJsonConf(ignoreMeasured: true)),
void _ewkbSample() {
// References:
// [PostGIS](
// [GEOS](
// to get a sample point, first parse a 3D point from WKT encoded string
final p = Point.parse('POINT Z(-0.0014 51.4778 45)', format: WKT.geometry);
// to encode a geometry as WKB/EWKB use toBytes() or toBytesHex() methods
// encode as standard WKB data (format: `WKB.geometry`), prints:
// 01e9030000c7bab88d06f056bfb003e78c28bd49400000000000804640
final wkbHex = p.toBytesHex(format: WKB.geometry);
// encode as Extended WKB data (format: `WKB.geometryExtended`), prints:
// 0101000080c7bab88d06f056bfb003e78c28bd49400000000000804640
final ewkbHex = p.toBytesHex(format: WKB.geometryExtended);
// otherwise encoded data equals, but bytes for the geometry type varies
// there are some helper methods to analyse WKB/EWKB bytes or hex strings
// (decodeFlavor, decodeEndian, decodeSRID and versions with hex postfix)
// prints: "WkbFlavor.standard - WkbFlavor.extended"
print('${WKB.decodeFlavorHex(wkbHex)} - ${WKB.decodeFlavorHex(ewkbHex)}');
// when decoding WKB or EWKB data, a variant is detected automatically, so
// both `WKB.geometry` and `WKB.geometryExtended` can be used
final pointFromWkb = Point.decodeHex(wkbHex, format: WKB.geometry);
final pointFromEwkb = Point.decodeHex(ewkbHex, format: WKB.geometry);
print(pointFromWkb.equals3D(pointFromEwkb)); // prints "true"
// SRID can be encoded only on EWKB data, this sample prints:
// 01010000a0e6100000c7bab88d06f056bfb003e78c28bd49400000000000804640
final ewkbHexWithSRID =
p.toBytesHex(format: WKB.geometryExtended, crs: CoordRefSys.EPSG_4326);
// if you have WKB or EWKB data, but not sure which, then you can fist check
// a flavor and whether it contains SRID, prints: "SRID from EWKB data: 4326"
if (WKB.decodeFlavorHex(ewkbHexWithSRID) == WkbFlavor.extended) {
final srid = WKB.decodeSRIDHex(ewkbHexWithSRID);
if (srid != null) {
print('SRID from EWKB data: $srid');
// after finding out CRS, an actual point can be decoded
// Point.decodeHex(ewkbHexWithSRID, format: WKB.geometry);
void _temporalData() {
// Instants can be created from `DateTime` or parsed from text.
Instant(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31, 09, 30));
Instant.parse('2020-10-31 09:30Z');
// Intervals (open-started, open-ended, closed).
Interval.openStart(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31));
Interval.openEnd(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 01));
Interval.closed(DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 01), DateTime.utc(2020, 10, 31));
// Same intervals parsed (by the "start/end" format, ".." for open limits).
void _geospatialExtents() {
// An extent with spatial (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) and temporal parts.
crs: CoordRefSys.CRS84,
bbox: GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0),
interval: Interval.parse('../2020-10-31'),
// An extent with multiple spatial bounds and temporal interval segments.
crs: CoordRefSys.CRS84,
boxes: [
GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0),
GeoBox(west: 40.0, south: 50.0, east: 60.0, north: 60.0),
intervals: [
void _wgs84ToWebMercatorViaPositions() {
// Built-in coordinate projections (currently only between WGS 84 and
// Web Mercator)
// Sample point as geographic coordinates.
const geographic = Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
// Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) to Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator).
final forward = WGS84.webMercator.forward;
final projected = geographic.project(forward);
// Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator) to Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude).
final inverse = WGS84.webMercator.inverse;
final unprojected = projected.project(inverse);
print('${unprojected.toText(decimals: 5)}'
' <=> ${projected.toText(decimals: 5)}');
void _wgs84ToWebMercatorViaProjections() {
// Built-in coordinate projections (currently only between WGS 84 and
// Web Mercator)
// Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) to Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator)
final forward = WGS84.webMercator.forward;
final projected = forward.project(
const Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778),
to: Projected.create,
// Projected (WGS 84 Web Mercator) to Geographic (WGS 84 longitude-latitude)
final inverse = WGS84.webMercator.inverse;
final unprojected = inverse.project(
to: Geographic.create,
print('${unprojected.toText(decimals: 5)}'
' <=> ${projected.toText(decimals: 5)}');
/// "Web Mercator Quad" tile matrix set.
/// [OGC Two Dimensional Tile Matrix Set](
/// "Level 0 allows representing most of the world (limited to latitudes
/// between approximately ±85 degrees) in a single tile of 256x256 pixels
/// (Mercator projection cannot cover the whole world because mathematically
/// the poles are at infinity). The next level represents most of the world
/// in 2x2 tiles of 256x256 pixels and so on in powers of 2. Mercator
/// projection distorts the pixel size closer to the poles. The pixel sizes
/// provided here are only valid next to the equator."
/// Using "Web Mercator Quad" involves following coordinates:
/// * *position*: geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude)
/// * *world*: a position projected to the pixel space of the map at level 0
/// * *pixel*: pixel coordinates (x, y) in the pixel space of the map at zoom
/// * *tile*: tile coordinates (x, y) in the tile matrix at zoom
void _webMercatorQuad() {
// "WebMercatorQuad" tile matrix set with 256 x 256 pixel tiles and with
// "top-left" origin for the tile matrix and map pixel space
const quad = WebMercatorQuad.epsg3857();
// source position as geographic coordinates
const position = Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
// get world, tile and pixel coordinates for a geographic position
quad.positionToWorld(position).toText(decimals: 6),
); // ~ x=127.999004 y=85.160341
print(quad.positionToTile(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=511 y=340
print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=2047 y=1362
// world coordinates can be instantiated as projected coordinates
// x range: (0.0, 256.0) / y range: (0.0, 256.0)
const world = Projected(x: 127.99900444444444, y: 85.16034098329446);
// from world coordinates to tile and pixel coordinates
print(quad.worldToTile(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=511 y=340
print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=2047 y=1362
// tile and pixel coordinates with integer values can be defined too
const tile = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 1, y: 1);
const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 511, y: 340);
// tile and pixel coordinates can be zoomed (scaled to other level of details)
print(pixel.zoomIn()); // zoom=3 x=1022 y=680
print(pixel.zoomOut()); // zoom=1 x=255 y=170
// get tile bounds and pixel position (accucy lost) as geographic coordinates
print(quad.tileToBounds(tile)); // west: -90 south: 0 east: 0 north: 66.51326
print(quad.pixelToPosition(pixel)); // longitude: -0.17578 latitude: 51.50874
// world coordinates returns geographic positions still accurately
print(quad.worldToPosition(world)); // longitude: -0.00140 latitude: 51.47780
// aligned points (world, pixel and position coordinates) inside tile or edges
print(quad.tileToWorld(tile, align: Aligned.northWest));
print(quad.tileToPixel(tile, align:;
print(quad.tileToPosition(tile, align:;
print(quad.tileToPosition(tile, align: Aligned.southEast));
// get zoomed tile at the center of a source tile
final centerOfTile2 = quad.tileToWorld(tile, align:;
final tile7 = quad.worldToTile(centerOfTile2, zoom: 7);
print('tile at zoom 2: $tile => center of tile: $centerOfTile2 '
'=> tile at zoom 7: $tile7');
// a quad key is a string identifier for tiles
print(quad.tileToQuadKey(tile)); // "03"
print(quad.quadKeyToTile('03')); // zoom=2 x=1 y=1
print(quad.quadKeyToTile('0321')); // zoom=4 x=5 y=6
// tile size and map bounds can be checked dynamically
print(quad.tileSize); // 256
print(quad.mapBounds()); // ~ west: -180 south: -85.05 east: 180 north: 85.05
// matrix width and height tells number of tiles in a given zoom level
print('${quad.matrixWidth(2)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(2)}'); // 4 x 4
print('${quad.matrixWidth(10)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(10)}'); // 1024 x 1024
// map width and height tells number of pixels in a given zoom level
print('${quad.mapWidth(2)} x ${quad.mapHeight(2)}'); // 1024 x 1024
print('${quad.mapWidth(10)} x ${quad.mapHeight(10)}'); // 262144 x 262144
// ground resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at the Equator
print(quad.tileGroundResolution(10)); // ~ 39135.76 (meters)
print(quad.pixelGroundResolution(10)); // ~ 152.87 (meters)
print(quad.scaleDenominator(10)); // ~ 545978.77
// inverse: zoom from ground resolution and scale denominator
print(quad.zoomFromPixelGroundResolution(152.87)); // ~ 10.0 (double value)
print(quad.zoomFromScaleDenominator(545978.77)); // ~ 10.0 (double value)
// ground resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at lat 51.4778
print(quad.pixelGroundResolutionAt(latitude: 51.4778, zoom: 10)); // ~ 95.21
print(quad.scaleDenominatorAt(latitude: 51.4778, zoom: 10)); // ~ 340045.31
// inverse: zoom from ground resolution and scale denominator at lat 51.4778
latitude: 51.4778,
resolution: 95.21,
); // ~ 10.0 (double value)
latitude: 51.4778,
denominator: 340045.31,
); // ~ 10.0 (double value)
/// "Global Geodetic Quad" tile matrix set ("World CRS84 Quad" for WGS 84).
/// Tiles are defined in the Equirectangular Plate Carrée projection in the
/// CRS84 coordinate reference system (longitude, latitude) for the whole
/// world. At the zoom level 0 the world is covered by two tiles (tile matrix
/// width is 2 and matrix height is 1). The western tile (x=0, y=0) is for the
/// negative longitudes and the eastern tile (x=1, y=0) for the positive
/// longitudes.
/// Using "Global Geodetic Quad" involves following coordinates:
/// * *position*: geographic coordinates (longitude, latitude)
/// * *world*: a position scaled to the pixel space of the map at level 0
/// * *pixel*: pixel coordinates (x, y) in the pixel space of the map at zoom
/// * *tile*: tile coordinates (x, y) in the tile matrix at zoom
void _globalGeodeticQuad() {
// "World CRS 84" tile matrix set with 256 x 256 pixel tiles and with
// "top-left" origin for the tile matrix and map pixel space
const quad = GlobalGeodeticQuad.worldCrs84();
// source position as geographic coordinates
const position = Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
// get world, tile and pixel coordinates for a geographic position
quad.positionToWorld(position).toText(decimals: 6),
); // ~ x=255.998009 y=54.787129
print(quad.positionToTile(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=3 y=0
print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1023 y=219
print(quad.positionToPixel(position, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=4095 y=876
// world coordinates can be instantiated as projected coordinates
// x range: (0.0, 512.0) / y range: (0.0, 256.0)
const world = Projected(x: 255.99800888888888, y: 54.78712888888889);
// from world coordinates to tile and pixel coordinates
print(quad.worldToTile(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=3 y=0
print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 2)); // zoom=2 x=1023 y=219
print(quad.worldToPixel(world, zoom: 4)); // zoom=4 x=4095 y=876
// tile and pixel coordinates with integer values can be defined too
const tile = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 3, y: 0);
const pixel = Scalable2i(zoom: 2, x: 1023, y: 219);
// get tile bounds and pixel position (accucy lost) as geographic coordinates
print(quad.tileToBounds(tile)); // west: -45 south: 45 east: 0 north: 90
print(quad.pixelToPosition(pixel)); // longitude: -0.08789 latitude: 51.41602
// world coordinates returns geographic positions still accurately
print(quad.worldToPosition(world)); // longitude: -0.00140 latitude: 51.4778
// tile size and map bounds can be checked dynamically
print(quad.tileSize); // 256
print(quad.mapBounds()); // west: -180 south: -90 east: 180 north: 90
// matrix width and height tells number of tiles in a given zoom level
print('${quad.matrixWidth(2)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(2)}'); // 8 x 4
print('${quad.matrixWidth(10)} x ${quad.matrixHeight(10)}'); // 2048 x 1024
// map width and height tells number of pixels in a given zoom level
print('${quad.mapWidth(2)} x ${quad.mapHeight(2)}'); // 2048 x 1024
print('${quad.mapWidth(10)} x ${quad.mapHeight(10)}'); // 524288 x 262144
// arc resolutions and scale denominator for zoom level 10 at the Equator
print(quad.tileArcResolution(10)); // ~ 0.175781 (° degrees)
print(quad.pixelArcResolution(10)); // ~ 0.000686646 (° degrees)
print(quad.scaleDenominator(10)); // ~ 272989.39
// inverse: zoom from scale denominator at the Equator
print(quad.zoomFromScaleDenominator(272989.39)); // ~ 10.0 (double value)