generic_json_serializable 0.0.2 copy "generic_json_serializable: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
generic_json_serializable: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

generic serialize

generic_json_serializable #

Extend from json_serializable to provide another way to solve the problem of serialization and deserialization of the generic. Usually used in conjunction with generic_api_generator.

Usage #

Add dependencies and dev_dependencies.

  generic_json_annotation: any # use latest version

  generic_json_serializable: any # use latest version

Decorate the generic field with GenericKey, api_result.dart.

import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:generic_json_annotation/generic_json_annotation.dart';

part 'api_result.g.dart';

class ApiResult<E, D> {
  @JsonKey(name: 'success')
  final bool success;
  @GenericKey(name: 'error')
  final E error;
  @GenericKey(name: 'data')
  final D data;

  ApiResult(this.success, this.error,;

Run code generation.

$ flutter pub run build_runner build

Then the following code will be generated, api_result.g.dart.

ApiResult<E, D> _$ApiResultFromJson<E, D>(Map<String, dynamic> json,
    {Function fromJsonE, Function fromJsonD}) {
  return ApiResult<E, D>(
    json['success'] as bool,
    (fromJsonE == null ? json['error'] : fromJsonE(json['error'])) as E,
    (fromJsonD == null ? json['data'] : fromJsonD(json['data'])) as D,

Map<String, dynamic> _$ApiResultToJson<E, D>(ApiResult<E, D> instance,
        {Function toJsonE, Function toJsonD}) =>
    <String, dynamic>{
      'success': instance.success,
      'error': toJsonE == null ? instance.error : toJsonE(instance.error),
      'data': toJsonD == null ? : toJsonD(,

Bind to class ApiResult<E, D> as follow

class ApiResult<E, D> {
  // ...
  factory ApiResult.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
          {Function fromJson1, Function fromJson2}) =>
      _$ApiResultFromJson<E, D>(json,
          fromJsonE: fromJson1, fromJsonD: fromJson2);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson({Function toJson1, Function toJson2}) =>
      _$ApiResultToJson<E, D>(this, toJsonE: toJson1, toJsonD: toJson2);

Why the parameter name in the generated function ApiResultToJson/ApiResultToJson is fromJsonE/fromJsonD/toJsonE/toJsonD, But the parameter name in the functions fromJson/toJson is indeed fromJson1/fromJson2/toJson1/toJson2?
Because, This is because in the current definition context, we can clearly know which field is pointed to by the letter E/D; but when used, as in the example below, we only have specific types, such as User/String, and there is no letter E/D, so we can only use the generic parameter order to determine which field. And fortunately, in the context of the current definition, we know how to associate the two representations.

Use fromJson

final Map<String, dynamic> json = <String, dynamic>{
  'success': true,
  'error': 'error',
  'data': <String, dynamic>{'uid': 'uid', 'name': 'name'}
ApiResult<String, User>.fromJson(json, fromJson1: (v) => v, fromJson2: (v) => User.fromJson(v));

Use toJson

ApiResult<String, User>(true, 'error', User('uid', 'name')).toJson(toJson1: (v) => v, toJson2: (v) => v.toJson());

If the parameter is a basic type, you can ignore the conversion of the parameter, but other types can not be ignored.

// fromJson
ApiResult<String, User>.fromJson(json,  fromJson2: (v) => User.fromJson(v));

// toJson
ApiResult<String, User>(true, 'error', User('uid', 'name')).toJson(toJson1: toJson2: (v) => v.toJson());

If generic_api_generator is used to automatically generate code, this omission is unnecessary.