generic_expandable_text 0.0.1 generic_expandable_text: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
This is a expandable text widget where, the package is able to detect if the provided text has overflow or not, By allowing the widget with max lines read more and read less functionality is enabled.
0.0.1 #
- In the initial release, the you will have the functionality of defining the max lines for the Text widget, where the readmore and readless will be generated according to the max lines provided.
Code snippit
ExpandableText( 'Hello dnbsh kdsajdksak djas dsjkak dsajkd sajkdsa dsjk dsajkdsd sakjd sa sdajd asdjksa dd sadjk asdjskad sadj asdkjas dsaj dsajk dsjakdsajkd sahdsa j sadkhasjkdsa dsjadjksa djksadjks adjks adjska ds \n hello', hasReadMore: true, maxLines: 1, )