generators_lite 1.0.0 copy "generators_lite: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
generators_lite: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Use the power of automatic code generation for Dart.


Start coding with multiple generators working at once powered by package:build_runner.

Currently includes ready-to-use generators for Assets, I18N, Data Classes and Icon Fonts.

Getting Started #

This package relies on Dart package:analyzer to format generated code.

It provides a unified way to use all of the featured generators. Currently featuring:

  1. Assets generator. Used for utilizing autocompletion of the native file structure.

  2. I18N generator. Primarily used for utilizing autocompletion of the files with translations, but can also be used for any type of Dart code conversion from strings.

  3. Data Class generator. Used for generating all-in-one Dart classes from provided class fields.

  4. Icon Fonts generator. Used for real-time generation of a webfont from .svg files. Also utilizes autocompletion of the nested icons like an assets generator.

Installation #

This package is intended to support the development of Dart projects with package:build_runner. In general, put it under dev_dependencies in your pubspec.yaml.

  build_runner: any

Alternatively, you can use plain console commands to do all the same things. Enable the package globally and use it as a console tool:

dart pub global activate generators_lite

generate <command> [arguments]

Or call the package directly:

dart run generators_lite:main <command> [arguments]

Command is pointing to a generator to be used and arguments are passed directly to that generator. For example:

generate assets --import-path source/assets --export-path lib/assets.g.dart
generate i18n -i source/i18n -e lib/i18n.g.dart
generate models -i models.json -e lib/models.g.dart
generate icons -i source/icons -e lib/icons.g.dart

Usage #

This package is configured using a build.yaml file. See the package:build_config README for more information on this file.

To use all files under your current package and not only files in lib, set build.yaml sources section as following. See also Example tab for a complete example on build.yaml file.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=./build.yaml
        - '**'
        - lib/$lib$
        - $package$
        - .dart_tool/**

NOTE: Because of the limitations on the package:build_runner, there can only be one predefined generated file when using aggregate builders. So, in terms of straightforwardness, every generator generates only one single file. This behavior may change in the future.

To run the generator, you want to run the following command:

dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

To make things even easier, you can also setup VS Code task for package:build_runner. This task can also be automatically run if you allow the c command. See this example on tasks.json for a convenient way to setup such task.

  // See
  // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "type": "shell",
      "label": "build_runner",
      "command": "flutter",
      "args": [
      "isBackground": true,
      "presentation": {
        "echo": true,
        "reveal": "silent",
        "focus": false,
        "panel": "shared",
        "showReuseMessage": true,
        "clear": false
      "problemMatcher": ["$dart-build_runner"],
      "runOptions": {
        "runOn": "folderOpen"

The rest of this section provides detailed instructions on how to use each generator from this package.

Assets Generator #

All this generator does is migrate a file structure from the provided import_path to the nested Dart classes.

By default it omits any extension in the file name, but if there are two or more files with the same name and different extensions, the extensions are also added to the group keys.

To use this generator, you also need to specify fetched assets in your pubspec.yaml.

    - assets/
    - assets/nested_folder/

The Assets generator may also have the following keys:

  • import_path: The path that leads to the directory to migrate file structure from. Defaults to assets.
  • export_path: The path that leads to the file that is being generated. Defaults to lib/assets.g.dart.
  • export_encoding: The encoding used for writing the .dart files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • base_name: The name of the generated class. Defaults to Assets.
  • convert: If the file names should be converted to camel case. Disabling this option will prevent any changes to be made to the file names. Be certain to pass valid Dart names or the generation will be likely to fail. Defaults to true.

I18N Generator #

This generator grounds on an abstract locale, which extends a global abstract base, just like it's nested groups. Optionally, each group can also be modified in a default (unnamed) locale. If there is no default locale, the abstract locale is automatically resolved with all locales provided.

Each locale can be accessed through initialized constant class instance, or through the call to a special generated Enum values.

If use_flutter is true, the I18NLocalizations class is also generated, providing a context-dependent interface to access current locale from Flutter widgets. This also requires providing the localization delegate like so:

  supportedLocales: _) => _.locale),
  localizationsDelegates: const <LocalizationsDelegate<Object?>>[

Then, to access the current localization, you would simply write:

final I18N $ = I18NLocalizations.of(context);

To start, we need to mention a few points on groups:

  1. Each group can be nested indefinitely using getters.
  2. Each group entry can be a getter or a method, which is derived from the entry key itself. By default, all entries are getters, but if an entry key ends with brackets, it will be rendered as a method.
  3. If a group entry is a method, it can have any amount of parameters specified. But it is important to match these parameters between locales, including the abstract one.
  4. If a group entry key has a type specified, this type will override the possible automatically derived return type.
  5. If a group entry value is multiline, it will be rendered within the function body. And because of that, it will require a return type specified.
  6. If you want to access the parent group from within the nested group, you can do that by using the $ key.

The algorithm for fetching files under import_path directory:

  1. Treat the part in the file name after the last underscore as a locale.

    • If only one file name of all doesn't have an underscore it is treated as a part of an abstract locale and other ones are treated regularly.
    • If more than one file name doesn't have an underscore, all file names are treated as locales. And the one without name is treated as an abstract one.
  2. Process the tree structure for each fetched locale, including abstract one.

    • If there is only one file for a locale at a directory, file's parent directories stay present, but the file name is omitted, and the grouping starts inside this file.
    • If there is more than one file for a locale at a directory, file's parent directories, as well as the name of the file, stay present, and grouping starts one layer up from inside of the file.
  3. Check that all of the locales match keys, including abstract one.

    • There is an error thrown, if actual locale has keys that neither the other locales have, nor the abstract one.
    • The keys, that are not present in the abstract locale, are automatically resolved from the actual locales and added as abstract getters.
  4. Check the returning types in the abstract locale.

    • Each locale can have its own returning types for group getters, but the abstract locale will always be covariant.

The I18N generator may also have the following keys:

  • import_path: The path that leads to the directory with localizations to be generated. Defaults to i18n.
  • export_path: The path that leads to the file that is being generated. Defaults to lib/i18n.g.dart.
  • export_encoding: The encoding used for writing the .dart files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • encoding: The encoding used for reading the .json and .yaml files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • base_name: The name of the generated class. Defaults to I18N.
  • convert: If the group keys should be converted to camel case. Disabling this option will prevent any changes to be made to the key names. Be certain to pass valid Dart names or the generation will be likely to fail. Defaults to true.
  • only_language_code: Ensure that locales should only use their language codes. Defaults to true.
  • base_class_name: The name of the class, that will be used as an abstract base for generated groups. You may also specify any necessary imports needed to import that class. Defaults to null.
  • enum_class_name: The name of the generated Enum. Defaults to I18NLocale.
  • use_flutter: If the generated results are intended to be used with Flutter. Thus, whether Localizations class and it's Localizations Delegate should be generated. Defaults to true.
  • localizations_class_name: The name of the I18N Localizations class implementation. Only used if use_flutter is true. Defaults to I18NLocalizations.
  • delegate_class_name: The name of the Localizations Delegate class implementation. Only used if use_flutter is true. Defaults to I18NDelegate.
  • delegate_fallback_locale: The locale that will be used as a fallback in Localizations Delegate. Should be the exact match of one of the generated locales. Only used if use_flutter is true. Defaults to the first locale generated.
  • imports: An iterable or a single string to add as import to the generated file. Defaults to import package:meta.

Data Class Generator #

This generator creates all-in-one classes directly from the predefined config.

To use this generator, you also need to put package:json_converters_lite under dependencies in your pubspec.yaml.


The config example is the following:

  // The name of the class.
  "Address": {
    // The dart name of the class.
    "name": "AddressModel",
    // The doc for the class.
    "doc": "The model of an address.",
    // The properties of each field.
    "fields": {
      "id": {
        "type": "int",
        "default": null,
        "doc": "The identificator of this address.",
        "nullable": true,
        "compare": true
      "postal_code": {
        // The dart name will be this value instead of the field key.
        "name": "postCode",
        "type": "int",
        "default": null,
        "doc": null,
        "nullable": false,
        "compare": false
      "companies": {
        // Implementation of the one-to-many relationship.
        "type": "Company[]",
        "default": [],
        "doc": null,
        "nullable": false
    "instances": {
      "address": {
        "id": 1,
        "postCode": 12345,
        "companies": [
  // The name of the other class.
  "Company": {
    // The dart name of the other class.
    "name": "CompanyModel",
    "doc": null,
    "fields": {
      "registry_number": {
        "type": "int",
        "default": null,
        "doc": null,
        "nullable": false,
        "compare": true
      "address_id": {
        "type": "int",
        "default": null,
        "doc": null,
        "nullable": false,
        "compare": false
      "address": {
        // Implementation of the many-to-one relationship.
        "type": "Address",
        "default": null,
        "doc": null,
        "nullable": true
    "instances": {
      "company": {
        "registry_number": 123,
        "address_id": "",
        "address": "address"

The config contains all of the classes to be generated. Each class contains fields key to set the fields of the class, and, optionally, an instances key to create instances of this class from fields and their values. Each class and each field can also contain any of the properties listed below.

The properties of the class may optionally specify:

  • name: The custom Dart name for the generated class. Defaults to the key of the class in the outer layer. If generator convert option is also true, formats the key to camel case, otherwise be sure to pass valid Dart name or the generation will be likely to fail.
  • doc: The documentation for the generated class. If none is specified, uses the mock up one.
  • to_json: If toJson and fromJson serialization methods should also be created for each model. Defaults to true.

The properties of each field may optionally specify:

  • type: The type of the field, works like Enum. If specified a square brackets at the end, will be an Iterable of the same type. For, example:

    "type": "int" // will be an integer
    "type": "int[]" // will be an iterable of integers
    "type": "enum" // will raise an error
    "type": "enum[a,b,c]" // will be an Enum
    "type": "flag[a,b,c]" // will be an iterable of Enums

    Currently, type can be one of the following:

    • object,
    • enum, which is later generated from it's values in square brackets,
    • bool,
    • int,
    • float, which is converted to double,
    • str, which is converted to String,
    • datetime, which is converted to DateTime,
    • timedelta, which is converted to Duration,
    • or other data class that is being currently generated.
  • name: The custom Dart name for the generated field. Defaults to the key of the field in the middle layer. If generator convert option is also true, formats the key to camel case, otherwise be sure to pass valid Dart name or the generation will be likely to fail.

  • doc: The documentation for the generated field. If none is specified, uses the mock up one.

  • default: The default value of this field. This value should be a serialized value of this field's type, which is then deserialized and rendered correctly during generation proccess.

  • nullable: If the field can be nullable. Defaults to true.

  • required: If the field is required. Defaults to true, if field has no default value specified and field is nullable.

  • copy: If the field should be included in copyWith or copyWithNull methods. Defaults to true.

  • serialize: If the field should be included in toMap method. Defaults to true.

  • deserialize: If the field should be included in fromMap method if it is not required. Defaults to true.

  • compare: If the field should participate in compareTo method implementaion. Defaults to false.

  • equality: If the field should be added to == operator and hashCode. Can be a bool or a string of the following values:

    • none, if the field should not be added to equality,
    • ordered (default), if the equality should be added as IterableEquality for iterable fields and == operator for regular ones,
    • unordered, if the equality should be added as UnorderedIterableEquality for iterable fields and == operator for regular ones.
  • to_string: If the field should be added to the toString method. Defaults to true.

  • check_type: If value type should be checked on deserialize and replaced for chek_type_default if needed. Defaults to true.

  • check_type_default: The default value of this field if check_type resolves to false. This value should be a serialized value of this field's type, which is then deserialized and rendered correctly during generation proccess. If no value is specified, the default value is used instead.

  • cast_iterable: If the iterable value type should be processed on deserialize using Iterable.cast instead of Iterable.whereType. Defaults to false.

Each of the generated classes has the following parts:

  1. constructor
  2. fields
  3. copyWith, if any of the class fields has copy property set to true.
  4. copyWithNull, if any of the class fields has copy and nullable properties set to true.
  5. toMap, if any of the class fields has serialize property set to true.
  6. fromMap, if any of the class fields has serialize property set to true.
  7. comparable, if any of the class fields has compare property set to true.
  8. == operator
  9. hashCode
  10. toString

The way serialization works is by using the package:json_converters_lite for handling serialization of basic fields and custom generated converters for fields with other data classes. Thus, each generated data class has it's own converter generated.

Also, if class has had any Enum fields specified, these fields are rendered on their own at the top of the generated file.

The Data Class generator may also have the following keys:

  • import_path: The path that leads to the file or directory to get the info about generated classes from. Defaults to models.
  • export_path: The path that leads to the file that is being generated. Defaults to lib/models.g.dart.
  • export_encoding: The encoding used for writing the .dart files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • encoding: The encoding used for reading the .json and .yaml files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • convert_field_names: If the field names should be converted to camel case. Disabling this option will prevent any changes to be made to the field names. Be certain to pass valid Dart names or the generation will be likely to fail. Defaults to true.
  • convert_class_names: If the class names should be converted to camel case. Disabling this option will prevent any changes to be made to the class names. Be certain to pass valid Dart names or the generation will be likely to fail. Defaults to false.
  • assign_field_types: If the unknown field types should be resolved from default values. Defaults to true.
  • include_null_fields: If the fields with null values should be added in toMap. Defaults to true.
  • empty_required_iterables: If the required iterable fields with null values should be replaced with empty iterable in fromMap. Defaults to true.
  • imports: An iterable or a single string to add as an import to the generated file. By default, imports package:json_converters_lite.

Icon Fonts Generator #

This generator depends on the fantasticon js package to generate a webfont itself. So, to use this generator, you need to have Node.JS installed on your machine. Apart from that, it's all the same as the previous ones.

The .svg icons are taken recursively from the specified import_path. The initial file structure is preserved and generated as nested classes later.

NOTE: .svg files should be normalized before processing with this generator. To do this, you can use tools like svgo. Unnormalized .svg may lead to unexpected results including crashes.

To use this generator, you also need to specify generated font in your pubspec.yaml.

    - family: Icons
        - asset: lib/icons.ttf

You can also reduce the size of your application by removing support for flutter material icons from your pubspec.yaml.

  uses-material-design: false # or remove the line

The Icon Fonts generator may also have the following keys:

  • import_path: The path that leads to the directory to get the .svg files to generate a webfont from. Defaults to icons.
  • export_path: The path that leads to the file that is being generated. Defaults to lib/icons.g.dart.
  • font_export_path: The path that leads to the .ttf file that is being generated. Defaults to lib/icons.ttf.
  • export_encoding: The encoding used for writing the .dart files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • encoding: The encoding used for reading the .json and .yaml files. Defaults to utf-8.
  • base_name: The name of the generated class. Defaults to Icons.
  • font_family: The name of the font family specified in the flutter section of the pubspec.yaml. Defaults to Icons.
  • base_code_point: The number to start listing icons from in the generated font. This does not change the font generation, rather the dispayed values themselves. Defaults to 0xf101.
  • height: The height of the heighest icon. Learn more at the fantasticon options section.
  • descent: The descent is usefull to fix the font baseline. Learn more at the fantasticon options section. Defaults to 0.
  • normalize: If the icons should be normalized by scaling them to the height of the highest icon. Learn more at the fantasticon options section. Defaults to false.
  • convert: If the icon names should be converted to camel case. Disabling this option will prevent any changes to be made to the icon names. Be certain to pass valid Dart names or the generation will be likely to fail. Defaults to true.
  • package: The js package to run npm install or yarn install with. Should be a valid path to a file with a package if running this generator from console. Defaults to package with fantasticon: ^1.2.3.
  • yarn: If yarn should be used instead of npm. Defaults to false.
  • force: If the package should be installed forcefully. Otherwise, if fantasticon executable is present, installation is ommited. Defaults to false.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcomed!

Here is a curated list of how you can help:

  • Report bugs and scenarios that are difficult to implement.
  • Report parts of the documentation that are unclear.
  • Fix typos/grammar mistakes.
  • Update the documentation / add examples.
  • Implement new features by making a pull-request.


Why another project when all of these generators already exist? #

While there are many different projects with the same goal of generating Dart code, there is none of them, that feature all mainly used generators in the same package, codebase, unified usage and resulting code.

That's why this is an attempt to make things easier, more convenient and better quality for the end user.

Is it safe to use in production? #

Yes, but with caution. Some use-cases may not be as simple as they could be.

But overall, you should be able to use these generators without any trouble.

Will a new generators be added over time? #

Of course they will!

Leave your suggestions at the official issue tracker.

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Use the power of automatic code generation for Dart.

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analyzer, args, build, collection, dart_style, glob, json5, meta, path, yaml


Packages that depend on generators_lite