gdpr_ads 1.1.0 gdpr_ads: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
GDPR service, GDPR intermediate screen, Admob manager for loading and displaying
GDPR service, GDPR intermediate screen, Admob manager for loading and displaying
Features #
- GDPR Manager.
- Ads loading, displaing and returning the results.
- GDPR and Ads fail gracefully.
Getting started #
This package consists of two components: GDPR and Ads. Noth may be used individually. The example below combines both components.
- Configure
MaterialApp( home: GdprScreenManager() )
. - Display Ads.
- Update or reset GDPR on request.
Initialize GDPR and Ads #
Add a navigation method that will navigate to the next screen after the GDPR screen. In the exmaple below, replace AfterGdprScreen()
with your own widget.
Set Ad units and test device IDs. The Ad units below are Admob demo Ad units and are safe to use.
Will show GDPR dialog if user never interacted with it.
Will not show GDPR dialog if user already interacted with it.
void main() async {
runApp(const MainApp());
class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MainApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: GdprScreenManager(
(BuildContext context) =>
MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) =>
const AfterGdprScreen())),
bannerIds: ["ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111"],
interstitialIds: ["ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"],
interRewardIds: ["ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5354046379"],
debugTestDeviceIds: [" ... YOUR TEST DEVICE ID HERE ... "],
// Force or unforce GDPR dialog for testing
debugGeography: GdprDebugGeography.insideEea,
Re-Visit GDPR #
Will show GDPR dialog if user never interacted with it.
Will not show GDPR dialog if user already interacted with it.
returns if GDPR applies to users' location in general. Useful for showing a condictional Update-Button.
if(GdprService.isUserUnderGdpr()) {
builder: (context) =>
Update existing GDPR #
Will always show GDPR dialog, regardless of whether user already interacted with it or not.
builder: (context) =>
Reset and then re-visit GDPR #
Will reset GDPR dialog and then re-visit GDPR dialog, regardless of whether user already interacted with it or not.
Will always show GDPR dialog, regardless of whether user already interacted with it or not.
builder: (context) =>
Show Ads #
If no adUnitId
is given the first available Ad unit will be displayed.
In kDebugMode
the `AdBanner`` will display additonal info.
Scaffold(body: AdBanner(String? adUnitId) );
The returned responses have a status-enum detailing the results.
final ResponseInterstitial result
= await AdService().showInterstitial(String? adUnitId);
A Rewarded Interstitial requires a dialog with a timer.
The appearance of this dialog has to match your app's design.
For convenience, copy the class RewardedInterstitialDialog
into your project and skin the AlertDialog inside as needed, find the source here.
Then, call AdService().showInterstitialRewarded()
with your dialog as a parameter as given below.
// Both `adUnitId`s referenced below need to be the same.
final String? adUnitId = null;
// Or
final String? adUnitId = '... Ad unit ID ... ';
final ResponseInterstitialRewarded result
= await AdService().showInterstitialRewarded(
const RewardedInterstitialDialog(
adUnitId:adUnitId, countdownSeconds:5,
Example #
The example folder contains a working example. Set your test device ID before running it. The Ad units are Admob demo units and safe to use.
- Add other ads
Additional information #
Google Admob can be painful, GDPR may time out, Ad slots may not get filled sometimes, also not sure if VPNs play well with Admob.
Admob project configuration