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A streamlined package for seamless integration of Gate-E functionality into Flutter applications. Expedite the integration process, empower customization, and simplify the incorporation of Gate-E features.

gatee_payment #

A streamlined package for seamless integration of Gate-E functionality into Flutter applications. Expedite the integration process, empower customization, and simplify the incorporation of Gate-E features.

Screenshots #

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Features #

  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly integrate Gate-E capabilities into your Flutter apps with minimal effort.
  • Flexible Customization: Tailor the design and settings of the Gate-E integration to match your project's unique requirements.
  • Time-Saving Solution: Save development time by utilizing pre-built components and streamlined integration processes.

Getting Started #

Before you start using the package:

1- Contact our business team (Gate-E):

2- Sign the agreement

3- pay for the service

4- Received the documents and agreements

5- Register in Gate-e portal

6- wait approval from provider

7- Recived approvel and Activate Payment Gateways - PG team

Usage #

To use this plugin, add gatee_payment as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

Here's a quick example of how you can use the gatee_payment package:

1- The payment process starts by sending an initiating payment request through the “Initiate Payment” API.

Initiate Payment - parameters #

Name Parameter Type Description
Merchant ID unique_id String Unique ID of the company, you can get it from API Settings
API Type api_type String Value: 1 (with registration), Value: 2 (without registration)
Original amount amount String Set the required amount of the payment
Action action String value: background (return response in JSON format)
Callback URL callback_url String value:, Hint: for test environment add test.gate-e
Calculated Hash calculated_hash String The calculated hash will be calculated according to posted data of the above list.

Example #

Future<Map<String, dynamic>> process() async {
 final payload = {
   'unique_id': unique_id,
   'amount': amount,
   'api_type': api_type,
   'action': action,
   'callback_url': call_back,
 String calHash = await calculateHash(hash, payload);
 final payload2 = {
   'unique_id': unique_id,
   'amount': amount,
   'api_type': api_type.toString(),
   'action': action,
   'callback_url': call_back,
   'calculated_hash': calHash,
 final response = await, body: payload2);
 final jsonResponse = jsonDecode(response.body);
 return {
   'payment_id': jsonResponse["payment_id"],
   'key': jsonResponse['key'],

//Calculated hash
String calculateHash(String hash, Map<String, String> data) {
 data = SplayTreeMap<String, String>.from(data);
 var data1 = '';
 data.forEach((key, value) {
   if (key != 'data' && key != 'note') {
     data1 += '$key=$value;';
 data1 += 'hash=$hash;';
 var bytes = utf8.encode(data1);
 var digest = md5.convert(bytes);
 var calculatedHash = hex.encode(digest.bytes);
 return calculatedHash;

Initiate Payment - sample response #

    status: success, 
    payment_id: 57841211263245, 
    key: f452g5566ev544h55d58ss45, 

2- Import package

import 'package:gatee_payment/payment_method.dart';

3- Call the provider in the main

  create: (BuildContext context) {
   return CheckInternet();

4- After getting the payment_id and key from the process API, send them to the PaymentMethods() screen along with the screen you want to return back to (onFinishScreen).

  child: Text('SDK'),
  onPressed: () async {
        builder: (context) => PaymentMethods(
          paymentid: paymentId,
          keyid: key,
          onFinishScreen: HomeScreen(), //redirect to this screen
          textBackButton: "Back to home", //not required - default is "Back"
          onSuccessfulPayment: () {
                          // ex: display successfull payment
                          print("successfull payment");
                        onFailedPayment: () {
                          // ex: display unsuccessfull payment
                          print("unsuccessfull payment");
          transaction: TransScreen(),
pub points


unverified uploader

A streamlined package for seamless integration of Gate-E functionality into Flutter applications. Expedite the integration process, empower customization, and simplify the incorporation of Gate-E features.



BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


awesome_dialog, connectivity_plus, flutter, flutter_inappwebview, flutter_native_screenshot, flutter_share, flutter_svg, http, image, intl, jovial_svg, loading_animation_widget, path_provider, pay, provider, screenshot, share_plus, url_launcher


Packages that depend on gatee_payment