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Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows.

Gap #

Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows.


Introduction #

When it comes to add empty space between widgets inside a Column or a Row, we have multiple options:

  • We can either add a Padding around these widgets but it's very verbose
  • Or we can add SizedBox widgets between them.

Gap is another option. It's like SizedBox but you don't have to know if it's inside a Row or a Column. So that it's less verbose than using a SizedBox.

Getting started #

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:gap/gap.dart';

Then you just have to add a Gap inside a Column or a Row with the specified extent.

return Column(
  children: <Widget>[
    Container(color:, height: 20),
    const Gap(20), // Adds an empty space of 20 pixels.
    Container(color:, height: 20),

MaxGap #

This package also comes with a MaxGap widget. The MaxGap widget will try to fill the available space in a Column or a Row with the specified size. If the available space is lesser than the specified size, the MaxGap widget will only take the available space.

It's useful when you want to have a gap that shrinks to avoid an overflow otherwise.

Other parameters #

By default a Gap will have no extent in the opposite direction of the Flex parent. If you want the Gap to have a color, you'll have to set the color and the crossAxisExtent parameters. You can also use the Gap.expand constructor to expand the Gap in the opposite direction of the Flex parent.

Changelog #

Please see the Changelog page to know what's recently changed.

Contributions #

Feel free to contribute to this project.

If you find a bug or want a feature, but don't know how to fix/implement it, please fill an issue.
If you fixed a bug or implemented a feature, please send a pull request.

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Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and Rows.

Repository (GitHub)
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