game_socket 0.0.2 copy "game_socket: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
game_socket: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

Socket library for creating real-time multiplayer games. Based on TCP, with the ability to send messages over UDP (planned).

Pub Version

Game socket #

The library was published in early access and is not stable, as it is being developed in parallel with other solutions. English is not a native language so there are no comments. At this stage, the library is for those who want to understand the source code and get a starting point for their solution or help me :)

Features #

  • One library contains both Server and Client parts.
  • The API communication library is similar to, but not compatible with this solution.
  • Contains a built-in binary protocol so you don't have to work at the byte level.
  • The transport layer uses TCP. To send game messages, it is planned to implement parallel work with UDP.
  • It implements such concepts as Multiplexing - interaction with several spaces through a single channel.

Support for WebSocket is not planned for the current day (but everything can change with the support of the community)

Example #


Usage #

Create client:

import 'package:game_socket/client.dart';

void main() {
  var client = GameClientExample();
  client.connect('localhost', 3103);

class GameClientExample extends GameSocketClient {
  GameClientExample() {
    on(Event.handshake, (packet) => _onHandshake(packet));
    on(Event.roomPacket, (packet) => _onRoomPacket(packet));

  void _onHandshake(Packet packet) {
    if (packet.namespace == '/') {
    } else if (packet.namespace == '/home') {
      sendMessage(JoinRoomRequest('lobby', namespace: '/home'));

  void _onRoomPacket(RoomPacket packet) {
    var roomName = packet.roomName;
    if (packet.joinRoom && roomName == 'lobby') {
      var msg = RoomEvent(roomName!, namespace: '/home', event: 'hello', message: 'hello all');

This client connects to the main / namespace on the server, then to the /home namespace. Then it sends a request to enter the lobby room, after which it dispatches a hello event containing the message text hello all.

Create server:

import 'package:game_socket/server.dart';

void main() {
  var service = SocketServiceExample();

class SocketServiceExample {
  late GameSocketServer server;
  late Namespace home;

  SocketServiceExample() {
    server = GameSocketServer(options: ServerOptions.byDefault()..supportRawData = true);
    home = server.of('/home');
    home.on(ServerEvent.connect, (data) => _onHomeConnect(data));
    home.on('hello', (packet) => _onHomeData(packet));
    server.on(ServerEvent.connection, (socket) {
      print('/: connection $socket');
      socket.on(ServerEvent.connect, (data) => _onConnect(data[0], data[1]));
      socket.on(Event.disconnecting, (data) => _onDisconnecting(data));
      socket.on(Event.disconnect, (data) => _onDisconnect(data[0], data[1]));
      socket.on(Event.error, (data) => _onError(data));
      socket.on(, (data) => _onData(data));
      socket.on(Event.close, (data) => {_onClose(data)});
    server.on(ServerEvent.error, (data) => {print('/: eventError $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.close, (data) => {print('/: serverClose $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.raw, (data) => {print('/: raw $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.createRoom, (data) => {print('/: createRoom $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.joinRoom, (data) => {print('/: joinRoom $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.leaveRoom, (data) => {print('/: leaveRoom $data')});
    server.on(ServerEvent.deleteRoom, (data) => {print('/: deleteRoom $data')});

  void listen() {

  void _onHomeConnect(dynamic data) {
    print('/home: connect $data');

  void _onHomeData(dynamic data) {
    print('/home: $data');
    if (data is RoomPacket && data.roomName != null) {
      home.broadcast(data, rooms: {data.roomName!});

  void _onConnect(String namespace, String socketId) {
    print('/: connect $socketId');

  void _onDisconnecting(dynamic data) {
    print('/: disconnecting $data');

  void _onDisconnect(String namespace, String reason) {
    print('$namespace: disconnect reason:$reason');

  void _onError(dynamic data) {
    print('/: error $data');

  void _onData(dynamic data) {
    print('/: $data');

  void _onClose(dynamic data) {
    print('/: close $data');

Server log
listen null Options{ port:3103 raw:true closeOnError:false }
/: connection GameClient{ 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8 [137545126]}
/: createRoom 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8
/: joinRoom [15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8, 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8]
Home: connect [/home, 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8]
Client log
open InternetAddress('', IPv4)
handshake Packet{[0.0 /], bit:516, bool:16, int:[0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0], string:{3: 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8}}
>> Message{[/home] boolMask:4, int:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], string:{} null}
handshake Packet{[0.0 /home], bit:516, bool:16, int:[0, 0, 60, 0, 0, 0], string:{3: 15466abe2006464e99b6c8b36f7f4ed8}}
>> Message{[/home] boolMask:16, int:[0, 0, 0], string:{0: lobby} null}
>> Message{[/home] boolMask:512, int:[0, 0, 0], string:{0: lobby, 5: hello, 1: hello all} null}

Protocol #

Data types used in the schema

Type Length Range
bool 1 bit true or false
int8 1 byte 0 to 255
int16 2 bytes 0 to 65535
int32 4 bytes 0 to 4294967295
string 1 + value 0 to 255 chars
bytes 2 + value 0 to 65535 bytes

Data types when writing or reading messages

Operation Schema Type Dart Type Range
putBool bool bool true or false
putInt int8 int -128 to 127
putUInt int8 int 0 to 255
putInt int16 int -32768 to 32767
putUInt int16 int 0 to 65535
putInt int32 int -2147483648 to 2147483647
putUInt int32 int 0 to 4294967295
putString string String 0 to 255 chars
putSingle ~(int8)~ double 0 to 1 step ~0.004
putRadians ~(int16)~ double step ~0.00019
putPayload bytes Uint8List 0 to 65535 bytes

Plans #

  • Initialization for sending UPD diagrams.
  • Automatic connections and reconnections.
  • Expanding the possibilities for working with rooms.
  • Conducting stress tests.

Tips for Beginners #

  • If you are developing a browser game, then you need a WebSocket solution.
  • When designing a game for real-time communication, UDP should be preferred, since TCP will cause a delay in the event of packet loss.

History of creation #

Sources that could have influenced the development of this work:

If you can suggest a translation better than automatic ᕙ(☉̃ₒ☉‶)ว just do it

pub points


unverified uploader

Socket library for creating real-time multiplayer games. Based on TCP, with the ability to send messages over UDP (planned).

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




meta, uuid


Packages that depend on game_socket