fusionauth_dart_client 1.48.0
fusionauth_dart_client: ^1.48.0 copied to clipboard
A FusionAuth client library written in Dart.
FusionAuth Dart Client
If you're integrating FusionAuth with a Dart or Flutter application, this library will speed up your development time.
For additional information and documentation on FusionAuth refer to https://fusionauth.io.
A library for FusionAuth Dart developers.
Known limitations #
- The use of some objects are limited due to missing support for dynamic fields (example: custom claims on a jwt). Currently, any data placed in JSON will not render in dart unless the class is explicitly subclassed to contain those fields.
Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:fusionauth_dart_client/fusionauth_dart_client.dart';
void main() async {
var client = FusionAuthClient('bf69486b-4733-4470-a592-f1bfce7af580',
'https://local.fusionauth.io', null);
var response = await client.searchUsersByQuery(SearchRequest(
search: UserSearchCriteria(queryString: "email:test@example.com")));
if (response.successResponse != null) {
fusionauth_dart_client: ^1.21.0
Contributors #
- Dmitriy Scherbakov/sherbacov added the auth example.
Questions and support #
If you have a question or support issue regarding this client library, we'd love to hear from you.
If you have a paid edition with support included, please open a ticket in your account portal. Learn more about paid editions here.
Otherwise, please post your question in the community forum.
Contributing #
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/FusionAuth/fusionauth-dart-client.
License #
This code is available as open source under the terms of the Apache v2.0 License.