functional_textfield 0.1.2 functional_textfield: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard
The functional_textfield is designed for ease of use and flexibility, this package offers a customizable and feature-rich text field component
0.0.1 #
- controller: Easily manage and manipulate the text input with the provided controller.
- label: Define a clear label for your text field to guide users.
- hint: Provide helpful hints to users for better input understanding.
- prefixText: Add prefix text to the input field for additional context.
- onChanged: Receive real-time updates on text changes with the onChanged callback.
- validator: Implement custom validation logic to ensure data integrity.
- validator: Implement custom validation logic to ensure data integrity.
- tkey: Assign a key to uniquely identify and interact with the text field.
- minLines and maxLines: Control the number of lines in the text field, suitable for both single and multi-line input.
- enable: Enable or disable the text field dynamically based on your application logic.
- icon: Enhance visual appeal by adding icons to your text fields.
- forRow: Optimize for row layout if needed.
- keybordType: Choose the keyboard type based on the expected input data.
- innertextAling: Align the text within the text field according to your preference.
- textfieldAction: Set the next action when the user interacts with the text field.
- forPhoneNo and forEmail: Simplify phone number and email input validation.
- notNull: Enforce non-null values for specific text fields.
- onlyNo: Allow only numeric input for enhanced data accuracy.
- autofocus: Automatically focus on the text field upon widget creation.
- passwordfield: Toggle visibility for password input fields.
- outlineColor and outlinOnFocus: Customize the outline color and focus color for visual distinction.
- fillColor and fillColorValue: Choose whether to fill the text field and specify the fill color.
- textColor: Set the text color for improved readability.
- emailRegex: Regular expression for validating email format.
- anyValueRegex: Generic regular expression for any type of value.
- phoneRegex: Regular expression for phone number validation.
- inputFormate(): Dynamically determine the input format based on configuration.
- keyBoardinputFormate(): Adjust the keyboard input format based on the configured type.
0.0.2 #
Improving the documentation
0.1.0 #
Improving the readme
0.1.1 #
Improve the onFocus glitch
0.1.2 #
Added Password Regx and name text field