function_tree 0.9.1
function_tree: ^0.9.1 copied to clipboard
A simple library for parsing strings into callable function-trees.
Examples #
Single Variable Functions #
import "package:function_tree/function_tree.dart";
void main() {
final f = "sin(2 * x)".toSingleVariableFunction(),
g = "2 * cos(x)".toSingleVariableFunction(),
pi = "pi".interpret(),
width = 30,
min = -2,
max = 2,
spaces = (num y) => ((y - min) / (max - min) * width).round();
for (var x = 0.0; x < 2 * pi; x += 0.2) {
final chs = [for (var _ = 0; _ <= width; _++) " "];
chs[spaces(f(x))] = "+";
chs[spaces(g(x))] = ":";
chs[spaces(0)] = "|";
| :
| + :
| + :
| + :
| + :
| +:
| :
| :
: |
: |
: + |
: + |
: + |
: + |
: + |
: |+
: | +
: | +
: | +
: | +
: | +
: | +
: | +
+ | :
+ | :
+ | :
+ | :
+ | :
+ | :
+| :
Multi-Variable Functions #
import "package:function_tree/function_tree.dart";
void main() {
final expression = "sqrt(x^2 + x*y + y^2) * log(2, abs(x) + 2) / 1.5",
f = expression.toMultiVariableFunction(["x", "y"]),
width = 30,
from = -3,
to = 3,
by = (to - from) / width,
map = (num t) => from + t * by,
ch = (num result) => switch (result) {
> 3 => "█",
> 2.5 => "▓",
> 1.5 => "▒",
> 0.5 => "·",
_ => " "
for (var y = 0; y < width; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) ch(f({"x": map(x), "y": map(y)}))
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