fsignalr 1.1.0 fsignalr: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Signalr client for Flutter to enable integration of real-time communication in Flutter apps.
fsignalr #
Signalr client for Flutter.
Usage #
import 'package:fsignalr/fsignalr.dart';
class HubMethodHandler {
final String methodName;
final int argsCount;
final void Function(String methodName, List<String?>? args)? handler;
const HubMethodHandler({
required this.methodName,
required this.argsCount,
required this.handler,
const appHubMethodHandlers = [
methodName: 'NoArgsEchoMethod',
argsCount: 0,
handler: noArgsMethodHandler,
methodName: 'OneArgEchoMethod',
argsCount: 1,
handler: oneArgMethodHandler,
methodName: 'TwoArgsEchoMethod',
argsCount: 2,
handler: twoArgsMethodHandler,
void noArgsMethodHandler(String methodName, List<String?>? args) {
print('NoArgsEchoMethod received, args: $args');
void oneArgMethodHandler(String methodName, List<String?>? args) {
print('OneArgEchoMethod received, args: $args');
void twoArgsMethodHandler(String methodName, List<String?>? args) {
print('TwoArgsEchoMethod received, args: $args');
Future<void> setUpConnection() async {
try {
// Create the hub connection manager
final HubConnectionManager manager = HubConnectionManager();
// Initialize the hub connection manager, this must be done
// before calling any other method on the manager
await manager.init(
baseUrl: 'https://myserver.com/hub',
transportType: TransportType.all,
headers: {'myHeaderKey': 'myHeaderValue'},
accessToken: 'myToken',
handShakeResponseTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 10),
keepAliveInterval: const Duration(seconds: 20),
serverTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 30),
handledHubMethods: appHubMethodHandlers
(appHubMethodHandler) =>
methodName: appHubMethodHandler.methodName,
argCount: appHubMethodHandler.argsCount,
// Listen to the connection state
manager.onHubConnectionStateChangedCallback = (state) {
print('Connection state changed to: $state');
// listen to received messages from the server
// this listener will only be invoked for the hub methods with names that
// were registered in the handledHubMethods list
manager.onMessageReceivedCallback = (methodName, args) {
for (final appHubMethodHandler in appHubMethodHandlers) {
if (methodName == appHubMethodHandler.methodName) {
appHubMethodHandler.handler?.call(methodName, args);
break; // or you can not break if you want to call all
// the handlers that have the same method name
// listen to connection-closed callback
manager.onConnectionClosedCallback = (exception) {
print('Connection closed, exception: $exception');
// Start the connection
await manager.startConnection();
// invoke methods on the server
await manager.invoke(
methodName: 'MyServerMethodName',
args: ['myFirstArg', 'mySecondArg'],
// stop the connection
await manager.stopConnection();
// start the connection again, if you want :)
await manager.startConnection();
// dispose the hub connection manager when done (also stops the connection)
await manager.dispose();
} catch (e) {
print('Error has occurred: $e');
Acknowledgements #
- For android implementation, uses the official SignalR client for Java by Microsoft.
Limitations #
- Currently only works on android
- Currently only supports websocket transport and long polling as per the official documentation
- Min Android sdk supported is 20 reason
Future Work #
- ❌ Add support for iOS
- Expose more functionality from the SignalR client for Java (if requested)