freezed_result 1.0.3+1 freezed_result: ^1.0.3+1 copied to clipboard
A Result<Success, Failure> that feels like a Freezed union. It holds the outcome of an operation—a value of type Success, or an error of type Failure—and methods to work with it.
import 'package:freezed_result/freezed_result.dart';
import 'support.dart';
// Main Idea
// 1. Setup a local database
// 2. Call an API for a user to login
// 3. Store user data in the database
// 4. Store access token in secure storage
void main() async {
final databaseResult = createDatabase();
if (databaseResult.isFailure) {
print('Error setting up the database: ${databaseResult.maybeError}');
// Authentication error: Validation error: Password too short.
await authenticate(0, 'b');
// Authentication error: Network error: Socket timeout
await authenticate(1, 'password');
// Bad user or password.
await authenticate(2, 'password');
// Authentication error: Database error: Cannot save user 3.
await authenticate(3, 'password');
// Authenticated user 4.
await authenticate(4, 'password');
Future<void> authenticate(int id, String password) async {
var result = await apiSignIn(id, password);
if (result.isSuccess) {
result = await saveUserData(result.maybeValue);
final authState = result.when(
success: (user) => (user == null)
? AuthState.unauthenticated()
: AuthState.authenticated(user),
failure: (error) => AuthState.error(error),
Result<Nothing, DatabaseError> createDatabase() {
// Use `nothing` instead of `void` (which wouldn't work)
return Result.success(nothing);
Future<Result<User?, AuthFailure>> saveUserData(User? user) async {
// Style 1: use standard try/catch directly return success/failure
try {
// User 3: not saved
await Database().save(user); // Future<void>
return Result.success(user);
} on DatabaseError catch (e) {
return Result.failure(;
Future<Result<User?, AuthFailure>> apiSignIn(int id, String password) async {
if (password.length < 2) {
// User 0: too short
return Result.failure(AuthFailure.validation('Password too short.'));
// Style 2: use catching, then translate value & error for return type
final apiResult = await Result.catching<int?, DioError>(
// User 1: socket timeout
// User 2: user not found
() => FakeDio().get(id), // Future<int?>
return apiResult.mapWhen(
success: (id) => id != null ? User(id) : null,
failure: (error) =>,