freerasp 6.7.1 copy "freerasp: ^6.7.1" to clipboard
freerasp: ^6.7.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter library for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices. Learn more about provided features on the freeRASP's homepage first.

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[6.7.1] - 2024-09-30 #

  • Android SDK version: 11.1.1
  • iOS SDK version: 6.6.0

Android #


  • False positives for hook detection

[6.7.0] - 2024-09-26 #

  • Android SDK version: 11.1.0
  • iOS SDK version: 6.6.0

Flutter #


  • Auditing mechanism for runtime checks


Android #


  • Auditing mechanism for runtime checks


  • Breaking: TalsecConfig creation was migrated to a Builder pattern
  • Refactored fetching the list of installed applications for root and hook detection
  • Updated OpenSSL to version 3.0.14
  • Updated CURL to version 8.8.0


  • Native crashes (SEGFAULT) in ifpip method
  • Collision for command line tools (e.g. ping) which couldn't be invoked without the full path

iOS #



  • Enhanced and accelerated the data collection logic
  • Updated OpenSSL to version 3.0.14
  • Updated CURL to version 8.8.0

freeRASP 6.6.0 #

What's new in 6.6.0? #

  • 🔎 Added new threat Threat.systemVPN for VPN detection
  • 🔎 Added new callback onSystemVPN in ThreatCallback for handling Threat.systemVPN threat
  • ❗ Increased minimal Dart SDK version to 2.18.0 and minimal Flutter version to 3.3.0
  • ⚡ Resolved issue in logging caused by the device's default system locale.
  • ✔️ Updated CA bundle
  • 📄 Documentation updates

Android #

  • 🔎 Added new threat Threat.devMode for detecting Developer mode on Android
  • 🔎 Added new callback onDevMode in ThreatCallback for handling Threat.devMode threat
  • ✔️ Increased the version of the GMS dependency

iOS #

  • ⚡ Passcode check is now periodical

freeRASP 6.5.1 #

What's new in 6.5.1? #

  • 📄 Fixed typo in README

Android #

  • ⚡ New Talsec SDK artifact hosting - better stability and availibility

freeRASP 6.5.0 #

What's new in 6.5.0? #

  • ⚡ Updated CURL to 8.5.0 and OpenSSL to 1.1.1w (resolves issue #93)
  • 📄 Added information about APK size increase and ways to decrease it (resolves issue #100)

Android #

  • ⚡ Fixed issue with disappearing threats when the app is quickly put into the background and then back to the foreground (resolves issue #91)
  • ⚡ Fixed a native crash bug during one of the native root checks (detected after NDK upgrade)
  • ⚡ Improved appIntegrity check and its logging

iOS #

  • ❗ Added Privacy Manifest
  • ❗ Added codesigning for the SDK, it is signed by:
    • Team ID: ASQC376HCN
    • Team Name: AHEAD iTec, s.r.o.
  • ⚡ Improved obfuscation of Swift and C strings

freeRASP 6.4.0 #

Minor fixes and improvements

What's new in 6.4.0? #

  • ⚡ Improved reaction obfuscation
  • ⚡ Improved obfuscation of the iOS SDK
  • ⚡ Fixed ProviderException on Android
  • ⚡ Fixed typo in namespace which caused incompatibility with AGP 8.0
  • 📄 Fixed information about Xcode version
  • ❗ Raised supported Xcode version to 14.3.1

freeRASP 6.3.0 #

Improved logging of the Android SDK and minor bug fixes

What's new in 6.3.0? #

  • 📄 Documentation updates and improvements
  • ✔️ Updated CA bundle for logging pinning
  • ✔️ Added error logging of network issues within the logging process
  • ✔️ Added retry politics for logging
  • ⚡ Fixed issue with DeadObjectException on Android 5 and 6 caused by excessive PackageManager.queryIntentActivities() usage
  • ⚡ Improved root detection capabilities

freeRASP 6.2.0 #

Minor fixes and added support for AGP 8.0

What's new in 6.2.0? #

  • ⚡ Added support for AGP 8.0
  • ❗ Removed PolarSSL dependency on Android
  • ❗ Removed forgotten onOverlay callback
  • ✔️ Fixed issue with denied USE_BIOMETRICS permission

freeRASP 6.1.0 #

What's new in 6.1.0? #

freeRASP 6.0.0 #

We are constantly working on improving your freeRASP experience. This update contains a new check - obfuscation detection. Minimal supported Android SDK level was raised to 23.

What's new in 6.0.0? #

  • ❗ BREAKING: Raised minSdkVersion on Android to 23
  • ❗ Removed BouncyCastle dependency on Android
  • 🔎 New threat type obfuscationIssues
  • 🔎 New threat callback onObfuscationIssues
  • ✔️ Fixed NullPointerException which could occur during specific subcheck execution on Android

freeRASP 5.0.4 #

  • ✔️ Fixed issue with metadata in iOS framework

freeRASP 5.0.3 #

Fixed issue that caused freeRASP to be killed prematurely

What's new in 5.0.3? #

freeRASP 5.0.2 #

Fixed issue causing app to freeze on iOS

What's new in 5.0.2? #

freeRASP 5.0.1 #

Minor changes in documentation

What's new in 5.0.1? #

  • 📄 Updated documentation for migration from freeRASP 4.x to 5.x

freeRASP 5.0.0 #

Get ready for some exciting updates! In this latest release, we have revamped the freeRASP's codebase, which has helped to resolve several known issues. As a result, the integration of freeRASP into your workflow is even easier than before.

What's new in 5.0.0? #

Other improvements #

  • 📄 Documentation updates and improvements
  • ⚡ Updated demo app for new implementation
  • ⬆️ Increased constraint with maximal Dart SDK version to support the latest release

freeRASP 5.0.0-dev.1 #

New changes incoming! This major update, contains new API to for handling dev and release deployments of freeRASP. Now, you can integrate freeRASP more easily without pesky iOS installation steps. We also no longer rely on HMS.

What's new in 5.0.0-dev.1? #

  • ❗ Only one version of the SDK is used from now on, instead of two separate for dev and release

    Android #

  • ❗ Removed the HMS dependencies

  • ⚡ Improved root detection accuracy by moving the 'ro.debuggable' property state to an ignored group

  • ⚡ Enhanced root detection capabilities by moving the selinux properties check to device state

  • ⚡ Fine-tuning root evaluation strategy

iOS #

  • ❗ Removed the dependency on the symlinks choosing the proper version (release/dev)
  • ❗️ Removed pre-built script for changing the Debug and Release versions

Other improvements #

  • 📄 Documentation updates and improvements
  • ⚡ Updated demo app for new implementation

freeRASP 4.0.0 #

A new round of fixes and improvements! Here's the list of all the new things we included in the latest release.

What's new in 4.0.0? #

  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Added multi-signature support for certificate hashes of Android apps
  • ✔️ Fixed NullPointerException in RootDetector when there are no running processes (issue) on Android
  • ✔️ Removed deprecated SafetyNet dependency (issue) on Android
  • ✔️ Fixed the ANR issue (issue) on Android
  • ✔️ Updated HMS and GMS dependencies on Android
  • 🔎 Improved detection of BlueStacks and Nox emulators (issue) on Android
  • ❗ Improved device binding detection to not trigger for moving the app to a new device on iOS
  • ⚡ Improved hook detection and logging on iOS
  • 🔎 Improved logging of non-existing hardware for biometrics on iOS

freeRASP 3.0.2 #

We are constantly listening to our community to make freeRASP better. This update contain fixes to reported issues.

What's new in 3.0.2? #

  • 📄 Updated troubleshoot section related to ProGuard issue
  • ✔️ Fixed Duplicate class issue

freeRASP 3.0.1 #

This update contains small fix of documentation.

What's new in 3.0.1? #

  • 🛠️ Fixed Plans Comparison table in

freeRASP 3.0.0 #

We are constantly working on improving your freeRASP experience, and today we're happy to announce a major update packed with new features and improvements! Here's the list of all the new things we included in the latest release.

What's new in 3.0.0? #

Among the first changes, you will notice our prettier and easy-to-navigate README. We also created a much-desired tool for a hash conversion (including a guide on how to use it) and added a check, so you know you've done it right.

  • 👀 Updated
  • 🛠️ Added tool for converting sha-256 hash to base64 form
  • 🛠️ Added checks for hash correctness in the AndroidConfig constructor

And as usual, the new release also contains some bug squashing.

  • ✔️ Fixed issue with profile mode on Android
  • ✔️ Fixed onCancel nullable issue

Android additions #

For Android builds, we focused on extending the critical tampering detection and improving the informational value provided by logs. You may also notice improved performance and API changes for device binding checks.

  • 🔎 Added native checks in C
  • 📄 Added information about security patches to logs
  • 📄 Added information about Google Play Services, Huawei Mobile Services, SafetyNet Verify Apps
  • ⚡ Improved performance
  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Renamed onDeviceBinding callback to onDeviceBindingDetected

iOS improvements #

For iOS devices, we prepared upgraded and polished incident detections and even added some new ones. Other changes include several API modifications, based on discussion with the community.

  • 🔎 Improved detection of jailbreak hiders (Shadow)
  • ⚡ Improved jailbreak detection
  • ⚡ Improved hook detection
  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Added unofficialStoreDetected callback
  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Removed onPasscodeChangeDetected
  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Renamed IOScallback to IOSCallback
  • ❗ BREAKING API CHANGE: Renamed parameter IOSCallback to iosCallback

2.0.0 #

General/Flutter #

  • Fixed bug causing Talsec to not run properly (initialization checks for non null-safe version of Flutter)

  • Added configuration tests

    Android #

  • Improved performance during library initialization

  • Improved method handling

  • Improved incident handling

  • Sensitive content logging modification, package names of well-known dangerous applications (rooting apps, hooking frameworks, etc...) are no longer sent to Elastic, only a flag that device contains one of those applications is sent

  • Fixed usage of deprecated API calls (DexFile) for Android 8.0 and above

  • Fixed issue with root prompt ("app asking for root permission") on rooted devices

    iOS #

  • Updated jailbreak checks to detect jailbreak hiders

  • Updated hook checks

  • Better debugger handling

  • Better incident handling

  • Fixed issue with false positive during device binding check

1.1.0 #


  • Changed minSDK to 21
  • Added DeviceBinding callback
  • Added UntrustedInstallation callback


  • Added onDeviceChange callback
  • Added onDeviceIdDetected callback

1.0.0 #

  • Initial full release of freeRASP.

0.0.4 #

  • Update: documentation

0.0.3 #

General/Flutter #

  • Fix: documentation

0.0.2 #

General/Flutter #

  • Updated

    iOS #

  • Fixed build failure on Xcode

0.0.1 #

  • Initial testing release of freeRASP.



Weekly Downloads

Flutter library for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices. Learn more about provided features on the freeRASP's homepage first.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


convert, flutter, flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle, json_annotation, meta


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