free_form_text 0.4.4 free_form_text: ^0.4.4 copied to clipboard
Styled, free form text painted to a Canvas at arbitrary angles and along a path
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:free_form_text/free_form_text.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.teal),
useMaterial3: true,
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Free Form Text Demo'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});
final String title;
State<MyHomePage> createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
title: Text(
style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
body: const Center(
child: TextExample(),
class TextExample extends StatefulWidget {
const TextExample({super.key});
State<TextExample> createState() => _TextExampleState();
class _TextExampleState extends State<TextExample> {
late Future<FreeFormText> textFuture;
void initState() {
FreeFormText text = FreeFormText(
label: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
context: context,
style: const TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
wordSpacing: 2.0,
letterSpacing: 0.5,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold));
textFuture = text.layout();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder<FreeFormText>(
future: textFuture,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<FreeFormText> snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return Center(
child: Container(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(20.0),
child: CustomPaint(
painter: ExampleTextPainter(!),
} else {
return const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator());
class ExampleTextPainter extends CustomPainter {
FreeFormText text;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
var painter = FreeFormTextPainter(canvas);
text: text, offset: const Offset(50.0, 200.0), angle: 30.0);
text: text, offset: const Offset(50.0, 250.0), angle: -30.0);
List<Offset> path = List.empty(growable: true);
path.add(const Offset(50.0, 375.0));
path.add(const Offset(100.0, 375.0));
path.add(const Offset(125.0, 400.0));
path.add(const Offset(150.0, 425.0));
path.add(const Offset(175.0, 450.0));
path.add(const Offset(225.0, 475.0));
path.add(const Offset(250.0, 475.0));
path.add(const Offset(275.0, 450.0));
final smoothPath = CubicBezier().smooth(path, 0.5);
Paint paint = Paint();
paint.color = const Color(0xFF0000FF); = PaintingStyle.stroke;
paint.strokeWidth = 2.0;
Path linePath = Path();
linePath.moveTo(smoothPath[0].dx, smoothPath[0].dy);
for (var i = 1; i < smoothPath.length; i++) {
linePath.lineTo(smoothPath[i].dx, smoothPath[i].dy);
canvas.drawPath(linePath, paint);
try {
painter.paintTextAlongPath(text, smoothPath);
} on FreeFormTextException catch (e) {
if(kDebugMode) {
bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
return false;