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A parsing library to parse formulas and evaluate like we use in excel or spreadsheets.

Formula Parser for Dart #

A dart plugin to to parse and evaluate mathematical expressions.

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Formula Parser is a Dart library that allows you to parse and evaluate mathematical expressions. The grammar for this library is built using petitparser library.

This library is open source, stable and well tested. Development happens on GitHub. Feel free to report issues or create a pull-request there.

The package is hosted on dart packages. Up-to-date API documentation is created with every release.

Installation #

To use Formula Parser in your Dart project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  formula_parser: ^1.0.1

Then, run flutter packages get

or to install it on another dart project, run the below command

dart pub add formula_parser

Usage #

Import the package in your Dart file:

import 'package:formulaparser/formulaparser.dart';

Create a FormulaParser instance with the expression and variables:

var exp = FormulaParser('a+b+150', {'a': 10, 'b': 20 });

To parse the expression,

var result = exp.parse;

Check if the parsing was successful:

if (result.isSuccess) {
  print('Result: \${result.value}');
} else {

Features #

  • Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions.
  • Supports variables and functions in the expressions.
  • Handles error cases and provides error messages.

Supported Math Functions #

The following math functions are supported by the Formula Parser:

Function Description Example
ADD Addition ADD(2, 3)
SUB Subtraction SUB(5, 2)
MUL Multiplication MUL(4, 5)
DIVI Division DIVI(10, 2)
AVG Average AVG(2, 3, 4, 5)
POWER Exponentiation POWER(2, 3)
SQRT Square Root SQRT(4)
CEIL Ceiling CEIL(4.2)
FLOOR Floor FLOOR(4.8)
ROUND Round ROUND(4.5)
ABS Absolute ABS(-4.5)
EXP Exponential EXP(2)
LOG Natural Logarithm LOG(10)
SIN Sine SIN(0)
ASIN Arcsine ASIN(0)
COS Cosine COS(0)
ACOS Arccosine ACOS(0)
TAN Tangent TAN(0)
ATAN Arctangent ATAN(0)

To use these functions, you can include them in your expressions. For example:

var exp = FormulaParser('1+ADD(4,4)+MUL(2,DIVI(2,3))+AVG(2,3,4,5)/5+POWER(2,2)+SQRT(4)+CEIL(4.2)+FLOOR(4.8)+ROUND(4.5)+ABS(-4.5)+EXP(2)+LOG(10)+SIN(0)+ASIN(0)+COS(0)+ACOS(0)+TAN(0)+ATAN(0)');

The following comparison functions are supported by the Formula Parser:

Function Description Example
EQ Equal EQ(2,2)
NE Not Equal NE(2,3)
LT Less Than LT(2,3)
GT Greater Than GT(2,3)
GTE Less Than or Equal To LTE(2,3)
LTE Greater Than or Equal To GTE(2,3)

Supported Operators #

The following operators are supported by the Formula Parser:

Operator Description Example
+ Addition 2 + 3
- Subtraction 5 - 2
* Multiplication 4 * 5
/ Division 10 / 2
^ Exponentiation 2 ^ 3
Comparison Operators
== Equal 2 == 2
!= Not Equal 5 != 2
< Less Than 4 < 5
> Greater Than 10 > 2
<= Less Than or Equal To 2 <= 3
>= Greater Than or Equal To 5 >= 2

Documentation #

The FormulaParser class provides the following methods and properties:

FormulaParser(expression: String, [options: Map<String, dynamic>]) #

Constructs a FormulaParser instance with the given expression and options.

  • expression: The mathematical expression to parse.
  • options (optional): A map of variables to their values.

error #

Indicates whether an error occurred during parsing.

  • Returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.

errorMessage #

The error message describing the error that occurred during parsing.

  • Returns the error message as a String.

parsedExpression #

The parsed expression after preprocessing.

  • Returns the parsed expression as a String.

parse #

Parses the expression and returns the result.

  • Returns the parsed result.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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A parsing library to parse formulas and evaluate like we use in excel or spreadsheets.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




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