forme 3.1.2-beta+5 copy "forme: ^3.1.2-beta+5" to clipboard
forme: ^3.1.2-beta+5 copied to clipboard


a powerful flutter form widget ,easy to use and extend. provide rich api to simplify form control and sync|async validation

3.1.2-beta #

  1. support set FocusNode in FormeFieldState
  2. support FormeAutocomplete
  3. FormeCheckbox is bool? now

3.1.1 #

  1. fix FormeValidation can not be found

3.1.0 #

  1. remove hasValidator
  2. onErrorChanged renamed to onValidationChanged
  3. FormeValidateError renamed to FormeValidation
  4. FormeValidateState renamed to FormeValidationState and add new state unnecessary and waiting

3.0.1 #

  1. support hasValidator on FormeFieldController
  2. support errorListenable on FormeController
  3. add FormeValidateErrorBuilder widget
  4. use FormeField.of get FormeFieldController and it is nullable
  5. use Forme.of get FormeController and it is nullable

3.0.0 #

Forme3 is not an upgrade but a simple version of Forme2


  1. Forme3 removed model which used to provide render data in Forme2 and moved model properties into field's constructor
  2. Forme3 removed listener from field's constructor and moved listener properties into field's constructor
  3. Forme3 removed CommonField and renamed ValueField to FormeField
  4. Forme3 has big api breaks
  5. Forme3 is based on flutter 2.5

2.5.3 #

  1. BaseValueField support quietlyValidate
  2. FormeController add fieldListenable method , used to listen field's initial and dispose

2.5.2 #

  1. FormeController's validate method support clearError and validateByOrder params. if clearError is true , field error will be cleared before validate. if validateByOrder is true , will only validate one field at a time , and break validation chain if any field validate not passed or failed

2.5.1 #

  1. add autovalidateByOrder on Forme ,support validate form fields by order , and stop validate further if validate failed
  2. add a nullable attribute order on BaseValueField
  3. Future<Map<FormeValueFieldController, String>> validate({bool quietly = false}) changed to Future<FormeValidateSnapshot> validate({bool quietly = false, Set<String> names = const {}})
  4. Future<String?>? validate({bool quietly = false}) changed to Future<FormeFieldValidateSnapshot<T>> validate({bool quietly = false})
  5. add isValueChanged method on FormeController , used to check whether form data changed after initialed

2.5.0 #

  1. remove onValueChanged,onValidationChanged,onFocusChanged,onInitialed,validator,autovalidateMode on Field , they are moved to FormeFieldListener , validator is renamed to onValidate
  2. support onAsyncValidate and asyncValidatorDebounce on FormeValueFieldListener to support async validate
  3. remove fieldListenable from FormeFieldController
  4. remove lazyFieldListenable from FormeKey
  5. ValueField is not a FormField any more
  6. you can create a nonnull or nullable ValueField by ValueField's generic type , eg:ValueField<String> is nonnull , but ValueField<String?> is nullable
  7. remove clearValue from FormeValueFieldController
  8. support 'autovalidateMode' on Forme

2.1.2 #

  1. remove buildTextSpan from FormeTextFieldController , it cannot be compiled success before flutter 2.2.2

2.1.1 #

  1. bug fix: can't get current field error in onValueChanged
  2. FormeSingleSwitch & FormeListTile always use material switch
  3. FormeValidates add range and equals vaidator

2.1.0 #

  1. remove Cupertino fields ,they will be moved to another package
  2. FormeSlider and FormeRangeSlider will perform validate in onChangeEnd ,not in onChange
  3. FormeTextField's controller can be cast to FormeTextController, set TextEditingValue and Selection is easily via this controller
  4. FormeValueFieldController support nextFocus , used to focus next focusable widget
  5. remove beforeUpdateModel from AbstractFieldState , you can do some logic in afterUpdateModel
  6. AbstractFieldState's didUpdateWidget will call afterUpdateModel by default
  7. bug fix

2.0.4+1 #

  1. bug fix: timer in FormeRawAutocomplete will be cancelled in dispose !

2.0.4 #

  1. add modelListenable on FormeFieldController
  2. after value changed , you can get old value via FormeValueFieldController's oldValue
  3. validate method add parameter notify , used to determine whether trigger errorListenable
  4. FormeAsnycAutocompleteChipModel support max and exceedCallback.

2.0.3+1 #

  1. bug fix: readOnlyNotifier will be disposed !

2.0.3 #

  1. fields add InputDecoration and maxLines properties , used to quickly specific labelText or others
  2. add FormeAsyncAutocompleteChip

2.0.2 #

  1. add FormeAutocompleteText
  2. add FormeAsyncAutocompleteText

2.0.1 #

  1. StatefulField support onInitialed , used to listen FormeFieldController initialed
  2. add FormeValidateUtils
  3. bug fix : onValidationChanged and errorTextListenable not triggered in build

2.0.0 #

forme is completely rewrite version of much more powerful and won't break your layout




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a powerful flutter form widget ,easy to use and extend. provide rich api to simplify form control and sync|async validation

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