forme 2.5.0-alpha3+1 copy "forme: ^2.5.0-alpha3+1" to clipboard
forme: ^2.5.0-alpha3+1 copied to clipboard


a powerful flutter form widget , for me,for you , renamed from form_builder

Screenshot #


migrate from 2.1.x to 2.5.0 #

Forme 2.5.0 has lots of changes

  1. support asyncValidator on ValueField
  2. validate from FormeValueFieldController will return Future<String?>? instead of String?
  3. validate from FormeController will return Future<Map<FormeValueFieldController>,String> instead of Map<FormeValueFieldController,String>
  4. ValueField is not a subclass of FormField any more
  5. you can easily detect whether a ValueField's value is nullable from ValueField's generic type, eg ValueField<String>'s value is a nonnull String , ValueField<String?>'s value is a nullable String
  6. remove fieldValueListenable from FormeFieldController
  7. remove lazyFieldValueListenable from FormeKey

Simple Usage #

add dependency #

flutter pub add forme

create forme #

FormeKey key = FormeKey();// formekey is a global key , also  used to control form
Widget child = formContent;
Widget forme = Forme(

Forme Attributes #

Attribute Required Type Description
key false FormeKey a global key, also used to control form
child true Widget form content widget
readOnly false bool whether form should be readOnly,default is false
onValueChanged false FormeValueChanged listen form field's value change
initialValue false Map<String,dynamic> initialValue , will override FormField's initialValue
onErrorChanged false FormeErrorChanged listen form field's errorText change
onWillPop false WillPopCallback Signature for a callback that verifies that it's OK to call Navigator.pop
quietlyValidate false bool if this attribute is true , will not display default error text
onFocusChanged false FormeFocusChanged listen form field's focus change

Differences Between Form and Forme #

Forme is a form widget, but forme is not wrapped in a Form , because I don't want to refresh whole form after field's value changed or a validate performed , so it is a bit more complexable than Form.

Difference Form Forme
AutovalidateMode support both Form and field only support field
onChanged won't fired if value changed via state.didChange or state.setValue fired whenever field's value changed
rebuild strategy when field value changed or perform a validation on field , all form fields will be rebuilded only rebuild field that value changed or validated

Forme Fields #

field type #

	- ValueField
	- CommonField

attributes supported by all stateful fields #

Attribute Required Type Description
name true String field's id,should be unique in form
builder true FieldContentBuilder build field content
readOnly false bool whether field should be readOnly,default is false
model true FormeModel FormeModel used to provider widget render data
listener false FormeFieldListener user to listen onInitialed,onFocusChanged

attributes supported by all value fields #

Attribute Required Type Description
decoratorBuilder false FormeDecoratorBuilder used to decorate a field
listener false FormeValueFieldListenable user to listen onValueChanged,onErrorChanged,onValidate,onAsyncValidate,'onSaved'

currently supported fields #

Name Return Value Nullable
FormeTextField string false
FormeDateTimeField DateTime true
FormeNumberField num true
FormeTimeField TimeOfDay true
FormeDateRangeField DateTimeRange true
FormeSlider double false
FormeRangeSlider RangeValues false
FormeFilterChip List< T> false
FormeChoiceChip T true
FormeSingleCheckbox bool false
FormeSingleSwitch bool false
FormeDropdownButton T true
FormeListTile List< T> false
FormeRadioGroup T true
FormeAsnycAutocompleteChip List<T> false
FormeAsnycAutocompleteText T true
FormeAutocompleteText T true

fields from other package #

  1. forme_cupertino_fields cupertino style fields

Forme Model #

you can update a widget easily with FormeModel

eg: if you want to update labelText of a FormeTextField, you can do this :

FormeFieldController controller = formKey.field(fieldName);
controller.update(FormeTextFieldModel(decoration:InputDecoration(labelText:'New Label')));

if you want to update items of FormeDropdownButton:

	icon: SizedBox(
	width: 14,
	height: 14,
	child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
Future<List<DropdownMenuItem<String>>> future =
	Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () {
	return FormeUtils.toDropdownMenuItems(
		['java', 'dart', 'c#', 'python', 'flutter']);
future.then((value) {
	icon: Icon(Icons.arrow_drop_down), items: value));

update model will auto copywith old model's attribute

Custom way display error text #

if default error text display can not fit your needs , you can implementing a custom error display via ValueField's onErrorChanged or FormeValueFieldController's errorTextListenable

don't forget to set Forme's quieltyValidate attribute to true

via onErrorChanged #

onErrorChanged will triggered whenever errorText of field changes , it is suitable when you want to update a stateful field according to error state of field

eg: change border color when error state changes

	validator: validator,
	onErrorChanged: (m, a) {
		InputBorder border = OutlineInputBorder(
				borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(30.0),
				borderSide: BorderSide(color: a == null ? :, width: 1));
			decoration: InputDecoration(
				focusedBorder: border, enabledBorder: border)));

via errorTextListenable #

errorTextListenable is more convenient than onErrorChanged sometimes.

eg: when your want to display an valid or invalid suffix icon according to error state of field, in onErrorChanged , update model will rebuild whole field, but with errorTextListenable, you can only rebuild the suffix icon, below is an example to do this:

suffixicon: Builder(
	builder: (context) {
		FormeValueFieldController<String, FormeModel>
			controller = FormeFieldController.of(context);
		return ValueListenableBuilder<FormeValidateError?>(
			valueListenable: controller.errorTextListenable,
			child: const IconButton(
				onPressed: null,
				icon: const Icon(
			builder: (context, errorText, child) {
			if (errorText == null)
				return SizedBox();
				return errorText.isPresent
					? const IconButton(
						onPressed: null,
						icon: const Icon(
					: child!;

listenable #

there are five listenables in field

  1. focusListenable
  2. readOnlyListenable
  3. errorTextListenable
  4. valueListenable
  5. modelListenable

get listenable #

you can get focusListenable and readOnlyListenable from FormeFieldController, get valueListenable and errorTextListenable from FormeValueFieldController

	decoratorBuilder:FormeDecoratorBuilder(),//decorator is a part of field 
			suffixIcon: Builder(builder: (context) {
				FormeFieldController controller = FormeFieldController.of(context);
				return ValueListenable<bool>(valueListenable:controller.		valueListenable,builder:(context,focus,child){
					if(focus) return Icon(Icons.clear);
					return SizedBox();

validate #

sync validate #

sync validate is supported by FormeValidates

Validator Name Support Type When Valid When Invalid
notNull dynamic value is not null value is null
size Iterable Map String 1. value is null 2. max & min is null 3. String's length or Collection's size is in [min,max] String's length or Collection's size is not in [min,max]
min num 1. value is null 2. value is bigger than min value is smaller than min
max num 1. value is null 2. value is smaller than max value is bigger than max
notEmpty Iterable Map String 1. value is not null 2. String's length or Collection's size is bigger than zero 1. value is null 2. String's length or Collection's size is zero
notBlank String 1. value is null 2. value.trim()'s length is not null value'length is zero after trimed
positive num 1. value is null 2. value is bigger than zero value is smaller than or equals zero
positiveOrZero num 1. value is null 2. value is bigger than or equals zero value is smaller than zero
negative num 1. value null 2. value is smaller than zero value is bigger than or equals zero
negativeOrZero num 1. value null 2. value is smaller than or equals zero value is bigger than zero
pattern String 1. value null 2. value matches pattern value does not matches pattern
email String 1. value null 2. value is a valid email value is not a valid email
url String 1. value is null 2. value is empty or value is a valid url value is not a valid url
range num 1. value null 2. value is in range value is out of range
equals dynamic 1. value null 2. value is equals target value value is not equals target value
any T any validators is valid every validators is invalid
all T all validators is valid any validators is invalid

when you use validators from FormeValidates , you must specific at least one errorText , otherwise errorText is an empty string

async validated #

async validator is supported after Forme 2.2.0 , you can specific an asyncValidator on ValueField , the unique difference between validator and asyncValidator is asyncValidator return a Future and validator return a String

when perform a asyncValidator

if FormField.autovalidateMode is AutovalidateMode.disabled , asyncValidator will never be performed unless you call validate from FormeValueFieldController manually.

if you specific both validator and asyncValidator , asyncValidator will only be performed after validator passed.

after successful performed an async validator , async validator will not performed any more until field's value changed


you can specific a debounce on FormeValueFieldListener , debounce will not worked when you manually call validate on FormeValueFieldController

FormeKey Methods #

whether form has a name field #

bool hasField = formeKey.hasField(String name);

whether current form is readOnly #

bool readOnly = formeKey.readOnly;

set readOnly #

formeKey.readOnly = bool readOnly;

get field's controller #

T controller = formeKey.field<T extends FormeFieldController>(String name);

get value field's controller #

T controller = formeKey.valueField<T extends FormeValueFieldController>(String name);

get form data #

Map<String, dynamic> data =;

validate #

since 2.2.0 , this method will return a Future ranther than a Map

Future<Map<FormeValueFieldController,String>> errorsFuture = formKey.validate({bool quietly = false});

set form data # = Map<String,dynamic> data;

reset form #


save form #;

whether validate is quietly #

bool quietlyValidate = formKey.quietlyValidate;

set quietlyValidate #

formeKey.quieltyValidate = bool quietlyValidate;

Forme Field Methods #

get forme controller #

FormeController formeController = field.formeController;

get field's name #

String name =

whether current field is readOnly #

bool readOnly = field.readOnly;

set readOnly on field #

field.readOnly = bool readOnly;

whether current field is focused #

bool hasFocus = field.hasFocus;

focus|unfocus current Field #


focus next #


set field model #

field.model = FormeModel model;

update field model #

field.updateModel(FormeModel model);

get field model #

FormeModel model = field.model;

ensure field is visible in viewport #

Future<void> result = field.ensureVisibe({Duration? duration,
      Curve? curve,
      ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy? alignmentPolicy,
      double? alignment});

get focusListenable #

ValueListenable<bool> focusListenable = field.focusListenable;

get readOnlyListenable #

ValueListenable<bool> readOnlyListenable = field.readOnlyListenable;

get modelListenable #

ValueListenable<FormeModel> modelListenable = field.modelListenable;

Forme Value Field Methods #

FormeValueFieldController is extended FormeFieldController

get field value #

dynamic value = valueField.value;

set field value #

valueField.value = dynamic data;

reset field #


validate field #

since 2.2.0 , this method will return a Future ranther than a String

Future<String?>? errorFuture = valueField.validate({bool quietly = false});

get error #

FormeValidateError? error = valueField.error;

get decorator controller #

FormeDecoratorController decoratorController = valueField.decoratorController;

get errorTextListenable #

ValueListenable<FormeValidateError?>  errorTextListenable = valueField.errorTextListenable;

get valueListenable #

ValueListenable<dynamic> valueListenable = valueField.valueListenable;

get oldValue #

dynamic value = valueField.oldValue;

build your field #

  1. create your FormeModel , if you don't need it , use FormeEmptyModel instead
  2. create your ValueField<T,E> , T is your field return value's type, E is your FormeModel's type
  3. if you want to create your custom State,extends ValueFieldState<T,E>

links below is some examples to help you to build your field

common field #


value field #




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a powerful flutter form widget , for me,for you , renamed from form_builder

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