forestvpn_api 3.3.4 forestvpn_api: ^3.3.4 copied to clipboard
A package to interact (manage vpn profiles / check usage statistics / manage locations / ...)
Changelog #
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
3.3.4 #
- Billing API: ListBillingProducts (discounts)
3.3.3 #
- Notifications API: SDK fix
3.3.2 #
- Notifications API
3.2.8 - 2022-09-30 #
- Analytics API: New aggregation types. Response changed
3.2.5 - 2022-09-30 #
- Analytics API: Data Usage Stats
3.2.4 - 2022-09-15 #
- Checkout API: WaitListRequests
3.2.3 - 2022-09-08 #
- Billing API: ListBillingProducts fixes
3.2.2 - 2022-08-26 #
- Subscriptions API
3.2.1 - 2022-08-25 #
- Billing API (optional product price)
3.2.0 - 2022-08-09 #
- NewsApi
- getNotification
- getNotificationsUnreadCount
- listNotifications
- updateNotificationMarkRead
- updateNotificationMarkReadAll
- CheckoutApi
- getStripePaymentIntent
- AppApi
- getCurrentUserDevice
- updateCurrentUserDevice
3.1.0 - 2022-07-06 #
- App API
- user device api
3.0.0 - 2022-06-16 #
[2.8.0] - 2022-01-02 #
Added #
- Billing API [payment methods, products, and bundles]
- Checkout API [sessions]
[2.7.1] - 2021-11-05 #
Missing serialization assets
[2.7.0] - 2021-11-04 #
Dio next based API client
[2.5.0] - 2021-09-11 #
[2.4.0] - 2021-08-14 #
[2.1.0] - 2021-06-01 #
[0.0.1] - 2019-01-01 #
- Initial