foreground_service 2.0.0
foreground_service: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for running dart stuff via an Android foreground service. Only barely tested on Android O, and ever so slightly on M. iOS support not planned.
foreground_service (Flutter v.1.12.x or later) #
Create Android foreground service/notification
Prep (Android side): #
Android foreground services require a notification to be displayed,
and notifications require an icon.
For this plugin to work, the icon needs to be in this specific location:
(take a look at the /example app if you're confused)
Use (Flutter/Dart side): #
To start the service, call ForegroundService.startForegroundService([serviceFunction])
serviceFunction will then be executed periodically, but "minimum/best-effort"
i.e. it will try to make the interval between function executions *at least* that long
Doesn't work? #
As long as you're calling ForegroundService.startForegroundService,
"flutter run" should show error messages that indicate what's wrong/missing
i.e. messages beginning with E/ForegroundServicePlugin indicate an error from the plugin
Caution: #
ForegroundService.notification.get* methods may give unexpected values.
Once notifications are sent out, there's no way to retrieve the "current" data.
To work around this, the plugin keeps a version of the notification around.
This version may not have been "sent out" yet, however.
Most of the fancy stuff is shamelessly pilfered from the android_alarm_manager plugin