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A `Map` implementation that stores its elements in files. Can be used as a cache or persistent key-value storage.

fmap #

Dart library with a Map implementation that stores its elements in files.

Can be used as a cache or persistent key-value storage.

var fmap = Fmap(directory);

fmap['keyA'] = 'my string';         // saved string into a file
fmap['keyB'] = 777;                 // saved int into a file
fmap['keyC'] = [0x12, 0x34, 0x56];  // saved three-bytes into a file

print(fmap['keyA']); // read from file

This object implements Map, so it can be used in the same way.

Map fmap = Fmap(directory);

print('Count of items: ${fmap.length}');

for (var entry in fmap.entries) {
    print('Item ${} ${entry.value}'); 

Each item of the storage is kept in a separate file. This makes the storage most efficient when large objects, such as strings or blobs.

Basic types #

The storage can store such basic types as String, int, double and bool.

They can be read as dynamic types

var objects = Fmap(directory);
var myJsonString = fmap['json']; // a dynamic type
var myIntValue = fmap['number']; // a dynamic type

As with a regular Map class, an Fmap object can be created with a generic type

var strings = Fmap<String>(directory);
var myJsonString = strings['json'];  // definitely a string 

// but now only strings can be read or written
var myIntValue = strings['number'];  // throws exception

Blobs (binary data) #

All values with type derived from List<int> are treated as lists of bytes. This allows you to efficiently save and load blobs both in the Uint8List format and in the more basic List. When saving, each int will be truncated to the range 0..255.

fmap['blob1'] = [0x12, 0x34, 0x56];
fmap['blob2'] = myFile.readAsBytesSync();

When reading, we are always getting an Uint8List

Uint8List myBlob = fmap['blob1'];

Purge #

If the storage has become too large, you can delete the oldest data.

// leave only the freshest 16 Mb

Which elements are removed depends on the policy argument passed to the constructor.

final fmap = Fmap(dir, policy: Policy.fifo);

Two policies are supported: FIFO and LRU. By default, this is FIFO.

If you want the purgeSync method to purge storage with LRU policy, you must not only create Fmap(policy: Policy.lru) before purging, but always create the object this way. It will cause Fmap to update the the last-used timestamps every time an item is read.

When you do not specify this argument, the timestamps are only updates on writes, but not on reads. The order of the elements becomes closer to the FIFO.




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A `Map` implementation that stores its elements in files. Can be used as a cache or persistent key-value storage.

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crypto, file_errors, meta, path


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