fluwx 4.3.2 copy "fluwx: ^4.3.2" to clipboard
fluwx: ^4.3.2 copied to clipboard

The capability of implementing WeChat SDKs in Flutter. With Fluwx, developers can use WeChatSDK easily, such as sharing, payment, lanuch mini program and etc.

Fluwx #

pub package Build status #



What's Fluwx #

Fluwx is flutter plugin for WeChatSDK which allows developers to call
WeChatSDK native APIs.

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Capability #

  • Share images, texts, music and so on to WeChat, including session, favorite and timeline.
  • Payment with WeChat.
  • Get auth code before you login in with WeChat.
  • Launch mini program in WeChat.
  • Subscribe Message.
  • Just open WeChat app.
  • Launch app From wechat link.

Preparation #

Migrate to V4 now

Fluwx is good but not God. You'd better read official documents before integrating Fluwx. Then you'll understand how to generate Android signature, what's universal link for iOS, how to add URL schema for iOS and so on.

Install #

Add the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

Fluwx with pay:

  fluwx: ^${latestVersion}

pub package

Fluwx without pay:

Developers who need to exclude payment for iOS can enable no_pay in pubspec.yaml.

NOTE: Never forget to replace ^${latestVersion} with actual version.

Configurations #

Fluwx enables multiple configurations in the section fluwx of pubspec.yaml from v4, you can reference pubspec.yaml for more details.

For iOS, some configurations, such as url_scheme,universal_link, LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, can be configured by fluwx, what you need to do is to fill configurations in pubspec.yaml

  • app_id. Recommend. It'll be used to generate scheme on iOS。This is not used to init WeChat SDK so you still need to call fluwx.registerApi manually.
  • debug_logging. Optional. Enable logs by setting it true.
  • flutter_activity. Optional. This is usually used by cold boot from WeChat on Android. Fluwx will try to launch launcher activity if not set.
  • universal_link. Required for iOS. It'll be used to generate universal link on your projects.
  • scene_delegate. Optional. Use AppDelegate or SceneDelegate. See official documents for more details.
  • For iOS If you are failing cannot load such file -- plist on iOS, please do the following steps:
# step.1 install missing dependencies
sudo gem install plist
# step.2 enter iOS folder(example/ios/,ios/)
cd example/ios/
# step.3 execute
pod install

Register WxAPI #

Register your app via fluwx if necessary.

Fluwx fluwx = Fluwx();
fluwx.registerApi(appId: "wxd930ea5d5a228f5f",universalLink: "https://your.univerallink.com/link/");

The param universalLink only works with iOS. You can read this document to learn how to create universalLink. You can also learn how to add URL schema, how to add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in your iOS project. This is essential.

For Android, you shall know to how generate signature for your app in this page. And you have to understand the difference between debug signature and release signature. Once the signature is incorrect, then you'll get errCode = -1.

It' better to register your API as early as possible.

Capability Document #

For more capabilities, you can read the public functions of fluwx.

QA #

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Subscribe Us On WeChat #


Star history #



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The capability of implementing WeChat SDKs in Flutter. With Fluwx, developers can use WeChatSDK easily, such as sharing, payment, lanuch mini program and etc.

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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, plugin_platform_interface


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