fluttie 0.0.3 copy "fluttie: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
fluttie: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: lottie
outdatedDart 1 only

Fluttie allows you to easily display stunning Lottie animations in flutter.

fluttie: Lottie for flutter #

Fluttie is a flutter plugin for displaying animations created in Lottie. Even complex animations can be displayed without having to write long custom rendering code. The library can render the animations by piping the output from the Lottie Android library into a Flutter texture.

Please note: At the moment, this plugin does not support iOS devices.

Cons and Todos: #

  • The plugin is in an early state and there will be breaking API changes
  • No iOS support yet
  • Loading animations from files is taking quite some time at the moment as the dart code needs to send the full animation declaration to the plugin. When this issue gets fixed, it might be faster.
  • Scaling up small animations to a bigger screens makes them look bad, as alias effects will occur. This should be easily fixable, I just haven't yet figured out how.
  • Due to a delay between the dart code and the native backend, controlling multiple animations can be a bit laggy. Rendering multiple animations will also heavily reduce your apps framerate (Todo: use multiple threads).
  • Animation widgets need a fixed size for now
  • Todo: Reduce power usage by pausing animations when the app is in background

Getting Started #

The example included contains a throughoutly commented app showing how to load and display animations.

In order to use animations with fluttie, you will need to have a json file containing the composition for your animation. You can either export it using an AfterEffects plugin (see instructions) or grab some at lottiefiles.com. Place the file in an folder inside your project and add it in the assets part of your pubspec.yaml. In order to display animations in Flutter, you will have the plugin to load a composition first:

var instance = new Fluttie();
var myComposition = await instance.loadAnimationFromResource(
    "resources/animations/emoji.json", //replace with your asset file
    bundle: DefaultAssetBundle.of(yourBuildContext)

You can then use that composition to create a new AnimationController, like this:

emojiAnimation = await instance.prepareAnimation(emojiComposition)

You can also set the duration of your animation and configure looping while preparing the animation by using the optional parameters of prepareAnimation. After having your animation ready, you can include it as a widget:

Widget build(BuildContext context) =>
    new FluttieAnimation(emojiAnimation)

Don't forget to start your animation by calling emojiAnimation.start()!

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Fluttie allows you to easily display stunning Lottie animations in flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




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