flutterx_application 1.1.7-dev flutterx_application: ^1.1.7-dev copied to clipboard
Core functionalities of a flutter application including translations, lifecycle events, navigation, dialogs
1.1.7-dev #
- Update dependencies
1.1.6 #
- Fix app restart
1.1.5 #
- Add openReplace route method
1.1.4 #
- Refactor navigation system
1.1.3 #
- Code refactoring
1.1.2 #
- Fix material stateful widget
1.1.1 #
- Add draggable bottom sheet content size parameter
1.1.0 #
- Initial stable release
1.0.9-dev #
- Improve application integration.
1.0.8-dev #
- Fix web integration.
1.0.7-dev #
- Improve navigation.
1.0.6-dev #
- Improve navigation.
1.0.5-dev #
- Improve Themes.
1.0.4-dev #
- Improve MaterialStatefulWidget.
1.0.3-dev #
- Improve DialogRoute.
1.0.2-dev #
- Add MaterialStatefulWidget.
1.0.1-dev #
- Improve SystemUI integration.
1.0.0-dev #
- Initial release.