flutterware 0.1.0 copy "flutterware: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
flutterware: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


A set of GUI tools for Flutter development.

Flutterware #

A collection of GUI tools for Flutter development.


Quick start #

Add flutterware package in your pubspec.yaml

dart pub add flutterware


Run the GUI app

# Run this in your Flutter project directory
dart run flutterware

The first launch is a bit slow because the desktop app need to be compiled.

Flutterware shell

Features #

Test visualizer #

A new kind of testing built on top of the standard flutter_test framework.

  • Screenshot every step of your test
  • Hot-reload a test instantly (~1s) after any change
  • Preview your app at any screen size and in all languages
  • Easier to write tests that exercise the whole app
  • Deploy the tests as a Web page for an internal documentation of the app.

Example test

Dependency manager #

Get an overview of your pub dependencies.

  • View Pub & GitHub scores
  • Get metric on each packages

App's icon change #

Quickly replace your app's launcher icon.

More tools to come... #

Any contribution is welcome.
Open GitHub issues and pull requests with your ideas :-)