fluttertoastalert 1.0.3 fluttertoastalert: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin which shows custom toast message for android (https://github.com/GrenderG/Toasty) and custom alert message for iOS (https://github.com/vikmeup/SCLAlertView-Swift).
0.0.1 #
Initial Release
To use the plugin, add the following to pubspec.yaml file of your flutter application
fluttertoastalert: ^1.0.3
Run Packages get
Then you can use the plugin as
FlutterToastAlert.showToastAndAlert(type: Type.Success,iosTitle: "Wow",iosSubtitle: "It Works",androidToast: "It Works",toastDuration: 3,toastShowIcon: true);