flutterpi_tool 0.3.0 copy "flutterpi_tool: ^0.3.0" to clipboard
flutterpi_tool: ^0.3.0 copied to clipboard

A tool to make development & distribution of flutter-pi apps easier.

flutterpi_tool #

A tool to make developing & distributing flutter apps for https://github.com/ardera/flutter-pi easier.

Usage #

$ flutterpi_tool --help
A tool to make development & distribution of flutter-pi apps easier.

Usage: flutterpi_tool <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.

Other options
    --verbose    Enable verbose logging.

Available commands:
  build      Builds a flutter-pi asset bundle.
  precache   Populate the flutterpi_tool's cache of binary artifacts.

Run "flutterpi_tool help <command>" for more information about a command.
$ flutterpi_tool help build
Builds a flutter-pi asset bundle.

Global options:
-h, --help       Print this usage information.

Other options
    --verbose    Enable verbose logging.

Usage: flutterpi_tool build [arguments]
-h, --help                                                   Print this usage information.

Runtime mode options (Defaults to debug. At most one can be specified)
    --debug                                                  Build for debug mode.
    --profile                                                Build for profile mode.
    --release                                                Build for release mode.
    --debug-unoptimized                                      Build for debug mode and use unoptimized engine. (For stepping
                                                             through engine code)

Build options
    --[no-]tree-shake-icons                                  Tree shake icon fonts so that only glyphs used by the application
    --[no-]debug-symbols                                     Include flutter engine debug symbols file.
    --dart-define=<foo=bar>                                  Additional key-value pairs that will be available as constants from
                                                             the String.fromEnvironment, bool.fromEnvironment, and
                                                             int.fromEnvironment constructors.
                                                             Multiple defines can be passed by repeating "--dart-define" multiple
    --dart-define-from-file=<use-define-config.json|.env>    The path of a .json or .env file containing key-value pairs that
                                                             will be available as environment variables.
                                                             These can be accessed using the String.fromEnvironment,
                                                             bool.fromEnvironment, and int.fromEnvironment constructors.
                                                             Multiple defines can be passed by repeating
                                                             "--dart-define-from-file" multiple times.
                                                             Entries from "--dart-define" with identical keys take precedence
                                                             over entries from these files.
-t, --target=<path>                                          The main entry-point file of the application, as run on the device.
                                                             If the "--target" option is omitted, but a file name is provided on
                                                             the command line, then that is used instead.
                                                             (defaults to "lib/main.dart")

Target options
    --arch=<target arch>                                     The target architecture to build for.

          [arm] (default)                                    Build for 32-bit ARM. (armv7-linux-gnueabihf)
          [arm64]                                            Build for 64-bit ARM. (aarch64-linux-gnu)
          [x64]                                              Build for x86-64. (x86_64-linux-gnu)

    --cpu=<target cpu>                                       If specified, uses an engine tuned for the given CPU. An engine
                                                             tuned for one CPU will likely not work on other CPUs.

          [generic] (default)                                Don't use a tuned engine. The generic engine will work on all CPUs
                                                             of the specified architecture.
          [pi3]                                              Use a Raspberry Pi 3 tuned engine. Compatible with arm and arm64.
                                                             (-mcpu=cortex-a53+nocrypto -mtune=cortex-a53)
          [pi4]                                              Use a Raspberry Pi 4 tuned engine. Compatible with arm and arm64.
                                                             (-mcpu=cortex-a72+nocrypto -mtune=cortex-a72)

Run "flutterpi_tool help" to see global options.
$ flutterpi_tool help precache
Populate the flutterpi_tool's cache of binary artifacts.

Usage: flutterpi_tool precache [arguments]
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Run "flutterpi_tool help" to see global options.

Example usage #

$ flutter create hello_world
$ cd hello_world
$ flutterpi_tool build --arch=arm --cpu=pi4 --release
$ rsync -a --info=progress2 ./build/flutter_assets/ my-pi4:/home/pi/hello_world_app
$ ssh my-pi4 flutter-pi --release /home/pi/hello_world_app
pub points


verified publisherardera.dev

A tool to make development & distribution of flutter-pi apps easier.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference




args, file, flutter_tools, github, http, meta, package_config, path, process, unified_analytics


Packages that depend on flutterpi_tool