flutterannotations 0.0.1 copy "flutterannotations: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
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Fast Flutter Development. Easy maintenance.

FlutterAnnotations #

Description #

Fast Flutter Development. Easy maintenance.

Usage #

Create your REST API interface #

The Rest API works with a @Rest annotated interface. It's the entry point.

  1. Rest

       @Rest(rootUrl: "https://api.biminds.cn/")
       abstract class RestClient {
  2. Annotate your own RestClient class with @Get

       @Rest(rootUrl: "https://api.biminds.cn/")
       abstract class RestClient {
         // OK
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers")
         List getData(@Param() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers/{name}")
         List getData(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers?name={name}")
         List getData(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers?name={name}&id={id}")
         Map getData(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers/{name}/{id}")
         dynamic getData(@Path() String name,@Param() int id); 
         // WRONG
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers")
         getData(@Body() String name);// Wrong, `@Body` can't be defined in `@Get`.
         // WRONG
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers/{name}/{id}")
         List getData(@Path() String name); // Wrong, "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers/{name}/{id}")
         getData(@Path() String name,@Param() int id); // Wrong, "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers/{name}/{id}")
         Map getData(@Param() String name,@Param() int id); // Wrong, "name"  and "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Get(path: "queryTeachers")
         int getData(@Param() String name,@Param() int id); // Wrong, method return must be Map,List,void,dynamic.
  3. Annotate your own RestClient class with Post

       @Rest(rootUrl: "https://api.biminds.cn/")
       abstract class RestClient {
         // OK
         @Post(path: "updateTeacherInfo")
         Map postData(@Body() Map map);
         // WRONG
         @Post(path: "updateTeacherInfo")
         int postData(@Body() String map);// Wrong, method return must be Map,List,void,dynamic.         
  4. Annotate your own RestClient class with Delete

       @Rest(rootUrl: "https://api.biminds.cn/")
       abstract class RestClient {
         // OK
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById")
         deleteDate(@Param() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById/{name}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById?name={name}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById?name={name}&id={id}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // OK
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById/{name}/{id}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name,@Param() int id);
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById")
         deleteDate(@Body() String name);// Wrong, `@Body` can't be defined in `@Delete`.
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById/{name}/{id}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name); // Wrong, "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById/{name}/{id}")
         deleteDate(@Path() String name,@Param() int id); // Wrong, "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById/{name}/{id}")
         deleteDate(@Param() String name,@Param() int id); // Wrong, "name"  and "id" must be defined with `@Path`.
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "deleteTeacherById")
         int deleteDate(@Param() String name); // Wrong, method return must be Map,List,void,dynamic.             
  5. Annotate your own RestClient class with Put

       @Rest(rootUrl: "https://api.biminds.cn/")
       abstract class RestClient {
         /// comment
         @Put(path: "updateTeacher")
         updateTeacher(@Body() Map map);
         // WRONG
         @Delete(path: "updateTeacher")
         int updateTeacher(@Body() Map map); // Wrong, method return must be Map,List,void,dynamic.             
  6. run the build_annotation_route.sh in your workspace Or just run the command below in your workspace

     flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

    suggest you running the clean command before build:

     flutter packages pub run build_runner clean

Installation #

install from packages #

add packages to dev_dependencies in your pubspec.yaml

  flutterannotations: any

install from source code #

clone the code, then put it into your workspace, announce it in your pubspec.yaml example:

    path: flutterannotations
pub points


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Fast Flutter Development. Easy maintenance.

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