flutter_yandex_mobile_ads 0.0.4 flutter_yandex_mobile_ads: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for Yandex Mobile Ads to display interstitial and Rewarded ads.
Flutter plugin for Yandex Mobile Ads SDK #
This plugin supports Interstitial and Rewarded Video ads for Android and iOS.
Installation #
To instrument your flutter based mobile application with Yandex Mobile Ads Plugin, add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
flutter_yandex_mobile_ads: 0.0.4
Usage: #
Init #
Interstitial Ad #
Load #
listener(YandexAdEvent event, dynamic args) {
if (event == YandexAdEvent.adReady) {
interstitialLoaded = true;
} else if (event == YandexAdEvent.adLoadFailed) {
debugPrint("Failed to load Interstitial Ad");
Yandex.interstititalListener = listener;
Replace "R-M-DEMO-interstitial" with your placement key.
Show #
Rewarded Video Ad #
Load and Show #
var listener = (YandexAdEvent event, dynamic args) {
if (event == YandexAdEvent.adReady) {
} else if (event == YandexAdEvent.adLoadFailed) {
debugPrint("Failed to load Rewarded Video");
} else if (event == YandexAdEvent.adRewarded) {
debugPrint("Successfully rewarded");
Yandex.rewardedListener = listener;
Replace "R-M-DEMO-rewarded-client-side-rtb" with your placement key.