flutter_xlider 1.0.1 copy "flutter_xlider: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
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A material design slider and range slider with rtl support and lots of options and customizations for flutter

flutter_slider #

A material design slider and range slider with rtl support and lots of options and customizations for flutter

Version 1.0.0 and above will break functionality of older (beta) versions. #

Get Started #

Single Slider #

A single slider

  values: [300],
  max: 500,
  min: 0,
  onDragging: (lowerValue, upperValue) {
    _lowerValue = lowerValue;
    _upperValue = upperValue;
    setState(() {});


to make slider Right To Left use rtl: true

  rtl: true,


Range Slider #

A simple example of slider

  values: [30, 420],
  rangeSlider: true,
  max: 500,
  min: 0,
  onDragging: (lowerValue, upperValue) {
    _lowerValue = lowerValue;
    _upperValue = upperValue;
    setState(() {});


Handlers #

You can customize handlers using handler and rightHandler properties.
width and height are required for custom handlers, so we use SizedBox as a wrapper

if you use rangeSlider then you should define rightHandler as well if you want to customize handlers

here there is a range slider with customized handlers and trackbars

  handler: SizedBox(
    width: 20,
    height: 50,
    child: Container(
      child: Icon(
        color: Colors.black54,
        size: 13,
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
          color: Colors.white,
          border: Border.all(color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.12))),
  rightHandler: SizedBox(
    width: 20,
    height: 50,
    child: Container(
      child: Icon(
        color: Colors.black54,
        size: 13,
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
          color: Colors.white,
          border: Border.all(color: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.12))),

Handler Scale Animation #

You can control the scale animation type of your handlers, it's duration and it's scale size using handlerAnimation
handlerAnimation accepts a FlutterSliderHandlerAnimation class which has 4 properties as following

    handlerAnimation: FlutterSliderHandlerAnimation(
      curve: Curves.elasticOut,
      reverseCurve: Curves.bounceIn,
      duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
      scale: 1.5


if you don't want scale animation, then just pass 1 to scale property
if you don't want reverseCurve, just ignore it. default is null

Trackbars #

to customize track bars you can use FlutterSliderTrackBar. You can see the details here

    trackBar: FlutterSliderTrackBar(
      activeTrackBarColor: Colors.redAccent,
      activeTrackBarHeight: 5,
      leftInactiveTrackBarColor: Colors.greenAccent.withOpacity(0.5),

Tooltips #

in order to customize your tooltips, you can use FlutterSliderTooltip class. You can see all properties here

  tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
    textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 17, color: Colors.white),
    boxStyle: FlutterSliderTooltipBox(
      decoration: BoxDecoration(
        color: Colors.redAccent.withOpacity(0.7)


Tooltip Prefix #

You can use leftPrefix, leftSuffix, rightPrefix, rightSuffix to add your desired widget around tooltip content.

    tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
      leftPrefix: Icon(Icons.attach_money, size: 19, color: Colors.black45,),
      rightSuffix: Icon(Icons.attach_money, size: 19, color: Colors.black45,),


Tooltip Number Format #

you can customize tooltip numbers by using NumberFormat class
here is an example

    tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
      numberFormat: intl.compact(),
      // numberFormat: intl.NumberFormat(),

you can find more about NumberFormat


Disable tooltip #

To disable tooltips, use disabled in FlutterSliderTooltip class

    tooltip: FlutterSliderTooltip(
      disabled: true,

Controls #

Jump #

by default slider handlers move fluently, if you set jump to true, handlers will jump between intervals

  jump: true,

divisions #

The number of discrete divisions

  divisions: 25,

Ignore Steps #

if your configurations requires that some steps are not available, you can use ignoreSteps property.
this property accepts a simple class to define from and to ranges.

    ignoreSteps: [
      FlutterSliderIgnoreSteps(from: 8000, to: 12000),
      FlutterSliderIgnoreSteps(from: 18000, to: 22000),


Minimum Distance #

when using range slider, the minimum distance between two handlers can be defined using minimumDistance option

    minimumDistance: 300,


Maximum Distance #

this is the opposite of minimum distance, when using range slider, the maximum distance between two handlers can be defined using maximumDistance option

    maximumDistance: 300,


Always Show Tooltips #

tooltips always displayed if this property is set to true. like above example

  alwaysShowTooltip: true,

Touch Zone #

You can control how big a handler's touch area could be. by default touch zone is 2
the range is between 1 to 5

  touchZone: 2,

to see the touchable area for handlers you set displayTestTouchZone to true and test your slider

  displayTestTouchZone: true,


disabled #

to disable your slider, you can use disabled.

  disabled: true,

rtl #

makes the slider Right To Left

  rtl: true,

Events #

There are 3 events

onDragStarted: fires when drag starts
onDragCompleted fires when drag ends
onDragging keeps firing when dragging

all three of above functions returns two double values. Lower Value and Upper Value

  onDragging: (lowerValue, upperValue) {
    _lowerValue = lowerValue;
    _upperValue = upperValue;
    setState(() {});


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A material design slider and range slider with rtl support and lots of options and customizations for flutter

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flutter, intl


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