flutter_web_bluetooth 0.0.3 copy "flutter_web_bluetooth: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
flutter_web_bluetooth: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


A library to use the web bluetooth api.

Introduction #

Flutter web bluetooth is a Flutter plugin to add support for the web bluetooth api.

The example code in this project is hosted on Github pages. Checkout jeroen1602.github.io/flutter_web_bluetooth/ for a proof of concept.

Limited support #

The web bluetooth is still a draft, because of this it is not (yet) supported in every browser. Check canIUse.com for information about browser support.

Some parts of the api aren't available in every version of the browser.

Requirements #

The device and browser you're testing on needs to support the web api. For Chrome on Linux this is hidden behind a flag. I've created a patch file which you can use to launch Google Chrome, from flutter run with the required flag enabled. Check the chrome-experimental-launch folder's README for more information.

You will also need a secure context or else the api will not be available. So either https, or localhost.

Usage #

First check if the current browser supports the web bluetooth api.

FlutterWebBluetooth.instance.isBluetoothApiSupported; // The bluetooth api exists in this user agent.

After this we will need to check if bluetooth is available

FlutterWebBluetooth.instance.isAvailable; // A stream that says if a bluetooth adapter is available to the browser.

Now request a device from the browser. You must beforehand request from the browser (and user) which services you want to connect to! If you do not request access to a specific service then you won't be able to discover the service!

// Define the services you want to communicate with here!
final requestOptions = RequestOptionsBuilder.acceptAllDevices(optionalServices: [

try {
  final device = await FlutterWebBluetooth.instance.requestDevice(requestOptions);
} on UserCancelledDialogError {
  // The user cancelled the dialog
} on DeviceNotFoundError {
  // There is no device in range for the options defined above

Now that you have a device, you can go through the services and then find the characteristics you want to read.

await device.connect();
final services = await device.discoverServices();
final service = services.firstWhere((service) => service.uuid == BluetoothDefaultServiceUUIDS.DEVICE_INFORMATION.uuid);
// Now get the characteristic
final characteristic = await service.getCharacteristic(BluetoothDefaultCharacteristicUUIDS.MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING.uuid);
final value = characteristic.readValue();
// Now we have [ByteData] object with the manufacturer name in it.

Once you have paired to a device you can communicate with it again without the user needing to pair to it again. Get a reference back to all the connected devices by listening to the devices stream.

FlutterWebBluetooth.instance.devices; // A stream with a [Set] of all the devices that the user has paired, and given permission for.