flutter_watcher 2.1.0+2 copy "flutter_watcher: ^2.1.0+2" to clipboard
flutter_watcher: ^2.1.0+2 copied to clipboard

Simple state management for Flutter, with caching capability

2.1.0+2 #

  • Updated some docs.

2.1.0 #


  • Enhanced all the Watcher and CachedWatcher classes.
    • To improve usability, we recommend using custom classes for built-in types, such as ListWatcher<E>, MapWatcher<K, V>, DateTimeWatcher, etc. These specialized classes are designed to behave just like their native counterparts. For instance, you can use ListWatcher<E> with a for loop just as you would with any standard List. However, When using the .watcher extension, there's no need to update your code; it automatically creates the appropriate type based on your context.

2.0.0 #

New Features

  • Stream to Watcher: Introduced toWatcher extension for streams, enabling conversion of any stream into a Watcher.

  • Cached Data Access: Added cache getter in CachedWatcher for direct cached data access outside the read function.

  • isDisposed in Watcher: Added isDisposed in the Watcher. it is useful when you want to safely do some operations on the Watcher without getting exception if it gets disposed.

  • Watch Widget: New Watch widget added for reacting to changes in any Listenable, not limited to Watcher.

  • WatchAll Widget: Introduced WatchAll widget, similar to Watch but for a list of Listenable instances, monitoring changes in each.

Breaking Changes

  • Widget Renaming: Renamed WatchValue Widget to WatchValue.

  • The prevValue is removed from the Watcher class and now available only through the watchWhen in the all watcher widgets.

  • Extension Modification: Modified .watch extension; it no longer provides the value in the builder function. Use .watchValue instead.

  • CachedWatcher Update: CachedWatcher is now abstract, requiring subclasses to implement read and write methods for enhanced custom data handling.


    • Before: final typeCachedWatcher = Type().cachedWatcher(read: .., write: ..);
    • Now: final typeCachedWatcher = TypeCachedWatcher(); // TypeCachedWatcher extends CachedWatcher
    • Primitive types usage remains the same: final counter = 0.cachedWatcher('counter_key');

1.0.4 #

  • This version returns the ListValueNotifierEx Accidentally removed from the previous version.

  • Added new NullableIterableValueNotifierEx for Nullable Iterable values inside the Watcher.

1.0.3 #

  • All extensions for the Watcher<T> class in Flutter have been enhanced. Included all missing actions for each Watcher<T> extension. Updated documentation for each action to provide clearer guidance and use-case examples.
    • These extensions allow for direct manipulation of the data types within Watcher<T>, mirroring operations typically performed on the underlying data types themselves.

Example Usage #

final boolWatcher = true.watcher;

final counter = 10.watcher;

final urlWatcher = Uri.parse("https://example.com").watcher;
urlWatcher.updatePath("/newpage"); // without the extension u would use `urlWatcher.value.updatePath("/newpage");` 

final listWatcher = [1,2,3].watch;

1.0.2 #

1.0.1 #

  • UPDATE: Updated the docs.

1.0.0 #

  • INITIAL: Initial release.
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Simple state management for Flutter, with caching capability

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flutter, flutter_helper_utils, hive, hive_flutter


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