flutter_vlc_player 7.4.3
flutter_vlc_player: ^7.4.3 copied to clipboard
A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player. Supports multiple players on one screen.
7.4.3 #
- Bumped minimum Flutter SDK requirement to 3.22.0 and Dart SDK requirement to 3.4.0. The minimum supported Android version is now 5.0 (API level 21)
- [Android] updated libvlc
- [Android] set Java compatibility to 11 instead of 8
- [ios] updated MobileVLCKit
- updated exmaple
7.4.2 #
- fixed getVolume #486 Credits to pinpong (https://github.com/pinpong)
- updated MobileVLCKit & libvlc Credits to pinpong (https://github.com/pinpong)
- Fix: Unable to replay when status is stopped #449 Credits to Virczz (https://github.com/Virczz)
7.4.1 #
- Add support for Flutter 3.16 Credits to thearaks (https://github.com/thearaks)
7.4.0 #
- Important change: Removed AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin from plugin widget
- Mobile VLC update to 3.6.0-eap9
- Allow background playback Credits to Oliver Nitzschke (https://github.com/pinpong)
- fix instructions for proguard Credits to Luiz Fernando Baldo Marques (https://github.com/luizbaldo)
7.3.1 #
- Restore Flutter 3.3-3.7 compatibility Credits to Yang Fang (https://github.com/yangsfang)
7.3.0 #
- Fix http-user-agent & reuse options on iOS Credits to Afriza N. Arief (https://github.com/afriza)
- Update to Dart 3 and Flutter 3.13 Credits to romain.gyh (https://github.com/romaingyh)
7.2.0 #
- Update to latest VLCKit sdks Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
7.1.5 #
- Fix plugin destructor (https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/issues/237)
7.1.4 #
- Interim release to fix Flutter 3 issues
7.1.3 #
- Added support for multi-window mode in Android. Credits to Andy Chentsov (https://github.com/andyduke).
7.1.2 #
- Add Hybrid composition support for Android.
7.1.1 #
- Fixed to work on Android 6-. Credits to Yury Kostov (https://github.com/kostov).
7.1.0 #
- Upgrade iOS and Android Lib VLC libraries to address performance issues. https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-ios/-/issues/1240 Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
7.0.1 #
- Improve formatting
- Modify LICENSE to use template so it parsed automatically.
7.0.0 #
- Breaking Change: Refactored enum parameters to follow dart naming convention
- Fixed control overlay issue after upgrading to Flutter 2.8
- Fixed Dart analysis warnings
- Removed unnecessary initialization delay Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413), Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross), Illia Romanenko (https://github.com/illia-romanenko) and Yurii Prykhodko (https://github.com/solid-yuriiprykhodko).
6.0.5 #
- Fix issue with options applying (Android)
- Update VLCKit for iOS and Android Credits to Vladislav Murashko (https://github.com/mrvancor).
6.0.4 #
- Added VLC http options Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413).
6.0.3 #
- Added VLC recording feature Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413).
6.0.2 #
- Fix issue with VLC error event
- Added onInit & onRenderer listeners Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413) and solid-vovabeloded (https://github.com/solid-vovabeloded).
6.0.1 #
- Fix issue with black screen / offstage Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
6.0.0 #
- Support Flutter V2 Null Safety Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
5.0.5 #
- Added VLC Subtitle Styling.
- Split ios swift code into multiple files for better readability. Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413) and Yurii Prykhodko (https://github.com/solid-yuriiprykhodko).
5.0.4 #
- Added isSeekable method Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413), Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross).
5.0.3 #
- Fix memory leak. Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413), Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross).
5.0.2 #
- Fix homepage link.
5.0.1 #
- Fix pub.dev image links.
5.0.0 #
- Entire rewrite of Flutter VLC Player.
- Updates to Android v2 plugin.
- Adds Platform interface.
- Adds Pigeon for type safe method calls. Credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413), Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross) and Yurii Prykhodko (https://github.com/solid-yuriiprykhodko).
4.0.3 #
- Update VLCKit for iOS and Android. Cleanup example Pod file. Clean up example gradle.
- Removed dispose calls on VlcPlayerController from VlcPlayer.
- Fix argument-less functions throwing FlutterMethodNotImplemented. Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross).
4.0.2 #
- Update Cocoapods version for VLCkit on iOS. This fixes issues with iOS 12 and Simulators. Credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross).
4.0.1 #
- Improved documentation.
4.0.0 #
- Improved structure (see example for breaking changes). Example code updated also.
- Fix android black screen issue
- Support playing local media/subtitle file
- Support casting media to external device
- Updated changing audio/subtitle method
- Support audio/subtitle delay credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413) and Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.7 #
- Updates MobileVLC to allow for changing of subtitles and adding subtiles . credits to @rikaweb(https://github.com/rikaweb) and Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.6 #
- Updates MobileVLC to allow for handling of vlc error. credits to Alireza Setayesh (https://github.com/alr2413)
3.0.5 #
- Updates MobileVLC to allow for changing of volume. Example Updated Also. credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.4 #
- Updates MobileVLC to allow for options as flags and hardware acceleration/ credits to pharshdev (https://github.com/pharshdev) and Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.3 #
- Updates MobileVLC to fix a bug on iOS with Seek Time. See (https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/issues/72). Also adds seek bar to example player for demonstration purposes. credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.2 #
- Updates MobileVLC to fix a bug on iOS with HLS Streaming on VLCKit itself. See (https://code.videolan.org/videolan/VLCKit/-/issues/368), credits to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.1 #
- Fix a bug on Android with URL parsing. See (https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/issues/52), credits to pharshdev (https://github.com/pharshdev) and Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross)
3.0.0 #
- Migrated to Swift, thanks to Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross), Amadeu Cavalcante (https://github.com/amadeu01) and pharshdev (https://github.com/pharshdev).
2.0.0 #
- Improved structure (see example for braking changes), add aspect ratio and payback controls support thanks to John Harker (https://github.com/NBTX) and Mitch Ross (https://github.com/mitchross).
1.0.0 #
- Added multiple players support thanks to Kraig Spear (https://github.com/kraigspear)
0.0.2 #
- Android X support added thanks to Javi Hurtado (https://github.com/ja2375)
0.0.1 #
- initial flutter vlc plugin (not working with android x)