flutter_varioqub 0.0.4
flutter_varioqub: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for service A/B testing from Yandex Metrica - Varioqub
flutter_varioqub #
Flutter plugin for A/B testing service from Yandex Metrica - Varioqub Similar to Firebase Remote Config
Localization #
Plugin #
The plugin is based on Android/IOS SDK AppMetrica Varioqub and uses SDK functionality
All functionality is described in example
Initialization #
await Varioqub.init(apiKey:'appmetrica.XXXXXXX');
- used to initialize Varioqub, where XXXXXXX is the numeric id of the AppMetrica project
Default values #
defaultMap: {
used to assign default values in case the application has not received configs (internet connection disconnected, etc.)
Getting configs #
await Varioqub.fetchConfig();
- used to get configs
Activating configs #
await Varioqub.activateConfig();
Getting configs #
- getting a string value
- getting a Boolean value
- getting a value of a real type
- getting an integer value
Problems #
We did not take into account analytics in the current state of the plugin - the adapters are zero, we will be glad to see your support for the project