flutter_upayments 1.0.1 copy "flutter_upayments: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_upayments: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard


The UPayments flutter SDK allows you to integrate easily and faster with native Android and iOS apps. Manage your transactions and clients effectively and in real-time through our easy-to-use real-tim [...]

flutter_upayments #

The UPayments flutter SDK allows you to integrate easily and faster with native Android and iOS apps.

Manage your transactions and clients effectively and in real-time through our easy-to-use real-time dashboard.

We provide a powerful, secure payment and pre-built UI that can be used out-of-the-box to collect your users’ payment details.

This pre-built UI lets you accept KNET, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Visa and MasterCard.

Prerequisites #

To have the plugin integration working in a live environment, please refer to the section prerequisites and read it for more details

Integration #

Installation #

  1. Add flutter_upayments plugin to your pubspec.yaml file.


  flutter_upayments: <latest_version>

  1. Install the plugin by running the following command.

$ flutter pub get

Usage #

Inside your Dart code, do the following:

  1. To use the flutter_upayments plugin, import it into your Flutter app.

import ‘package:flutter_upayments/flutter_upayments.dart’;

  1. Request Payment.
  • Requestpayment: This step will request payment and return the callback data on payment success.



                              PaymentDetails, //All payment details

                              IsProduction, // is production mode or testing mode

                              OnSuccess, // method OnSuccess which returns data on callback

                              OnFailure // method OnFailure which returns data on error


Parameters #

  • PaymentDetails (Required): All payment details model should be passed in this parameter.

  paymentDetails userData = paymentDetails(

    merchantId: “”,

    // SetMerchantID    

    username: “”, 

    // Set User Name Provided, For Test Pass test  

    password: “”, 

    // Set Password, For Test pass test

    apiKey: “”, 

    // API Key for Test jtest123

    orderId: “”,

    // MIN 30 characters with a strong unique function (like hashing function with time) 

    totalPrice: “”, 

    // Total Price Payable amount (max 3 decimal points)

    currencyCode: “”, 

    /* Supported currency code 
KWD, SAR, USD, BHD, EUR, OMR, QAR, AED Contact us at support@upayments.com For sandbox: NA */

    successUrl: “”, 

    // URL to redirect the user to a successful transaction. For Test: https://example.com/success.html

    errorUrl: “”,

    // URL where the user will redirect after an error in payment. For Test: https://example.com/error.html

    testMode: “”, 

    // 0 for production mode,1 Sandbox Mode

    customerFName: “”, 

    // Customer Name

    customerEmail: “”, 

    // Customer Email

    customerMobile: “”, 

    // Customer Mobile number

    paymentGateway: “”, 

    /* knet for KNet transaction, c for Credit Card Transaction For Sandbox: NA */

    whitelabled: “”, 

    /* 1 = true (must be enabled by admin) 0 = false

    For SandBox : NA */

    productTitle: “”, 

    // Product Name/Description

    productName: “”, 

    /* Encoded array of product names Ex: Posting Products Name : 

    For SandBox: NA

    List<String> listProductName = new ArrayList<String>();


    listProductName.add(“product2”); */

    productPrice: “”, 

    /* Encoded array of product prices

    Ex: List<String> listProductPrice = new ArrayList<String>();



    For SandBox : NA */

    productQty: “”, 

    /* Encoded array of product quantities

    Ex: List<String> listProductQuantity = new ArrayList<String>();


    listProductQuantity.add(“4”); */

    reference: “”, 

    /* Merchant Order ID or Reference number for Sandbox: NA */

    notifyURL: “”, 

    // Notification URL that you can provide with every call to receive confirmations 


 RequestPayment( context, userData, true, OnSuccess, OnFailure ); 

  • IsProduction (Required): Pass boolean to show the mode of RequestPayment. if you send TRUE it will request payment in Production Mode. if you send FALSE it will request payment in Testing Mode.

   RequestPayment( context, PaymentDetails, true, OnSuccess, OnFailure ); 

  • OnSuccess (Required): You have to create a method that will contain 3 parameters that will give you the status of callback, data received on callback, and message.

  OnSuccess(isSuccess, data, message) {

             print(isSuccess); // it will print true if success else false

             print(data);// it will print all transaction details.

             print(message);// it will print a message.


  • OnFailure (Required): You have to create a method that will contain 3 parameters that will give you the status of error, data received on callback and message.

  OnFailure(isSuccess, data, message) {

             print(isSuccess); // it will print true if success else false

             print(data);// it will print all transaction details.

             print(message);// it will print a message.


Example #

import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;

import ‘package:flutter_upayments/flutter_upayments.dart’;

paymentDetails userData = paymentDetails(

  merchantId: “1201”,

  username: “test”,

  password: “test”,

  apiKey: “jtest123”,

  orderId: “12345”,

  totalPrice: “3.000”,

  currencyCode: “NA”,

  successUrl: “https://example.com/success.html”,

  errorUrl: “https://example.com/error.html”,

  testMode: “1”,

  customerFName: “test23”,

  customerEmail: “test23@gmail.com”,

  customerMobile: “12345678”,

  paymentGateway: “knet”,

  whitelabled: “true”,

  productTitle: “productTitle”,

  productName: “Product1”,

  productPrice: “12”,

  productQty: “2”,

  reference: “Ref00001”,

  notifyURL: “https://example.com/success.html”,


OnSuccess(isSuccess, data, message) {

  print(isSuccess); // it will print true if success else false.

  print(data); // it will print all transaction details.

  print(message); // it will print the message.


OnFailure(isSuccess, data, message) {

  print(isSuccess); // it will print true if success else false.

  print(data); // it will print all transaction details.

  print(message); // it will print the message.


class mainapp extends StatelessWidget {

  const mainapp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

    return Container(

      child: Center(

        child: RaisedButton(

          onPressed: () =>

              RequestPayment(context, userData, false, OnSuccess, OnFailure),

          child: Text(‘Pay’),






void main() => runApp(


        home: Material(child: mainapp()),



Contributing #

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open the issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update the tests as appropriate.

License #


pub points


verified publisherupayments.com

The UPayments flutter SDK allows you to integrate easily and faster with native Android and iOS apps. Manage your transactions and clients effectively and in real-time through our easy-to-use real-time dashboard. We provide a powerful, secure payment and pre-built UI that can be used out-of-the-box to collect your users payment details. This pre-built UI lets you accept KNET, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Visa and MasterCard.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, fluttertoast, http, webview_flutter


Packages that depend on flutter_upayments