flutter_truecaller 0.2.0+2 copy "flutter_truecaller: ^0.2.0+2" to clipboard
flutter_truecaller: ^0.2.0+2 copied to clipboard


Truecaller SDK plugin for Flutter apps. Verification via this plugin enables you to quickly verify / signup / login your users on the basis of their mobile number

flutter_truecaller #

Truecaller SDK plugin for Flutter applications.

Note: This plugin currently supports android only.

Integration #

1. Generating App key and Configure signing in gradle: #

Use this link to create an configure your app for signing key. (Also configure your debug build to sign using this key). Check out the build.gradle for the example app here.

Sign up here for truecaller developers account.

Refer to this official documentation for generating app key.

2. App Key Configuration #

Open your AndroidManifest.xml and add a meta-data element to the application element.

<application ...>  
<activity ...>  
.. </activity>  
<meta-data android:name="com.truecaller.android.sdk.PartnerKey" android:value="YOUR_PARTNER_KEY_HERE"/>  

Check out the AndroidManifest.xml in the example app here.

3. For Truecaller Overlay #

Note that flutter_truecaller plugin requires the use of a FragmentActivity as opposed to Activity. This can be easily done by switching to use FlutterFragmentActivity as opposed to FlutterActivity in your MainActivity (or your own Activity class if you are extending the base class).

Check out the MainActivity in the example app here.

4a. Verification flow (Supported Globally) #

Verification Flow

4b. Verifying non-truecaller users (Currently available only for India) #

In order to verify non Truecaller users, the SDK requires the below mentioned permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml.

Check out the AndroidManifest.xml in the example app here.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG"/>  
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS"/>  

For users who don't have Truecaller app present on their smartphones, the SDK enables user verification by means of drop call, which is triggered to the user's number in background to complete the verification flow (currently supported only for India).

Refer to this documentation for examples.

Usage #

Add the following imports to your Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_truecaller/flutter_truecaller.dart';  

Initialize TruecallerSDK :

final FlutterTruecaller caller = FlutterTruecaller();  
By default this method sets these constraints while initializing  
consentMode: FlutterTruecallerScope.CONSENT_MODE_BOTTOMSHEET,    
consentTitleOptions: FlutterTruecallerScope.SDK_CONSENT_TITLE_VERIFY,    
footerType: FlutterTruecallerScope.FOOTER_TYPE_SKIP,    
sdkOptions: FlutterTruecallerScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP  
These can be changed as needed by passing the optional parameters while initializing.  
String result = await caller.initializeSDK();  
String result = await caller.initializeSDK(    
  footerType: FlutterTruecallerScope.FOOTER_TYPE_LATER,    
  sdkOptions: FlutterTruecallerScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP,    

Check if the Truecaller app is present on the user's device or not by using the following method, e.g.

bool result = await caller.isUsable;  

You can change the locale for the truecaller overlay using the setLocale method.


You can trigger the Truecaller profile verification dialog anywhere in your app flow by calling the following method.

If you are integrating for both truecaller and non-truecaller users  
then you can listen to the "manualVerificationRequired" stream which returns false or true based on the scenerio if truecaller app is present or not.  
So that you can show different UI.  
FlutterTruecaller.manualVerificationRequired.listen((required) {      
   if (required)    
            builder: (_) => Verify(),    
      print("Verification automatically done via truecaller overlay");  

a.) When the user has agreed to share his profile information with your app by clicking on the "Continue" button on the Truecaller dialog
b.) When a non Truecaller user is already verified previously on the same device. This would only happen when the TruecallerSdkScope#SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP is selected while initialising the SDK to provision for the verification of non-Truecaller users also.

Truecaller profiles are returned in the trueProfile stream.


For verifying non-truecaller users #

You can initiate the verification for the user by calling the requestVerification method which initiates the verification and returns a boolean value which tells us that if the verification method initiated by truecaller is either a missed call method or an OTP based method.

If otpRequired is true then OTP based verification is initiated  
if false then missed call verification is initiated  
bool otpRequired = await caller.requestVerification("PHONE_NUMBER_HERE");  

There is no option in the Truecaller SDK to specify which verification method to use. It decides it on its own. Use the boolean value otpRequired returned to change your UI as needed.

The following logic can be used to call the required function.

   caller.verifyOtp(String firstName, String lastName, String otp);  
   caller.verifyMissedCall(String firstName, String lastName);  

Most debugging results are returned in FlutterTruecaller.callback stream.

All the errors are returned in FlutterTruecaller.errors stream.

The errors are of FlutterTruecallerException type. They have two getters:

errorCode for error code.

errorMessage for error message.

Scenerios when verifying non-truecaller users.

  • When drop call is successfully initiated for the input mobile number. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_MISSED_CALL_INITIATED
  • When drop call is successfully detected on that device by the SDK present in your app. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_MISSED_CALL_RECEIVED
  • When OTP is successfully triggered for the input mobile number. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_OTP_INITIATED
  • When OTP is successfully detected on that device by the SDK present in your app. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_OTP_RECEIVED
  • When the verification is successful for a particular number. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE
  • When the user is already verified on that particular device before. In this case, you will get the requestCode as VerificationCallback.TYPE_PROFILE_VERIFIED_BEFORE


Ensure that your Minimum SDK version is at least API level 16 or above ( Android 4.1 ). In case your android project compiles for API level below 16, you can include the following line in your AndroidManifest.xml file to avoid any compilation issues :

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"  
<uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="com.truecaller.android.sdk"/>  

Using this would ensure that the sdk works normally for API level 16 & above, and would be disabled for API level < 16 Please make sure that you put the necessary API level checks before accessing the SDK methods in case compiling for API level < 16

This plugin has AndroidX dependencies, please migrate your app to AndroidX if you haven't already. Android's Migrating to Android X Guide.


IOS support

Advanced steps for validating the request-response correlation

Server Side Response Validation

pub points


unverified uploader

Truecaller SDK plugin for Flutter apps. Verification via this plugin enables you to quickly verify / signup / login your users on the basis of their mobile number

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




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