flutter_treeview 1.0.7+1
flutter_treeview: ^1.0.7+1 copied to clipboard
A tree widget for Flutter that can be used to display nested, hierarchical data. It includes a number of features like styling labels, icons, and import and export utilities.
[1.0.7+1] #
Updated #
- Removed getColor method from utilities file and removed all tests related to the method.
[1.0.6+1] #
Added #
- Added ability to add specific color to node icon using iconColor and selectedIconColor property. This replaces the previous ability to do this using the removed NodeIcon class.
[1.0.5+3] #
[1.0.4+1] #
Updated #
- Updated Node copyWith method to properly use Generic for children nodes
- Removed hardcoded hoverColor when creating the TreeView widget
[1.0.3+2] #
- Removed unnecessary asserts
- Removed null safety check on TreeView scroll physics property
[1.0.3+1] #
- Null check bug fixes
[1.0.2+1] #
- Bug fixes
Updated #
- Fixes: Null check operator used on a null value
- Fixes: Node Data not being written when TreeViewController is converted back to a Map Create issue
[1.0.1+1] #
- Updated internal references
[0.10.0+1] #
Updated #
- Fixed NodeExpander Size issue
- Updated code to use proper hover color between web and mobile
[0.9.0+1] #
Added #
- Added expandSpeed property to TreeViewTheme to control the speed in which nodes are animated.
- Added node builder to TreeView to allow custom display of node data. Builder function accepts build context and Node as parameters.
- Added expandAll, collapseAll, withExpandAll and withCollapseAll to TreeViewController
Updated #
- Refactored Node class to use IconData for the icon property.
Removed #
- Removed NodeIcon class.
[0.7.1+1] #
Updated #
- Refactored logic to prevent getter 'key' called on null error when calling expandToNode and collapseToNode functions.
[0.7.0+1] #
Added #
- Added support for vertical and horizontal spacing. Thanks to Long Ti.
- Added support for padding node icons.
- Added bool parent property to Node class to force node to act as parent.
Updated #
- Updated expander theme to not default to black but instead use the color of the current theme.
- Removed background color from tree nodes that aren't selected
[0.4.0+1] #
Added #
- Added expandToNode method to TreeViewController to support expanding all nodes down to specified node. Returns List
- Added collapseToNode method to TreeViewController to support collapsing all nodes down to specified node. Returns List
- Added withExpandToNode method to TreeViewController to support expanding all nodes down to specified node. Returns TreeViewController.
- Added withCollapseToNode method to TreeViewController to support expanding all nodes down to specified node. Returns TreeViewController.
[0.2.0+1] #
Updated #
- Added animation controller dispose to TreeNode to prevent memory leaks
Added #
- Added new dense property to TreeViewTheme
- Added new loadJSON and loadMap convenience methods to TreeViewController for data loading
- Added new convenience methods to TreeViewController: toggleNode, withToggleNode, selectedNode
[0.0.4+1] #
Updated #
- Added logic to update TreeNode when expanded programmatically
- Fixed issue with adding new node to a TreeNode with new children
[0.0.3+7] #
[0.0.2+1] #
[0.0.1] #
- Initial package release