flutter_translator 0.0.3
flutter_translator: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
Flutter Translator is a package use for in-app localization with json file. More easier and faster to implement. This package is inspired by the flutter_localizations itself.
How to use #
Create the json file for the language translation #
We're not support the dynamic path and file name yet so the json files have to be at the assets/locales/ and the file name has to be localization_{languageCode}.json example: localization_en.json So the directory tree will look like this:
|__ ...
|__ assets
|__ fonts
|__ images
|__ locales
|__ localization_en.json
|__ localization_kh.json
|__ localization_ja.json
|__ ...
And don't for get to add asset path to the pubspec.yaml:
- assets/locales/
Project configuration #
Initialize the TranslatorGenerator object (this can be local or global, up to you)
final TranslatorGenerator _translator = TranslatorGenerator.instance;
Init the supported languages and default language code for the app. This has to be done only at the main.dart
void initState() {
languageCodes: ['en', 'kh', 'ja'],
initLanguageCode: 'en',
_translator.onTranslatedLanguage = _onTranslatedLanguage;
void _onTranslatedLanguage(Locale locale) {
setState(() {});
Add supportedLocales and localizationsDelegates to the MaterialApp
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
supportedLocales: _translator.supportedLocales,
localizationsDelegates: _translator.localizationsDelegates,
home: HomeScreen(),
Call the translate function anytime you want to translate the app and provide it with the language code
child: Text('English'),
onPressed: () {
To display the value from the json file, just use the getString function by providing context and key
_translator.getString(context, 'title');